Latest update from Bee Cave Mayor:
Propane: Both Bee Cave and Lakeway Assistant City Managers are working on this. They are going down the individual propane list and still aggressively working to make sure all communities can get propane tanks in. We are so grateful for their tenacity and hard work!
Electric- According to the VP of Field Ops at Austin Energy, when I texted with him this morning, everyone in our area has their grid on. If your power is still out, it's a technical problem and he's dispatching crews to the area. Windwept Dr and 3 streets in the Uplands- you are on their radar. Hopefully crews arrive today. I have 4 homes in Bella Colinas still not with power. AE knows about you too. However, our fire chief had an idea. Please go out to your breaker box and flip all breakers to off. Wait a few seconds and then turn back on. He said most of the time, this helps when we have individual houses without power. Please send me an email if this doesn't work.
Water: WCID 17 customers: Still an issue for the southern parts of the line. This includes FW, The Mansions Apartments, Serence Hills and Majestic Hills. A few of you are starting to see a trickle. It is IMPERATIVE that if you get water you boil it for drinking and only use it for life saving needs. These needs DO NOT include laundry, showers (sadly) and dishwashers. You must conserve flow until all customers have their water restored. Mayor Cox and I were promised a text from WCID 17 when this has occurred. We will push out to everyone as soon as we have the verified info.
Homestead and Spanish Oaks on PUA water: (Bee Cave West y'all are on PUA but served on a different line.) There has been a water main break on 71. Crews are working on the repair. You should have water mid-afternoon today. I will update your neighborhoods when repair is confirmed.
Drinking water is on the way. Commissioner Howard is working on getting us some and Nestle has pallets of drinking water on the way. We will let y'all know when we have it and distribution plans to all who need it.
Infamous Brewing, in Lakeway (4602 Weletka Dr, Austin, TX 78734) has offered free drinking water to anyone who can bring their own gallon jugs to fill up.
Lake Travis Crisis Ministreries will be opening tomorrow, for those in need of their services.
This morning I've been working with Mike Dalhouser and his fabulous crew of volunteers to get Formula, Diapers and Wipes secured for our needed neighbors. Target to the rescue again- I am so impressed with them and their store manager, Jessa Brooks. If you see her in Target, thank her for working to help our community.
Area restaurants are feeding our 1st responders and medical crews at BSW and St Davids Bee Cave. I will get a list together of who these people are and publish soon.
Roads- they are better than they've been all week. However please know that HEB has not been able to get trucks here (expected this evening, if conditions hold) so they have very slim pickings.
I'm off to work on a few more things- expect another comprehensive update tonight. And periodic social media updates on immediate concerns though the day.
We are almost there, y'all! I never dreamed a hot shower and a tall glass of drinking water would feel so good.....
Kara King
Mayor, City of Bee Cave
[email protected]