Happier at Home Mobile Veterinary Hospital

Happier at Home Mobile Veterinary Hospital We are a full-service mobile hospital that treats dogs, cats, and exotics in Harford County, MD.

Hello H@H Family!The hospital will be closed on Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. We will return to nor...

Hello H@H Family!

The hospital will be closed on Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. We will return to normal business hours on Tuesday, September 3rd, at 9am.

In case of a medical emergency, please reach out to your local ER for assistance:

Animal Emergency Hospital (Bel Air, MD): 410-420-7297 *not 24/7*
Mason Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital (Shrewsbury, PA): 717-432-6030 *sees some exotics - call first*
Pet+ER (Hunt Valley, MD): 410-252-8387
Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists (Glen Mills, PA): 610-477-8797
Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services (Fairfax, VA): 703-281-3750
Windcrest Animal Hospital (Willmington, DE): 302-998-2995 *sees some exotics - call first*
Veterinary Emergency Group (Pikesville, MD): 410-793-4910 *sees some exotics - call first*

Welcome back to In Memory Monday. Oh, Chili Mama. There are just not enough words to describe how deep your loss is. Whe...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Oh, Chili Mama. There are just not enough words to describe how deep your loss is. When you went into kidney failure in 2018, we collectively tried to brace ourselves for your loss. But Dr. Haskin pulled out all the stops, and somehow, you cheated what should have been certain death. As the aunt to your beloved kids, I had no idea how I was going to tell your mom and them that you weren't coming home, but you didn't make me do that, and I could never repay you that kindness.

You spent the next 6 bonus years loving life. You loved your kids with your entire heart, and were always there when they were having a bad day and needed cuddles. We joked that you were Gavin's emotional support dog, and Michaelynn still calls you her "best friend for life." You never missed a chance to bask in the sunlight. Wednesday's at Mommom's were one of your favorites because she was always sneaking you things to snack on. And while toe nail trims were sure to bring out your other side, I've never seen a dog that made up for it so completely by just loving every single person you met.

Watching your kids and mom say goodbye to you was the hardest thing I've done in a while, and every piece of me just wanted to make it better. But as it always does, your age caught up to you, and saying goodbye was the kindest thing.

We miss you, Chi. You left a giant hole in the hearts of everyone who loved you, which is everyone who ever met you. I'm not sure your kids will ever truly recover from your loss. But that's the downside of having something worth loving so fiercely. Thank you for sticking by their sides through all the ups and downs. 💙

(Photo credit to Sydney Jordan Photography for Chili's hospice pictures.

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.Today's In Memory Monday is for Miss Fluff. Miss Fluff was adopted by her mom from the ...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today's In Memory Monday is for Miss Fluff. Miss Fluff was adopted by her mom from the humane society. She had been left on the doorstep in a box after her previous owner became homeless. Her mom said they made eye contact in the cat room, and that was it.

Fluff was always great at telling time, and reminded her mom an hour before feeding time that mealtime was approaching. She loved to cuddle with her two dog sisters, Stella and Harper. She was the sweetest girl, and she didn't have enough time with her family.

Unfortunately Fluff's health started to decline, and her mom made the heartbreaking decision to let her go.

Rest easy, sweet girl. Your mom misses you.

UPDATE: Everything is working as normal. Thank you for your patience!Hello H@H family!We are having difficulties with ou...

UPDATE: Everything is working as normal. Thank you for your patience!

Hello H@H family!

We are having difficulties with our software today due to the global CrowdStrike outage. It is completely out of our control, but is affecting our text messaging and email. If you need to reach us, please give us a call and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience❤️🐾

It's National Tattoo Day! Most of you know that the Happy Team loves their tattoos! We even got matching ones as part of...

It's National Tattoo Day! Most of you know that the Happy Team loves their tattoos! We even got matching ones as part of the fundraiser for Harford Humane Society!

Let's see those pet related tattoos!!

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.Today we feature Guinness. Guinness hit the jackpot when it came to his family. Despite...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today we feature Guinness. Guinness hit the jackpot when it came to his family. Despite having many medical challenges in his life, including Cushing's disease, and a rupture disc in his back, with the help of his extremely dedicated family (and amazing dog sitter), Guinness overcame everything he faced.

He loved deeply, including his family, snack times, and naptime. While that love didn't necessarily extend to his Happy family, we loved him and his feistiness. He was always willing to take our treats, and was willing to let his mom and dad hold him so we could complete his treatments.

I know your family, including your four-legged sister and brother, are missing you so much, Guinness. Rest easy, sweet boy.

REMINDER: We are closed today, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. Please view the pinned post for local ER con...

REMINDER: We are closed today, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. Please view the pinned post for local ER contact information.

We hope everyone enjoys a safe holiday!

Welcome back to In Memory Monday!Today we feature Piggy. Piggy was adopted by her owners at the ripe old age of 12. She ...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday!

Today we feature Piggy. Piggy was adopted by her owners at the ripe old age of 12. She came to them with a history of neurological issues, and her owners knew they had to step up and help her.

Piggy's mom remembers Piggy as "too good for this world." She loved everything and everyone, including her human and feline family.

Unfortunately Piggy's family only got a year with her before her body failed her, and they had to make the gut wrenching decision to let her go with some dignity. We know how much her mom loved her, and we know she is missing her terribly.

Rest easy, sweet Piggy girl. 🐽

The Happier at Home family would like to wish Lia a giant farewell. Lia will be moving to be closer to her parents, and ...

The Happier at Home family would like to wish Lia a giant farewell. Lia will be moving to be closer to her parents, and must leave Happier at Home. We know the clients loved speaking to Lia when they called Happier at Home, and that her voice offered a comforting shoulder to lean on when needed. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors!

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.Today, we feature Jojo. Jojo was the dearest old man you could ever meet. In his younge...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today, we feature Jojo. Jojo was the dearest old man you could ever meet. In his younger years, he was known for slipping out the door past you to greet whoever was in the driveway, and he was always excited to see the grandbabies when they visited.

Jojo's family adopted him when was less than a year old after being in a neglectful situation. He found his warm couch, and the love of his people, and never looked back. He was the kindest soul you could ever meet. He provided a lifetime worth of memories for his buddy, Matthew, as even his earliest memories include Jojo.

We know Jojo's family are missing him terribly. Rest easy, sweet boy. 💙


Attention H@H family!

Please be aware of this change and make necessary arrangements in case of emergency.

Here are some additional ER options:

• Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists (Glen Mills, PA): 610-477-8797
• Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services (Fairfax, VA): 703-281-3750
• Windcrest Animal Hospital (Willmington, DE): 302-998-2995 *sees some exotics - call first*

‼️EXTREME HEAT WARNING‼️Everyone please be aware of these dangerous conditions in the next few days.• All pets should be...


Everyone please be aware of these dangerous conditions in the next few days.

• All pets should be kept inside to prevent heat stroke
• Cool, fresh water should be available 24/7
• No walks, just going outside to potty and then come back inside
• Do NOT let your dogs walk on the asphalt - their paw pads will burn!
• Familiarize yourself with signs of overheating to prevent an emergency

We hope everyone is able to stay safe and cool during these super hot days!!

Just a friendly reminder as the holiday quickly approaches!❤️🤍💙

Just a friendly reminder as the holiday quickly approaches!❤️🤍💙

Hello H@H Family!

The hospital will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. We will return to normal business hours on Friday, July 5th.

In order to prevent any last-minute needs, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience for medication or prescription diet refills. We will do our best to get them to you prior to the holiday.

**If you feel your pet would benefit from medication(s) to help with fear, anxiety, and stress brought on by this holiday’s festivities, please reach out ASAP**

In case of a medical emergency, please reach out to your local ER for assistance:

Animal Emergency Hospital (Bel Air, MD): 410-420-7297
Mason Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital (Shrewsbury, PA): 717-432-6030 *sees some exotics - call first*
Pet+ER (Hunt Valley, MD): 410-252-8387
Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists (Glen Mills, PA): 610-477-8797
Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services (Fairfax, VA): 703-281-3750
Windcrest Animal Hospital (Willmington, DE): 302-998-2995 *sees some exotics - call first*
Veterinary Emergency Group (Pikesville, MD): 410-793-4910 *sees some exotics - call first*

Meet Griffey! Griffey came to us terrified of nail trims and blood draws. After discussing options for helping Griffey t...

Meet Griffey! Griffey came to us terrified of nail trims and blood draws. After discussing options for helping Griffey to help with his nail trim anxiety, Griffey's mom and Dr. Haskin came to the conclusion that a reversible sedative would be the ideal option. Yesterday, we saw Griffey, gave him a little poke in the back end, and Griffey took a nice nap while we pulled his labwork and trimmed his nails. When we were done, Griffey got another little poke, and he woke right up, none the wiser.

Not long after this picture, Griffey got up and ate the treats we were using to entice him to wake up from his nap. 😂😂

If you think your pet would benefit from reversible sedation to help with visit anxiety, please feel free to reach out!

Did you know that our amazing crematorium, Abbey Glen Pet Memorial, is partnered with Pet Reefs to provide an amazing op...

Did you know that our amazing crematorium, Abbey Glen Pet Memorial, is partnered with Pet Reefs to provide an amazing opportunity for pet owners to help rebuild our coral reefs?

All the remains from pets that are sent to Pet Memorial for communal (or group) cremation automatically go towards building Reef Balls. The surface of the reef balls allow for adhesion of coral polyps, while the hollow center allow for fish and other marine life to seek shelter. The placement of the memorial reef balls help restore the ecosystem and ultimately rebuild the reef.

With dedicated pet memorial gardens in both New Jersey and Florida, Pet Reefs allows your pet's legacy to live on.

Owners that wish to do private cremation to retain some of their pet's remains can also set up for a private donation through their website.

Please visit their website for more information.


Welcome back to In Memory Monday.Today's IMM features a sweet boy named Benjamin. Ben was blessed to have not only a dad...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today's IMM features a sweet boy named Benjamin. Ben was blessed to have not only a dad who loved him dearly, but grandparents that also thought the world of him.

Ben's dad says he loved car rides to enjoy a pup cup, go for walks (and was impatient in waiting to do so), and watch TV. His favorite show was Big Cat Diaries, and he loved it so much, that he had a history of knocking over the TV while trying to interact with the lions. He was always able to find the most comfortable spot on the blankets, and could often be found curled up on them.

Ben stayed by his dad's side through his military career, traveling to 10 states while doing so. He never seemed to mind as long as his dad was with him.

Ben was the sweetest boy. The Happy team knows how much his family loved him, and our hearts hurt for his family knowing they are without him.

Rest easy, sweet Benjamin. You are so missed.

Welcome back to In Memory Monday. I mentioned a few weeks ago that the Happy team had a run of losses with very special ...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that the Happy team had a run of losses with very special patients. Unfortunately the patient we are featuring today is one of those losses.

Oh, Cashie. There are just no words to describe how heartbroken we all were the day we lost you. We never expected to see the badness we saw on your xrays, and never imagined that a quick fit in visit for an upset belly would turn into your last day.

Cash liked to keep her family on her toes, and as she aged, developed severe anxiety attacks when having to leave her living room. This often resulted in her mama sleeping on the couch with her. This also meant that all of her vet appointments were done in her living room.

Cash knew the Happy truck, and when we pulled in, she would stand at the edge of her living room, peeking around the corner waiting for us to come in the house, and would let out the best screams of excitement when she saw us. She would bathe us in kisses, and undoubtedly would end up backing her b***y up and sitting in one of our laps. As long as we brought her yummy treats, we could do anything we needed.

In true Cash fashion, her loss brought people together. We connected Cash's mom with another client of ours that had recently lost her heart dog. They've become friends, and it makes our team so happy that our Happy family brought them together even in their saddest times.

We still wave at "Cash's house" when we drive by, because Cash was always in the window when we drove by. We joke with Cash's mom that even though their cat lives there, it will always be "Cash's house."

Cashie girl, we are so grateful that in your most vulnerable moment, we could let you say your goodbyes in the comfort of your living room that brought you safety, surrounded by your mom and dad, and your naughty cat sister.

Cash's mom once commented on one of our In Memory Monday posts, reminding that owner to "listen for her in the quiet moments. They never go far."

Cash has never gone far. She brings her mama and members of the Happy team butterflies when we need it most, and it is so comforting to know she's still around.

You are so, so missed sweet girl. Our team is heartbroken we will never hear your screams as we walk in the door again. Stay close to your mama, and your grandmom. They need all your love right now.

Cash was such a lucky girl to have the mom and dad she did. They loved her so deeply, and would have done any single thing to keep her, but in the end, no amount of love and dedication could have kept Cash here. The Happy teams hopes that her parents know they did everything possible for Cash, including the last ultimate act of kindness.

We love you Cash. The tears you still bring are immense to anyone who knew you and loved you. 💙🖤

Happy Friday!!*WARNING: Graphic photos in the comments*We wanted to share some photos of a patient who recently underwen...

Happy Friday!!

*WARNING: Graphic photos in the comments*

We wanted to share some photos of a patient who recently underwent surgery for a recurring ear hematoma. His name is Capone and he has had a tough time getting rid of this problem despite everyone’s best efforts. He has been a trooper and is such an amazing boy 💜

For those that may not know, an ear hematoma (or Aural Hematoma) is caused when blood vessels break in the ear flap (pinna) causing it to fill with blood. This typically happens when they shake their head aggressively causing trauma to the pinna🤕

In most cases, we can drain the ear and place medication inside to resolve the issue. Sometimes we need to place a drain that stays in for ~3 weeks because the ear takes a bit longer to heal. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for every patient and further intervention is required.

In this case, surgical intervention was necessary for Capone to help his ear to heal properly. Dr. Haskin placed stents (in the form of buttons) on both sides of his ear to encourage the layers to heal together. There is a small incision on the inside of the pinna to allow for any drainage during the healing process.

Capone received multiple cold laser therapy sessions before and after surgery during which he got to wear the super cute “Doggles”. He was really just happy to get treats and attention no matter what’s going on. (He’s clearly not spoiled at all 😉)

His Mom and Dad are keeping him company and have supporting him tremendously throughout this whole process. Help us wish Capone a very speedy recovery! ❤️‍🩹

Hello H@H Family!The hospital will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. We will return to...

Hello H@H Family!

The hospital will be closed on Thursday, July 4th, in observance of Independence Day. We will return to normal business hours on Friday, July 5th.

In order to prevent any last-minute needs, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience for medication or prescription diet refills. We will do our best to get them to you prior to the holiday.

**If you feel your pet would benefit from medication(s) to help with fear, anxiety, and stress brought on by this holiday’s festivities, please reach out ASAP**

In case of a medical emergency, please reach out to your local ER for assistance:

Animal Emergency Hospital (Bel Air, MD): 410-420-7297
Mason Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital (Shrewsbury, PA): 717-432-6030 *sees some exotics - call first*
Pet+ER (Hunt Valley, MD): 410-252-8387
Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists (Glen Mills, PA): 610-477-8797
Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services (Fairfax, VA): 703-281-3750
Windcrest Animal Hospital (Willmington, DE): 302-998-2995 *sees some exotics - call first*
Veterinary Emergency Group (Pikesville, MD): 410-793-4910 *sees some exotics - call first*

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.Today we are featuring Lucy. We saw Lucy as a patient because she wasn't a fan of veter...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today we are featuring Lucy. We saw Lucy as a patient because she wasn't a fan of veterinarians, or being taken out of her home. Unfortunately after seeing her, it became evident that Lucy was very sick, and aggressive hospitalization just wasn't feasible for her.

We helped Lucy's owners say goodbye in her home so Lucy didn't have to leave her bedroom at her most vulnerable time. It was evident that Lucy's family loved her.

Rest easy, Lucy.

Welcome back to In Memory Monday. Today we feature Nanook. Nanook was a gigantic, magnificent pup who demanded your atte...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today we feature Nanook. Nanook was a gigantic, magnificent pup who demanded your attention the minute you walked in the room.

When his owners went to pick their pup out of the litter, they say that Nanook was the one in the corner judging them. But despite his professional side-eye abilities, Nanook was an extremely happy boy who just loved everyone.

Unfortunately Nanook's body started to fail him, and his owners made the loving, but heartbreaking decision to let him go.

Rest easy, sweet Nanook. Your family misses you and your giant presence so much.

Hello H@H Family!The hospital will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day. We will return to norma...

Hello H@H Family!

The hospital will be closed on Monday, May 27th, in observance of Memorial Day. We will return to normal business hours on Tuesday, May 28th.

If you need any refills of prescription medications or prescription food, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make sure you receive them prior to the holiday.

In case of a medical emergency, please reach out to your local ER for assistance:

Animal Emergency Hospital (Bel Air, MD): 410-420-7297
Mason Dixon Animal Emergency Hospital (Shrewsbury, PA): 717-432-6030 *sees some exotics - call first*
Pet+ER (Hunt Valley, MD): 410-252-8387
Pinnacle Veterinary Specialists (Glen Mills, PA): 610-477-8797
Stahl Exotic Animal Veterinary Services (Fairfax, VA): 703-281-3750
Windcrest Animal Hospital (Willmington, DE): 302-998-2995 *sees some exotics - call first*
Veterinary Emergency Group (Pikesville, MD): 410-793-4910 *sees some exotics - call first*

Today's In Memory Monday is a little different than our normal.The Happier At Home Family is devastated to let our frien...

Today's In Memory Monday is a little different than our normal.

The Happier At Home Family is devastated to let our friends and family know of Killian's passing yesterday. Many of you have seen Killian on the truck on one of his many dental days. Please hold Molly and her family close as they mourn the loss of this amazing boy who defied all the odds.

Rest easy, sweet boy. Your Happy family loves you so much.

Molly's post:
"I never wanted to make this post…ever.

Today my heart was ripped out of my chest when my boy took his last breath in my arms. I loved him so, so much. The pain that we feel when we lose an animal so special to us is indescribable. Whether they are your own or not.

Killian came into my life very unexpectedly. He was found in a box next to a dumpster with a broken leg, broken ribs, and extremely emaciated. No one expected him to make it through the night. But he did. He had his leg amputated once he was strong enough. No one expected him to get around on his own. But he did.
He needed dental work done every 4 weeks due to malocclusion. Did that bother him, no not at all. He didn’t know that he was different - he was just a happy little bunny.

I am SO thankful for the years that I got to love him. And I am beyond grateful for the people in our lives who loved him too. He was so special and there will never be another like him.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out and for those who helped me through this day.

Until we meet again, Killian. I love you, little man💜"

Welcome back to In Memory Monday. We met Abby for the first time on her last day. From the moment we walked in the house...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

We met Abby for the first time on her last day. From the moment we walked in the house, it was evident how well loved Abby was. After chatting with her owners, it was evident that Abby's old age had caught up to her, and she was suffering from canine cognitive dysfunction, and wasn't always aware of her surroundings. Her owners felt that it was causing her to suffer, and we agreed.

Abby was blessed to have a family who loved her greatly, and they had over 14 wonderful years with her. In the end, Abby's family loved her enough to let her go while being surrounded by her other fur siblings, and her mom and dad.

Rest easy, sweet girl. Your family misses you.

UPDATE: Everything is back up and working 😊 Thank you for your patience!Hello! Our email server is currently down, and w...

UPDATE: Everything is back up and working 😊 Thank you for your patience!

Hello! Our email server is currently down, and we cannot see incoming emails or send emails out.

If you need something urgently, please call our phone - 443-966-4558.

Otherwise, please be patient and we will get back to you when the email is back up!

Thank you!!

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.Today, we are highlighting Buddy. Buddy was a sweet boy who was just over his 16th birt...

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

Today, we are highlighting Buddy. Buddy was a sweet boy who was just over his 16th birthday when his family said goodbye to him.

Unfortunately, as dachshund hearts go, Buddy suffered from heart disease, and in the end, it became too much, medical management wasn't working, and saying goodbye was the kindest thing for him.

We know he is greatly missed by his family. and we hope they are healing from his loss.

Rest easy, Buddy.

HAPPY WORLD VETERINARY DAY!!We love each and every one of our patients SO much and we are thankful to be a part of their...


We love each and every one of our patients SO much and we are thankful to be a part of their lives.

Take some time today to celebrate the veterinary community 💜🩵🐾

**Repost since his pictures didn't post for some reason**Welcome back to In Memory Monday.A few months ago, the Happier ...

**Repost since his pictures didn't post for some reason**

Welcome back to In Memory Monday.

A few months ago, the Happier At Home team had a long string of losses of some of our nearest and dearest patients. Unfortunately during that time, we lost sweet Mango.

Mango was owned by one of the Happy team's previous coworkers, and while his mom wasn't a technician, Mango certainly had the "technician's curse" when it came to medical issues. They say if it can go wrong with a veterinary technician's animal, it will go wrong, and Mango was no exception. He was beyond blessed to have a mom and dad that would do anything for him. Liver issues, diabetes, hyperthyroidism....Mango had it all, and had the medication regimen to go with it. His parents were wonderful, and managed him and his medical issues well. Unfortunately, due to diabetic neuropathy in his hindlimbs, Mango fell off his cat tree and broke his femur. While trying to decide if he was a surgical candidate, Mango developed additional medical issues that made him no longer a surgical candidate, and his owners made the gut wrenching decision to say goodbye.

Mango was the bestest boy, and we know that the decision to let him go was a one made love out of and selflessness. He truly couldn't have asked for better owners, and we are so grateful that we got to have Mango for a patient for as long as we did due to his owner's strict dedication to his care.

We all miss you, sweet boy. But nobody misses you more than your mama. 💙


Bel Air, MD

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm


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