I havnt realy discussed this with anyone because I don't want the pitty party. I've been going through a rough patch. About 12 weeks ago i suddenly couldn't breath and my muscles became extremely weak. We're still doing tests but were pretty sure I have some kind of myositis. That an auto immune disease that attacks my muscles. I also have pneumonia. I have not been able to leave my bed without assistance for almost 12 weeks.
I was wondering if anyone would be able to come here and do some feeding and cleaning for me. I'll defently show you my process or you can do what you do to get your room straightened out. I do have a hose in my room so that makes life easier. Maybe we can even partner up for a bit until i get through this.
In return I can hook you up with some cool projects and even some adult breeder females and males. I want to thin out my herd while i get through this.
Hopefully we can work something out. Thank you all for all the support over the years. I'm not going anywhere this is just a small hickup. Hopefully we can get everyone hooked up in 2025.