Today was absolutely amazing ! Riding in the snow with Darby on Peck and Hartley on Emeber and myself on newbie Fame !!!
Ms Dominique and My Darlin Red Rose did absolutely phenomenal today!
Dom is restarting riding after a many year break and has joined the AOS barn family to officially become a RoughRider!!!
Doing phenomenal with the not so easy Rosie who herself has had a great long while off due to an injury to the right fore earlier this year 😔 ,but after a good long rest feeling good and looking forward to getting back to work!
Two back-to-back hour lessons with an hour break in between for these two ladies and they just kept getting better and better we have a long way to go but we're looking forward to the miles and time it'll take us to get us to our goal!
I can't say how proud I am if you Dom it really isn't easy keeping up with that mare she is a bully especially after a long break haha but you handled her like a trooper never once lost your composure and always kept 110% effort! Way to go ladies!
Hope to see a few RoughRiders tomorrow on our ride with our dear friends the McNatt Crew !!!
Happy Trails Y'all