I posted this on my personal page, having trouble loading a video and photo here. This is Buddy, who came in with horrible hooves in April. One of our vets was called to euthanize him, and asked if we would try to save him. He's doing great, I really expected a full year to see him moving this well.
Saddled Corona, Diablo and Winston up this morning. All three did very well. Diablo and Corona have not been ridden much the past couple of years, but didn't forget anything!
Video of the lift in action!
Debbie doing some round pen work with Laredo.
Lady exercising herself with the help of a horsefly.
Short clip of Echo today.
Shannon, this is the bay Arab/qh cross. The gray gelding walks by the camera too.
Hope this works, a friend caught Mike getting dumped. Domino's signature move, havent seen him do this in yrs! Stop quick and dip a shoulder to send uyou over the top.
Rode Bo yesterday - he did ok, still leans towards lazy, but didn't act up at all. He's even doing well turned out, it's one of our other horses who's being a problem child! Domino keeps provoking him, but Bo isn't having it, he just ignores him.