Pet Insurance - If you have any kind of retriever, a poodle mix, or a dog with a habit of eating things and you don’t have pet insurance you are playing roulette with your dogs life and your finances (I said what I said).
I’ve seen the comments about saving your money instead of paying for insurance and you’ll break even. Maybe that’s the case. But what happens when your dog needs emergency surgery in October, depletes your pet insurance savings, and then has another emergency 3 months later.
I’d hate for you to have to decide in a seconds notice whether you can afford to save your dog.
I’m grateful this wasn’t the decision I had to make last night when I was quoted $4-5k for another possible surgery. I’m grateful I keep a line of interest free credit from and have insurance so the decision was simple.
Most expensive hairball ever and the next gray hair I find (hush, there have only been 2) will be because of her.