REGARDING ANIMAL-GRADE RAW MEAT ONLY (commercial raw cat/dog food diets and meat NOT for human consumption only)
To make it incredibly obvious - this is just for people who are worried and want to know prevention methods for the OVERALL household. There is only concerns at this time and people like to know how to prevent those concerns.
‼️IMPORTANT‼️- transmission from warm to cold blooded for this virus is highly unlikely at this time. -
There's no reason to fear, no reason to panic. Just a few simple recommendation for those who feed animal-grade raw meat. ♡
Re: USA Avian H5N1 (Bird Flu) Prevention tips if you feed commercially available raw food or raw meat to your reptiles, cats, or dogs. This is purely precautionary! There is no evidence this infects reptiles, but it has infected other animals (felines) who have eaten contaminated meat/came into contact with contaminated dung, and it has infected a human due to exposure.
-ACCORDING TO THE USDA, FOOD SUPPLIED FOR HUMANS ARE SAFE so all that grocery store chicken and turkey is perfectly fine ♡
We firmly believe we better be safe than sorry
Raw pet food and raw meat products are a common item to feed to many reptiles with carnivorous or wide omnivorous diets, which is why we felt it was necessary to post this.
Over the last few weeks, unfortunately, a domestic cat passed away in Oregon state, USA due to eating contaminated commercial raw food. While a single case of illness linked to pre-made raw food has been reported in the US, it is not representative of all diets.
We want to prevent this from happening to our furry and scaly friends at home (though, again, lack of evidence. The concern is more for mammals, including us!). Here is how to prevent contamination. Make sure you practice basic food handling safety.
1. Use a thermometer to cook all meat you get to 165 F or 74 C. this will kill the virus, but keep juices that are formed from cooking.
2. You can choose to not feed poultry or beef at the time. There are many other proteins to choose from.
3. HPP is not guaranteed to kill the virus. Freeze drying raw does not kill the virus. Freezing does not kill the virus
4. Do not feed raw eggs. (it's actually not the egg that is the issue but the shell.)
5. Feed a commercially available cooked food or - in regards to BTS - switch to primarily insects (with appropriate supplementation) for the time being.
There's no reason to fear, no reason to panic. Just a simple recommendation for those who are concerned ♡