This weekend, our Advanced Obedience / Life Skills class hit the mall! With permission from our local pet friendly mall, we were able to put our dogs to the test in a realistic and challenging environment. This specialized class is meant specifically for dogs and owners who have already earned their Canine Good Citizen title and are interested in furthering their skills. Way to go, everyone!
#zoomroom #zoomroombelmont #zrbelmont #dogtraining #dogs #dogobedience #caninegoodcitizen #cgc #cgcdogs #positivereinforcement #forcefree #rplus #puppy #puppytraining #bayarea #hillsdale
Thank you everyone who attended our Doom Room party this year and to those who entered our raffles! Congratulations to Aioli, Niko, Pancho, and Bowie! 🎉
Costume contest winners will be announced in the next few days 🎃
Enzo the Vizsla knows how to get it started in Puppy Playgroups! Would you believe that this was his first time with this group after graduating from Shy Puppy Playgroup? Way to go, Enzo!!
#zoomroombelmont #zoomroom #dogtraining #dog #dogsofinstagram #bayarea #dogs #positivereinforcement #zrbelmont #belmont #puppy #puppies #puppyplaytime #puppyplaygroup #vizsla #rottweiler
Murphy, Shasta, and Zay crushed it in Tricks this week! Are you interested in trying out trick training with your dog? We still have spots in our $10, 30-minute Intro to Tricks classes on Saturday (9/7)!
#trick #tricktraining #dogtraining #dogtricks #zoomroom #zoomroombelmont #positivereinforcement #swissshepherd #bayarea #dog #dogsofinstagram
This Saturday was our second week of our Scent Workshop and our dogs are already able to correctly alert to the scented tin (a combination of Birch and Anise oil) even when it’s surrounded by 8 decoy tins! Throughout the next four weeks we will start to isolate the scents and up the search difficulty, preparing them for our Scent 2 level.
#zoomroom #zoomroombelmont #zoomroom_belmont #scentwork #nosework #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #dogtraining #positivereinforcement #rplus #dogscentwork #dognosework #caninescentwork #caninenosework #dogenrichment #enrichment #canineenrichment #bayarea #belmont
On Saturday, our Advanced Obedience class took their very first field trip (not counting the parking lot)! While we utilize many distractions in our classes, nothing beats the challenges of the real world. We saw many distractions such as a kids birthday party, boys kicking a ball back and forth, and the smell of a nearby barbecue. Harrison, JuJu, Jackson, and Marchetti all did so well. Way to go, guys! 🐾🌳🐕
#zoomroom #zoomroombelmont #zrbelmont #dogtraining #dogobedience #positivereinforcement #rplus #forcefree #forcefreetraining #bayarea #obedience #dog #dogs #dogsofinstagram #sanfransisco #sf #belmont #twinpines #twinpinespark
Check out our Canine Good Citizens practicing their newly-learned “Tuck” cue in our Advanced Obedience / Life Skills class! This is a great way to get your dog out of the way, especially when out and about! We put them to the test by preparing a real-life bus scenario where they all had to squeeze in, but they did amazing!
#dogtraining #cgc #caninegoodcitizen #dogobedience #advancedobedience #zoomroom #zoomroombelmont #positivereinforcement #forcefree #forcefreetraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dog #dogsofinstagram
Here at Zoom Room, we train through luring, shaping, and capturing desired behaviors. What we DON’T use to train is the leash! Leashes are for safety, not communication, and because our training isn’t reliant on the leash, our high level dogs can provide the exact same behavior without the leash in the equation!
#dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #dogsofinstagram #dogs #pet #pettraining #zoomroom #zoomroombelmont #leashtraining #offleashtraining #positivereinforcement #positivereinforcementtraining #forcefree #forcefreetraining
Juno was seeing triple today in Puppy Playgroup! Lucky for her, Petal, Bentley, and Tucker decided that she could be an honorary Dachshund for the day 💕🐾
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