When I started 4 Paws Rejuvenation -Quality of Life Pet Care two years ago I could not have imagined how it would transform my life as I see how my life’s work and experience help to create a better life for the pets that I treat. Milo is an 18 year old Cocker Spaniel. When I first met him in February 2024 he was suffering from arthritis that made it difficult to walk, he couldn’t lift his head and his back was arched. He also had multiple large ulcerated masses, severe dental disease and other medical issues. His pet parents had asked several times for veterinary intervention to make him more comfortable and he was deemed too old for many years. This reel shows him as a puppy and a young dog in a loving family. It also shows his disability in February and his transformation as he was treated holistically with acupuncture, animal chiropractic, acoustic wave therapy , cold laser and Chinese herbs to get him healthy enough for surgery. With the help of the doctors and staff at Green Summit Animal Clinic his masses and infected teeth were removed. With the perseverance and determination of his loving family he will now live out the rest of his senior years with better quality of life!! I will be forever grateful to have been invited into the lives of so many pets like Milo!! #holisticpetcare #veterinaryacupuncture #4pawsrejuvenation #acupunctureforpets #acousticwavetherapyforpets #animalchiropractic #lilysplaynstay #greensummitanimalclinic #seniorpetcare #seniorpets
2023 was an exceptional year for me! My life is blessed in so many ways, and by so many people and their pets. Thank you all for gracing my life, and for your confidence in allowing me to help your pets feel more comfortable and have better quality of life. Some of your pets have gone to peace over this last year. Not surprising since most of my patients are geriatric and have chronic issues. I’m so thankful to have known them and to have had ALL of you in my life. Looking forward to the best for all of you in 2024!