This tick is ready to burst! This particular little bugger hitched a ride from California on a client's pet but we have also seen some locally as well 🤢
Spring is when we recommend starting parasite preventatives in preparation for the warmer months ahead. Year-round use of heartworm and flea-and-tick prevention is recommended for pets that travel outside of central Oregon during the winter. For those who use seasonal preventatives, remember to start by May at the latest. Talk with our staff to discuss the safest and most effective options to protect your pet.
Who’s ready for a big Thanksgiving meal!?! Remember to watch your leftovers and keep your pet health and away from high fatty foods!
Zander is enjoying his acupuncture and laser therapy for back issues. Both Dr Lee and Dr Casey are certified in acupuncture and we enjoy seeing the benefits! If interested in more alternative care for your pets call today ❤️
So much fun on puppy visits!! Beau and Maddie loving our technician Connie Evans!
Want to join our amazing team with a great work environment?! We are still currently hiring for a CSR and Veterinary LVT/Assistant. Join our family that values our employees and work-life balance. Video is of our team building trip enjoying some sun!
Does your pet have a best friend? Minnow the puppy and Zues the lamb love playing together!! Show us pictures of your best friends!
Here’s an example of how little seeds can quickly cause big problems. It’s important to check your pet’s for cheat grass seeds after walks/hikes. Be sure to pay special attention to their paws and armpits!
**Breaking News brought to you by RAH TV**
Does your pet eat a prescription food? We want to buy you a bag or case of it! Like to be entered into the drawing or enter a friend by tagging them below! (This drawing will be open until the end of the month!) 🐱🐶 #riversideanimalhospital #3rdAnniversary
What?!? The bosses have been gone this whole time?!? 🐭🐭🐭 #riversideanimalhospital #springbreak