4 Paws K9

4 Paws K9 4 Paws K9 will teach you how to train your dog. What we will coach you will depend on your goals.

Milo on a 15 foot lead. Strolling around the farm. I stop he looks back and then sits. Good bye Milo.Now if we could jus...

Milo on a 15 foot lead. Strolling around the farm. I stop he looks back and then sits. Good bye Milo.

Now if we could just get you to stop being so bouncy bouncy:)

Milo is here and working on his obedience. He is doing very well. He is a very happy loving dog.

Milo is here and working on his obedience. He is doing very well. He is a very happy loving dog.

People ask if my dogs are ever tired since I keep them rotating in their own packs.Well here is Saint the leader of her ...

People ask if my dogs are ever tired since I keep them rotating in their own packs.
Well here is Saint the leader of her three pack.

Before I snapped the picture her eyes were closed and she was on her back with all four in the air.

Everytime they are out they are mentally and physically stimulated.

Thankful to be able to work night shift to keep my pups all busy during the day.

Milo living his best life while here with us. He is slowly learning to be a dog. Loves kids and loves to play with them....

Milo living his best life while here with us. He is slowly learning to be a dog. Loves kids and loves to play with them. He has mastered passing baby gates and going into another room.
Now he has brought a toy outside!

He is an incredible dog who just needed patience, love and socialization.

Every dog deserves an opportunity. So if you are looking for a dog contact your local shelter or a rescue organization. Then remember it takes 3 months to feel at home on a minimum.

Our Luna took 3 years. She was also completely feral and she is a Coydog.


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Tomorrow will mark one week Milo has been with us. We have just let him decompress and enjoy his first week.He must foll...

Tomorrow will mark one week Milo has been with us. We have just let him decompress and enjoy his first week.

He must follow some easy basic rules which he has. He must be in his crate to eat and sleep. He must sit before his food is put down and or receive his treats.

To go outside or to come back inside he must sit in order for door to open. He is doing very well on these basic skills.

He is always happy to see humans. He has done well with our grandchildren. He still a very excitable puppy. I wish he could tell us what happened since he was born until my sister took custody of him.

Milo is here for some obedience training for a bit. Milo was adopted out three times. Returned 2xs. He has been with my ...

Milo is here for some obedience training for a bit.

Milo was adopted out three times. Returned 2xs. He has been with my sister for 3 months. He is a love bug and such a good boy.

We will continue his obedience training here. If the weather ever clears then leash training as well.

All dogs take work. Just like a toddler. Train up . They just don’t come the way you want them. Humans fail every time.

If you wouldn’t leave a toddler to roam about and figure out life how can you expect a dog. You have to feed a toddler you have to feed your dog.

Common sense people.

Happy Friday. Heat index will be about 110 today so they say. We have been up over an hour already. They all need at lea...

Happy Friday. Heat index will be about 110 today so they say. We have been up over an hour already. They all need at least one more hour before we can play or run around.

So we work on obedience training. She must get onto the pew and we work on sit or down and then she is released to chew on her toy and then repeat.

Stimulation for all dogs is a must. They love any type of a game. Even if you only have 5 minutes.

Stay cool and safe today. Make sure your dogs have fresh clean cool water. Make sure they are not outside for long periods of time. Do not walk them on pavement or cement unless it is early like now or late evening after sundown. The way to check it is if it is to hot for your bare feet then it’s to hot for your dogs.

I bring this up a lot. Unfortunately, humans need to heed these warnings and information. Another K9 tragically lost his life because the partner didn’t check in on him in the patrol car. Just because you have a system in place or the AC on you must be the fail safe not a piece of technology or equipment.

My dogs are my life and I know for many of you the same. We must continue to advocate for them and punishments should be in place for any abuse or negligence.

Yesterday one of these pups decided to steal my phone and text a few people and make some calls. I am not saying who did...

Yesterday one of these pups decided to steal my phone and text a few people and make some calls. I am not saying who did this.
The guilty one is right in front. A well trained dog will still get into mischief when they are board. She was left alone for one minute.


“Nothing in the world is friendlier than a wet dog.” - Unknown

This week for sure everyday! I don’t know about you but my dogs are seriously over the weather.

They are now singing “rain rain go away come back another day.”

Funny we all prayed hard for the rain. We all got what we asked for!

Keep them busy with something else if you can.


Not going to complain about all this rain.
However, half my dogs refuse to go out in rain as if they might melt.

The other half will go out and not have a care in the world. Then they refuse to be dried off. As if the towel is the monster of some sort.

Silly dogs. Silly personality on each and everyone of them.

Today I will just sit on deck and rotate each pack every thirty minutes all day long.

Can’t work outside because everything is flooded and I am trying to recover from a severe yellow jacket attack(I am allergic).

Have a great day!

KIMBER absolutely loves theses treats. Local store as well. By you purchasing like we do this supports a local farmer an...

KIMBER absolutely loves theses treats. Local store as well. By you purchasing like we do this supports a local farmer and his family.

Ollie and Aurora. Best friends. Ollie loves to play fetch and tag. He learned this by watching KIMBER and I.Dogs need me...

Ollie and Aurora. Best friends. Ollie loves to play fetch and tag. He learned this by watching KIMBER and I.

Dogs need mental stimulation. Just putting them outside to run in a backyard does absolutely nothing.

If you only have 5 minutes then spend 5 minutes mentally stimulating your dogs.

Aurora on the other hand would rather chill or wrestle with Ollie.

Nice and cool morning here on the farm. Until it gets hot.

Enjoy your day!


Love this girl so much. She is so smart and easy to train once we came to an understanding.
Every day she does something new. Something funny. Something amazing.
Enjoy your dogs. Their life is precious and so short.

This was one of two dogs we have ever "paid" for. This was Abella Dagny. UKC registered Valley Bull Dog. She was such a ...

This was one of two dogs we have ever "paid" for. This was Abella Dagny. UKC registered Valley Bull Dog. She was such a beautiful girl.

Dogs come and go. They are only here for their lifetime. Not ours. We lost her in 2020. We also lost our three seniors within a year.

Great memories with Abella BOO BOO.

Please do better by your animals.


Good morning. Another heat advisory for excessive heat. Please be mindful of your animals.

Your house can only cool to about 20 degrees less than outside temperature. Please stop setting your house so cold that your dogs can’t adjust to heat. We keep ours at 75 all day. Over night 68-72.

Let your dogs out in small increments as it gets hotter. Keep fresh clean water out for them. Do not let them drink a lot at one time because this could cause bloat. Kiddie pools with water so they can stand or lay in it. Helps cool them down.

Do not feed them right after being outside in excessive conditions. Let them cool down and rest for up to an hour.

Do not walk them on hot pavement. If it is to hot for your bare feet then guess what it is to hot for their paws.

Any animal in distress get to vet or emergency vet asap.

See something then say something. If you can’t say something then do something.

Our dogs and animals depend on us so do what is right.

Lastly, do not leave your dog in a car while unattended and or shut off. Make sure your dog is also properly restrained in your vehicle when you do have them with you. Accidents can happen.

Please be safe. 🐾🐾🐶🐶💜

Meet Nala and Nicko. My new clients. This was at the end of their session today.Today was day 1.Such good doggies.

Meet Nala and Nicko. My new clients. This was at the end of their session today.
Today was day 1.
Such good doggies.

Have you heard about Riley?!No! Well let me tell you this. We took in Riley as a foster through the organization we volu...

Have you heard about Riley?!
No! Well let me tell you this. We took in Riley as a foster through the organization we volunteer for. Riley was going to euthanized at 5pm on 12/18.

He has been with us since the 20th. Not one application not one look. He is a great loving social dog. Gets along with other dogs. Cats he could care less. He is a lot of work. He needs exercise. He needs a job.

If I could get Riley adopted I could save another dog. We are at capacity with 10 dogs. 9 dogs are ours now. Not foster failed we just knew they had a better chance with us then not.

We do what we do for them.
Fostering saves lives!
If interested in Riley please let me know.


Part one of video featuring my very own well trained dog Kimber. Only cares about her ball and playtime. No playtime allowed for two hours after eating. She knows the rules;)


Sometimes a well trained dog is just a dog and her ball.
Enjoy this video featuring my Kimber.


Good morning. We are coming into the warmer to hotter days ahead. Please keep your animals safe & secure with water. Do not let your dogs overheat or drink until they get sick. Let them cool down if need be, before allowing them to drink water. When in doubt call your vet ASAP.

Do not leave dogs unattended in a vehicle (unless A/C is on). Cracking the windows is not letting airflow into an already hot car. Dogs body temp are higher than ours and so is inside a vehicle.

When walking your dog's please check the temperature of the pavement. If it is too hot for your bare feet well then it is too HOT for your too.

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Today at the Draft House KIMBER participated in an event. She had an amazing time.Thank you to all who came out and that...

Today at the Draft House KIMBER participated in an event. She had an amazing time.
Thank you to all who came out and that you to Tommy. You the best says KIMBER:)


Good morning. Happy 2024 to you & your family. Please like. Share. Follow our page. We are booked for board & train in February. We will have a spot for March. Group training will begin in April.

Clover decided to go mudding. She enjoyed immensely. How could she not. Two days of solid rain again. Our backyard still...

Clover decided to go mudding. She enjoyed immensely. How could she not. Two days of solid rain again. Our backyard still under water. Then unlike her two sisters who regretted their decision she decided to go to place. Then another place. Then another place.

30 minutes to get her to figure out you need to go inside and kennel up. See Clover is a Parvo survivor. Yes, many dogs survive and many like a few of her siblings did not. I have the three survivors. Clover has a mental disability. Whether it is genetic or parvo. Hard to tell. The vet and I both believe it’s parvo caused.

We adopted her because we knew what her outcome in life would be. You have to have a massive amount of patience and time to work with a dog of this nature.

When you commit to buying, adopting a dog you commit to them for their life. They don’t live long lives. It is only a season in your life to commit. This generation is a me generation. Do better be better.

Our Clover bell. She is our foster fail. We adopted her and her two sisters in May. They were the only three who survive...

Our Clover bell. She is our foster fail. We adopted her and her two sisters in May. They were the only three who survived parvo. Now this girl here. She is a special needs dog. We don’t know if she suffers from parvo or genetic disorder. The vet and I both feel it is more so the parvo.

She beats to her own drum. Has no clue to the world around here and doesn’t care.

Yet here she is going to place on her own. This after months of trying to get her to do so. She is a sweet girl. Does not want attention unless she asks for it. She would rather play with rocks than bones. She would rather dig holes to China then go on a walk.

Another dog I hav to have the utmost patience for. We committed our life to her. She deserves the opportunity no matter how long it takes her to get there.

Now if she was adopted out I don’t believe she would be so lucky. I believe in my heart of hearts she would be sent back many times over or even abused for failure to understand. No matter how long she lives it is still a very short time with us. She will be given every opportunity to break out of her she’ll if she ever can.

Slow and steady always ins over an ecollar. This is why I will not ever train with one or use one. If you do and you understand how to use one properly I say no more to you.

Have a great day. Board and train plans are available. We are booked for February. We have an opening in March. Reach out at [email protected]

Happy third birthday to our KIMBER. Merry Christmas to the rest of ya filthy animals.

Happy third birthday to our KIMBER. Merry Christmas to the rest of ya filthy animals.

Guess what!!! We will be making homemade treats now here in this house!! No more supporting the bigwigs.Of course this i...

Guess what!!! We will be making homemade treats now here in this house!! No more supporting the bigwigs.
Of course this is all time consuming for me.

Dogs are only here for a limited amount of time and I want them to have their best life ever.

If you could see in person just how healthy all 9 of my dogs are.

Yesterday heat index 115. My fur babies only allowed out for no more than 15 minutes at a time. Guinness was out just 1 ...

Yesterday heat index 115. My fur babies only allowed out for no more than 15 minutes at a time. Guinness was out just 1 minute and went to puppy pool to cool off.

Please if you won’t stay outside than neither should they.

This is Luna aka Lulu. December of 2019 she was trapped with what we now know to be her momma. The person who finally tr...

This is Luna aka Lulu. December of 2019 she was trapped with what we now know to be her momma. The person who finally trapped them got them to a vet and updated on shots and spayed. Due to circumstances with the original foster I agreed to foster them until she came back into the Country.
Well 2020 happened. It takes 3 days for a dog to eat if they feel safe. It takes 3 weeks to realize they have a routine and three months to feel safe and secure.
However, not in this case. Due to her being feral it has taken 3 years. Believe it or not!
She finally will go to gate to allow a leash put on her to go for a walk. She loves car rides and loves to be brushed. She can sit, stay and her recall is in her terms but it is great for her.
She finally will eat while you are in room with her. She finally will go on furniture.

Slow and steady always wins. She didn’t ask to be here and then be left to die alone. Here she is 4.5 years old. Doing great things.

That’s what make me a great trainer. Never forced her to do anything!


Benson, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 8am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8am - 5:30pm
Friday 8am - 12pm




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