📢🚨This momma had her puppies in an a shed over the weekend. We need a safe place for her to stay for the next week. All food and supplies will be covered. Please message us if you can help! 📢🚨
We just needed to share another puppy story in case you haven't been convinced yet that you want to foster a puppy. Lady Bug was pulled from a local animal shelter due to urgency. She has been fostered for a few weeks now and getting better health wise. If it weren't for her foster family, Lady Bug wouldn't have had the chance to go to rescue. Lady Bug heads to our partner rescue, Border Tails Rescue, in Des Plaines, IL on Saturday where she will find the perfect home thanks to her Arkansas foster family!
Please PM us if you are interested in short term fostering a puppy.
Hello Friends!!! We need your help to get this poor baby out of pain. We were contacted about this little guy that had been hit by a car. He has trouble walking but most of all he has to lay down to eat. We need to get him help!
How do I help? Great question, glad you asked. Go to lancasteranimalproject.com where you can help by donating to the PayPal account. You can sign up to be a foster. Please contact us and let us know how you can help.
Please include your pets in your day to day lives. They love you and want to be involved In everything you do. This picture was taken this morning while Jennifer Lancaster was coaching her church’s cheerleading squad. This fur-baby was perfectly content sitting among the cheerleaders as they cheered for the football team.
It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the passing of our first TLAP dog. Daisy came to us about a month ago from the Sheriff's department.
Daisy was betrayed by her family when they dumped her in the country. She was terrified. Temperatures dropped below freezing and she had no where to find shelter. Someone shot her for digging in the trash while she was looking for food. The only bright spot in her day was when the school bus showed up to drop off the kids from school. Other than that, she avoided contact with all of the neighbors in the area where she was dumped.
A sheriff's deputy recognized how gentle and sweet Daisy was. She was terrified of people after being betrayed and shot but she still had a forgiving heart. She wanted affection but was scared to accept it. Fortunately, the deputy had patience and eventually got her to come to him. He called us and we agreed to take her.
As is the case with many of our dogs, Daisy was heartworm positive. We started her on treatment about two weeks ago and she was placed in a wonderful foster home.
This week, Daisy's foster mom went home at lunch to let Daisy out of her kennel to go for a walk around the yard. When she got home, she found Daisy was spitting up blood and did not want to stand. Her foster mom immediately rushed her to the vet, but she passed within minutes of arriving.
We assume the heartworms killed her, but it could have been a plethora of other ailments since we don't know Daisy's history.
It's been a very tough week for TLAP but exceptionally hard on Daisy's foster mom and dad who loved Daisy very much. Please leave kind messages of support for Daisy's foster family who miss her very much.
CENTRAL ARKANSAS. Foster needed for Daisy! Daisy was dumped in the country about a month ago. Neighbors tried to catch her but she was terrified of people. One mean neighbor claimed to have shot her with a bb gun which may be why she was so scared of people. After the Sherriff's department was called to help, an animal loving deputy convinced Daisy to come to him with treats. He said she was so gentle and sweet that he had to get her help. He called us and we agreed to take her.
Daisy is up to date on shots, spayed and heart worm positive. She received her heartworm treatment this week. All she needs now is a calm home where she can rest during her treatment. She is house trained, great with dogs and kids, does not jump on furniture and just wants to sleep at your feet. She's so grateful to have a warm place to sleep. Please message us if you would like to foster Daisy!
Buddy was dumped in Russellville and had been hit by a car. When we asked for someone to please go look for him Becky stepped up! Not only did she take him straight to the vet and pay for all his vetting and neuter, when it came time for him to leave she refused to give him up. We wish every dog had the kind of home Buddy has. Thank you Becky Richter!
He had the EEG today and he does NOT have congestive heart failure after all! They believe that the heart worms is what's causing the inflammation to his heart. So, we got the okay to treat the heart worms and will be doing that next month.
It's been an emotional week for Jennifer, myself, and his foster mom, Katie. We were expecting bad news, but got good news instead. That's not to say he's not sick because he is, but it's not near as bad as we thought. We are optimistic that with HW treatment he will eventually be recover and be ready for adoption.
We would like to Thank Dr Bradford w/Saline Vet Clinic in Benton for taking such great care of him and all of our dogs.
We are extremely lucky to have Katie Miceli as his foster. She loves him, nurtures him, gives him everything he needs & wants, lifts him on & off the bed at night, and cooks him nutritious meals that are better than what most of us eat. When we thought his time was limited she wanted to keep him & give him the best life possible. We are extremely grateful to have her as a part of the TLAP family. Roman is a very lucky boy!!
This is Holt and he is blind. You would never know by watching this video. We recently rescued a lab in Russellville that had been hit by a car. His foster failure Becky, named him Buddy.
Holt & Buddy are now brothers
I don't think Buddy could have found a better home.
Dogs that are blind or deaf are just like every other dog. They are just special. PLEASE consider fostering or adopting a special-needs dog. It will change your life
Central Arkansas! Urgent! Two ex's separated, vacated their property, and left their dog in their back yard with no food or water. She survived on rainwater until the neighbors discovered her. They began feeding her, and she's actually put on a little weight. She is a tripod. We desperately need a foster! Please message us if you can help!
Atlas is doing great! He improves everyday!
Update on Atlas! Our miracle boy! He is now in neoprene wraps! His legs still bow but he's walking on his paws!
You may have noticed that we have not been fundraising for his surgery (quoted around $4,500.) That is because we wanted to exhaust all other options first. Kathi was convinced his condition was the result of malnourishment, so we got him on a healthy diet which consisted of Science Diet, multivitamins, coconut oil, organic grass fed beef, organic cottage cheese and organic sweet potatoes.
He has been encouraged to walk with his braces for short distances. He gets tired very easily, but he's getting stronger every day!