Wow, What a read! I borrowed this book from Richmond library one and half a month ago, and I finally finished it tonight.
It’s packed with solid research data and examples delivering a simple yet often neglected fact that the way we produce our food directly impacts our health and the health of Mother Earth. A few take aways:
1. Eat no-till food. Soil microbial communities feed the plants, and the plants feed them. Tillage destroys the microbial communities and robs plants of their allies and nutrients.
2. Eat no-spray food. Spraying pesticide and herbicide kills beneficial lives in and above the ground. Moreover, it stops plants from absorbing indispensable nutrient groups like magnesium.
3. Eat pasture-raised, grass-fed, and grass-finished animal products, including milk, fat, and meat. Grain-fed animals contains high levels of omega-6 fats that are responsible for chronic inflammation in human bodies, from brain to heart.
4. We are a part of nature. When we harm nature, we harm ourselves. When we heal nature, we heal our health as well.