Yesterday at the Tricky Tray I had a woman ask me about adopting a young kitten (as a single). S.A.R.A. has a few strict policies and 1 of them is the single kitten adoption. For so MANY reasons and these just being a few, we do not ever like to adopt kittens as singles. Kittens are highly social animals, they are still in the learning stage. They learn from each other. They thrive with a partner. (Humans like company of their own, don't you think they do?) If you are a person or family who go away a lot, vacation, weekends or even long day trips remember you are leaving this wee one behind. It's not right. Some don't think about what it does to the animal. So we ask that you truly consider the pet. Please read the attached link as well. Then next time if someone asks "WHY" they will understand. There are plenty of adults out there that enjoy the single life. Please consider one of those. *ALSO* one of the other reasons too - God Forbid you need to return this baby at some point, you've just gotten it used to being a single and after years of living that way, they are antisocial. Those are the cats that don't do well in shelters and can't go back to rescues with other pets because they don't do well. Rescues typically don't have homes without other pets. It's rare. https://nhanimalrescue.org/blog-post/understanding-single-kitten-syndrome/