Hang on baby, we re coming!
I have called the company 3 days in a row to ask how long I have before I have to relocate these cats as I have nowhere to put them. I pulled up today and found all of my shelters and feeding stations are gone. I drove over to the building of the company. It's extremely hard to get in. The phone number is out of service right now. It is a locked gate. You have to sit there and continue to press the buzzer for them to let you in. Finally got in to talk to the secretary. She explained that whoever's bulldozing the trees is a whole different company. They're clearing the area to build a new building. I would like my shelter and feeding station back. I can't get the bulldoze operator guy to see me and stop so I can ask him what he did with it. I am so upset. I cannot find the cats anywhere. Have walked the back of the property and cannot relocate them or even try to move them further back. This is progress right? These cats have been there for at least 7 years!
Second video. This is what it looks like today....
This is what the site looked like...( Sorry Facebook will not allow a business page to post two videos side by side)
Went to pick up 10 adult cats and when I got to the property I was greeted at the front door with these three babies! Yikes! We are not equipped to deal with babies. Thankfully I reached out to our partner Cedarcrest Homestead Foster Tails & Kitten Rescue. 6:00 p.m. at night, the director Leigh Collings Lampert was leaving her day job after putting in 10 hours trying to get home to start feeding all her bottled babies again. She graciously waited for me to get there and welcomed these babies into her rescue! We work so hard to prevent these kittens from being born, by practicing TNR but as we speak mamas are dropping their babies now and kitten season hasn't even officially started! We would be at a loss if we did not have this wonderful partnership with Cedarcrest Homestead Foster Tails and Kitten Rescue! Please consider making tax deductible donation to them as they support these babies and allow them to live their best lives! @cedercrestfosters. #cedercresthomesteadfostertailsandkittenrescue #communitycatscoalition #spayandneuter #tnrsaveslives #kittenrescue #tnrworks
Following our colony cats little footprints up to their feeding station!! #communitycatscoalition #tnrworks #colonycats
Trying to post all the videos in one post that I took at this property but apparently my app won't let me. There were eight beagles at this property. All living in deplorable conditions. I am so glad I went that day. It was going down to 19° that night. I was trapping at the front of the property. I had no idea these dogs were in the back. As I was packing up my van to take the cats up to be checked into the clinic, something set these dogs off. I don't know what it was as I've been there for an hour and a half and never heard a peep out of them. I truly believe God intervened. Because I truly believe if I had not acted that day, those dogs would still be there right now as we speak! They are now safe with Doggone Happy Animal Rescue Inc . The rest of the story will follow. The owner was not charged but there is more of a backstory to this.
18 cats and kittens, allowed to multiply and reproduce! This is what we face every single day! We caught them all. Got them fixed, vaccinated and placed! Please do not wait until you're in the double digits. Call when you see one or two cats. This could have all been avoided! ROAR- Reach out, Act, Respond! #communitycatscoalition #tnrworks #spayandneuter #tnrsaveslives
Continued Beagle Rescue! Look at their living conditions!
Feeding all the colonies Christmas Day! Merry Christmas kitties!