I think it’s safe to say Dory approves of her sister❤️. Dory spent the night with us last night while her humans stayed at the hotel and she’ll be taking her half sister home with her this morning. Dory is one of my previous puppies from the Sharks litter so she and her new buddy Mercy are both Cherry puppies.
The flapping ears are so great when they’re running.😂
Mercy was just over 19lbs at her vaccination appointment today. She’s good to go on vacations for another year.
I think it’s safe to say Mercy remembers Oakley. She takes after her mother and grandfather with her absolute love of kids!
Don’t mind the barking the other natives were mad on the puppies got to answer the door.
Another short video so you get a little bit of everyone.
A little playtime on this rainy day.
Mercy “Teddy” enjoying some time with Lock. He finds the entire litter a little annoying but he likes them one or two at a time.
The puppies discovered how to get on the couch tonight. With only 4 still here I’m able to let them have more free time in the entire house. They are all doing awesome on the potty training theory. No accidents since we started this and a couple of times they have gone to the door to ask to go out.
And no one is surprised who’s the first to figure out the doggy door…Kodiak. She’s always into something 😂
Who would have thought it would be warm enough for the puppies to go outside in February?!
The other great puppy sitter in my life…Saint Ego
Markle was never able to raise her own puppies but she is still a FANTASTIC second mom to many of my litters!