My son was a great help this past weekend at the dog show. He did great, even with a broken arm! He won Reserve Best in Show Puppy twice with Stella.
Stella, Jinjer, and I will be heading down to a dog show in Kiowa in a few weeks and I picked up this new travel crate I’ve been wanting to try out. I’ll let y’all know how it works.
Jinjer really enjoyed the pile of leaves my son made!
Jinjer is doing most excellent on her leash training. She will be in her first dog show in November along with Buffy, Betty, and Bea.
Joan is learning how to walk a leash and she is doing great! We started on my patio just getting used to being on a leash. She was not a fan at first! But after a little patience and lots of rewards for moving forward, she figured out the game pretty fast.
3 silly puppies playing in the fire pit. Joan loves having 2 other puppies to play with. Lilac will be leaving us in about a week, but until then I’m sure these 3 are going to get into all kinds of trouble.
Betty is in Joan’s crate, Bea and Joan are in Betty’s crate, and Buffy is in her own. My dogs love to play musical crates.
Betty’s puppies went to the vet this morning and got a clean bill of health! Their favorite part was the vet tech’s shoelaces and the easy cheese when they go their shots.
Joan got to spend some time with Betty’s puppies today. She is about 3 times their size but she is gentle girl and they had fun playing together.
Buffy’s puppies got their Kong Cozies today so they can get scented. They will take them to their new homes tomorrow. A familiar scent can be comforting for a puppy when they go to a new place.
9 freshly bathed, fluff dried, faces shaved, and toe nails trimmed poodle puppies. 1 very tired me!