🐈 Cats Deserve Self-Selection Too!!
Innate self-medication for all animals.
Any animal, wild or domestic, will have this ability. It would literally take tens of thousands of years to loose such a vital survival instinct.. (somehow, we've managed to loose it though!)
Animals have an innate ability to select remedies that bring themselves back into health. They mediate this by using their superior sense of smell and taste.
Self-medication is animals knowing which plant extracts to select, how much, at what does, and for how long to bring themselves back into health- bringing their whole bodies back into homeostasis.
It is true individualized medicine at work- as long as the plant is part of that species evolutionary history they will have the innate knowledge of how/when to work with it.
We need to appreciate our pets and not deny them of this beautiful medicine. The alternative is chemicals produced and isolated by us, that often only treat one aspect of a problem, leaving the body with unwanted side-effects. For instance, why give a chemical pain killer when a perfectly natural pain killer is available and could be selected by your animal.
These botanicals work in harmony with your pet's body, they are broken down efficiently. And everything is done on the animal's terms- they select, they decide.
We just facilitate the opportunity.
Why wouldn't we start here for all our pets?