Mini went Reserve to the Major today!
New AKC Champion returns home
On our way home from Auntie Debb's where we picked up Callista! Garrett got video of our reunion.
#standardpoodle #whitestandardpoodle
Look at that poodle baby! She is very affectionate and follows me everywhere. She was a bit dramatic for the groom but didn't hold it against me.
Vet visit tomorrow!
Thunder is getting past his need for resource guarding!
Katie loves caring for our pack. Thunder loves that she loves to take care of him.
Way to go Sam and Zuzu!!! I believe Azula topped the charts today for Poodles in air retrieve with her 19' AR! The next one I saw was 17' 7"!!! And this was only their third time in AR!!!
Good girls waiting all day for their turns to run!