With winter in full swing, we thought this might be a good reminder for you’re pets coat care 🐶
Grooming is important for all dogs, no matter what time of year. Just because it’s cold outside doesn’t mean you should skimp on the grooming.
In the winter, it can be even more important to make sure their coat is doing its job to maintain proper body temperature.
Yes, double coated dogs such as Newfies and Great Pyrenees and mixed coats like doodles and even single coats such as Poodles need all that fur to stay warm But when the snow melts and if their coats haven't been properly maintained, the moisture left behind in their fur can cause a slew of problems. Mats and tangles trap moisture in fur and skin, which can lead to problems like hot spots and bacterial infections. It is very important to get on a regular grooming schedule , AT MINIMUM every 6 weeks and to regularly brush the coat at least several times a week at home to avoid matting .
While the effect of mild hair matting can be minimal, matting in excess can be VERY painful for your pet and very tough to brush out causing potential brush burns and ultimately will result in the coat needing to be taken down .