SuperNova K9

SuperNova K9 Founded in 2022 by Shelley and Collin Tripp, SuperNova K9 strives to provide high quality dog training at an affordable rate for all.

We believe in the the philosphy that every dog is an individual and cater their training to fit their needs.


Hello all my lovely dog owners! With Halloween quickly approaching, I’d like to share a bit on pet safety during this holiday.

Here’s some tips to keep them safe and secure during trick or treating time:

In the home:
Keep your dog on leash- this gives you full control of your dog when the door is open. Have someone hold the leash and be seated/standing away from the door so your pup doesn’t try to jump on/greet trick or treaters
Baby gates- setting up a baby gate in the home, restricting their access to the door, will help if you’re unable to keep them on leash. Please ensure the gate is not one your dog can jump over or knock down.
Crates/quiet spaces- crating or placing your dog in a separate, closed room, away from all the commotion, is one of the best options and will also give your dog a sense of security since they won’t be seeing all the people come up to your house. Please make sure you have either someone checking in on them frequently or place a camera/baby monitor in the room to watch them for signs of distress.
Enrichment- constant knocking on the door can be overwhelming for your dog. Offering them enrichment items(kongs, lickmats, filled bones, etc) can give them something else to focus on.
Tire them out- before the Trick-Or-Treaters come, do a high energy activity with your dog to get them nice and tired. This will help them relax more during the hectic time that is Halloween night.

Out Trick-Or-Treating:
Keep dogs on leash- no dog needs to be running around off leash during Halloween. The costumes are confusing and can be threatening to your dog, leading them to become fearful and unpredictable while out. Make sure they are on a secure collar or harness while on leash.
Do not approach doors- your dog does not need to go say hi to homeowners while Trick-Or-Treating. Stay on the sidewalk to avoid any accidental meetings with dogs in the house or humans who may not like/are scared of your dog.
If you see another dog, give them space- Not every dog is comfortable meeting other dogs while out in stressful environments like larger crowds or being with people in costumes. Cross the street or give ample space if you see another dog while out Trick-Or-Treating.

Please make sure your dogs collar is secure and their microchip is up to date. If your dog gets out, immediately report it to Animal Control so they can contact you once your pup is picked up. Facebook usually has a “Lost Pets” group for most towns/communities that you can also post to. If your dog is wearing a costume, have pics of them in the costume to post online so people can identify them easier.

And, lastly, remember that chocolate can be toxic to dogs in certain quantities. Always have your emergency vet and Pet Poison Control’s phone numbers visible and easy to get to in case of injury or accidental ingestion. Pet Poison Control can be reached at 1-888-426-4435

Have a happy and safe Halloween!


We are relocating! SuperNova K9 is making its return to the lovely Monterey, CA area and will be servicing Monterey, San Benito and south Santa Clara counties(location exceptions on a case by case basis). If you’re interested in setting up a consultation, please reach out to us on our website. We will have limited availability and will not be offering board and trains but we are hoping to build our Super family and slowly begin to offer more slots. Virtual sessions are still available for those outside of the area. The website will be updated soon with more details, pricing ranges, and updated services. If you’re a current client, please reach out about continuing services virtually. Please also send pics of your stellar pups for our website.

Please keep this helpful guide in mind during this insanely hot time:

Please keep this helpful guide in mind during this insanely hot time:

With a heat wave impacting the majority of us, it’s good time to talk about fun ways to work with your dog at home:1. Br...

With a heat wave impacting the majority of us, it’s good time to talk about fun ways to work with your dog at home:
1. Brush up on training. Whether it’s tricks, obedience, task, etc; you can do a lot of training within your home.
2. Puzzle toys/feeders. A great form of mental stimulation and a fun way to feed.
3. Spend time together. Sometimes the key to a strong bond is simply just spending time together doing nothing. Cuddling, naps together, watching TV are all acceptable ways to bond with your dog.
There are many other ways but these are some of the easiest to do. As always, have fresh water available for your pup(and yourself). Stay cool and hydrated!!!

About UsFounded in 2022 by Shelley and Collin Tripp, SuperNova K9 strives to provide high quality dog training at an aff...

About Us
Founded in 2022 by Shelley and Collin Tripp, SuperNova K9 strives to provide high quality dog training at an affordable rate for all. We believe in the the philosphy that every dog is an individual; each having their own wants and needs when it comes to training, praise, and general lifestyle. Every training plan, session, and class is designed with both owner and dog in mind.

We currently offer virtual and in-person(currently only offered in the Maryland area) services in:

Basic obdience

Advanced obedience

AKC Trials prep

Service Animal/Public Access(by approval only)

Contact us to discuss what plan works best for you and your dog!



Billings, MT


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