Friendly PSA:
If your dog is going for car rides, no matter how long they are. Please make sure you have a harness and dog seatbelt on them, especially if you roll the windows down for them! Not only will it help prevent them from jumping out the window while driving but will also minimize the impact for them if you are ever in a crash. If you don’t like a dog seatbelt then please have them in a crate for their safety!!!
Driving home and witnessed these two little dogs jump out of the car window 1000 feet before their owner got them back to her car. She picked them up and then put them back down a couple hundred feet before their car. Thankfully it was stop and go traffic due to an accident.
If your dog does happen to jump out of the car along the side of a busy highway, DO NOT let them free roam. Grab their collar, pick them up, anything to help control them so they don’t run into traffic.
Dogs are family members and we need to take the necessary precautions and steps to keep them safe like we do ourselves.