Raising the perfect family companion with champion good looks
My passion is showing and raising happy, healthy AKC Boston Terriers
Please like, share, and comment on our posts to support Davis Farm Boston Terriers and your love of Boston Terriers "The Boston Terrier is a lively little companion recognized by their tight tuxedo jacket, sporty but compact body, and the friendly glow in their big,
round eyes. Their impeccable manners have earned them the nickname 'The American Gentleman.' Boston Terriers are compact, short-tailed, well-balanced little dogs weighing no more than 25 pounds. The head is square, the muzzle is short, and the large, round eyes can shine with kindness, curiosity, or mischief. Ever alert to their surroundings, Bostons move with a jaunty, rhythmic step. It's a safe bet that a breed named for a city will make an excellent urban pet. Bostons are no exception: they are sturdy but portable, people-oriented, and always up for a brisk walk to the park or outdoor cafe. A bright dog with a natural gift for comedy, the dapper Bostonian is a steady source of smiles." ~ AKC
Boston Terrier History
According to the AKC: In Liverpool, sometime in the late 1860s, a cross between a Bulldog and the now-extinct white English Terrier resulted in a tough, muscular dog named Judge. Judge’s owner sold him to an American named William O’Brien, who brought his new dog home to Boston. Judge, from then on known in breed histories as “Hooper’s Judge,” became the patriarch of the Boston Terrier breed and the common ancestor of almost all true Bostons. A breed historian describes Judge as a “strongly built, high stationed dog of about thirty-two pounds weight. In color he was a dark brindle, with a white stripe in the face. His head was square and blocky, and he resembled the present Boston Terrier in that he had a nearly even mouth.”
Hooper bred Judge to a small white female named Burnett’s Gyp, owned by Edward Burnett, of Southboro, Massachusetts. And, in the genealogy so familiar to Boston Terrier fanciers, Judge and Gyp begot Well’s Eph, who begot Tobin’s Kate, and on through the seminal generations of the Boston’s U.S. history. During the breed’s formative decades, selective breeding transformed the bulky fighter of Judge’s time into a smaller, sweeter, and more attractive companion dog, originally called the Round Head by its partisans. In honor of the city where these happy-go-lucky dogs were so painstakingly developed, the breed name was changed to Boston Terrier. The Boston Terrier Club of America was formed in 1891, and two years later the AKC registered its first dog of the breed. Like, Follow, & Share to show your support and love of the breed!