Crystal Carousel Equine Services

Crystal Carousel Equine Services I’ve been around horses and animals for over 20 years now. Experience in body clipping and animal

Got to visit/spend time with one of my favorite boys! Such a sweet/gentle boy! He is also for sale! ❤️

Got to visit/spend time with one of my favorite boys! Such a sweet/gentle boy! He is also for sale! ❤️

A little before and after on this sweet girls bath 😍

A little before and after on this sweet girls bath 😍


Only have two days left in April available for body clipping! The 15th and the 29th! Contact me now to get your name down for either of those days!

Little before and after for this sweet mare! Full bath and body clip. Contact me for any grooming or body clipping help ...

Little before and after for this sweet mare! Full bath and body clip. Contact me for any grooming or body clipping help you might need!


We have relocated! Now based out of Eustis, FL. If anyone is Interested in body clipping, basic horse chores and/or grooming contact us now! We have openings!


I am headed up to Jacksonville for the Southeast Gypsy Vanner Celebration and have all my supplies with me. So if anyone need last min body clipping, touch ups or bathing contact me. I have clients during the mornings/afternoons but I could do stuff in the evenings once I am done with my current clients ❤️


I have openings! Mondays-thursdays I have mornings available to anyone that might need their horses groomed, barn work or body clipping!


I wasn’t able to get many pictures this weekend but it was definitely a busy/fun one! I went up to the feathered horse classic in Jacksonville to help Shenandoah Gypsy Vanners get their horses ready for the show. Since I also had some free time in between I was also able to help Hanes performance horses prep some of their horses as well!

I’m already booked again with Shenandoah for the Southeast Gypsy Vanner Celebration in March and the Next FHC at WEC in May but if I have any free time I will be able to help others as well!

Gotta love a fresh clipped horse!

Gotta love a fresh clipped horse!

Passion and love is involved in every service we provide. Making sure we help keep your horses happy and healthy is our ...

Passion and love is involved in every service we provide. Making sure we help keep your horses happy and healthy is our main goal! Contact us for any help you might need with your horses!

Preventing and treating Thrush!    The best prevention for thrush is keeping your horse in a clean and dry environment, ...

Preventing and treating Thrush!

The best prevention for thrush is keeping your horse in a clean and dry environment, regular trimming and inspecting the hooves daily. Regular trimming ensures you avoid the development of long heel conformation.

Treatment will depend on the severity of the thrush. If caught early on it will take 7-14 days to eliminate the thrush. More sever cases will take longer to treat.

Removing your horse from the wet and muddy conditions will be the first and crucial step to recovery. Putting them in a dry, clean stall will help a lot. Having a farrier out to clean the necrotic tissue and allow more air flow to the infected area will shorten the recovery time as well. Topicals like the ones in the pictures are all great ways to treat thrush.
There will be some cases where you might need a vets help for antibiotics or bute to help a horse recover. Also check with your vet to make sure your horse is up to date on the tetanus shot because tetanus could gain access through a damaged frog.
We carry treatments like the ones in the pictures in our grooming supplies for our grooming services. Contact us to help you keep thrush at bay!

What is thrush and what causes it?     Thrush is an infection of the horses frog. It often has a foul smell and black di...

What is thrush and what causes it?

Thrush is an infection of the horses frog. It often has a foul smell and black discharge. Can cause extreme pain and is often seen more in hind hooves. Lameness and swelling of the lower legs affected are common symptoms of thrush.
It is mostly caused by bacteria but it can also be fungal. One particular bacteria (fusobacterium necrophorum) is very aggressive, it will invade and destroy the frog exposing deeper tissues.
Horses that have thrush other stand in wet/ muddy paddocks or wet stalls. Water alone won’t cause thrush, but moisture mixed with dirty is a prime condition for thrush to flourish. Horses with long heels are often more prone to thrush as well, due to the conformation encouraging deep narrow frog sulci.

📸off the internet

Our grooming service include thrush prevention and treatment to help your horse during the wet season.

Cleaning your leather tack! Step 1:   Disassemble and wipe everything down with a damp rag to the the first layer of dir...

Cleaning your leather tack!

Step 1: Disassemble and wipe everything down with a damp rag to the the first layer of dirt, sweat, grime off.

Step 2: get a bucket of warm water, a tack sponge and your favorite leather cleaner and get to work. Rubbing in small, circular motions.

Step 3: once you finished with the soap, then you need to rinse off all the soap/dirt off. Not rinsing will just grind the dirt/sweat further into the leather.

Step 4: let the leather dry! Yes you need to let it dry before applying the conditioner.

Step 5: using a clean tack sponge, apply your leather conditioner/ oil all over the leather.

Step 6: after letting it sit for a while. Using a microfiber to wipe off all excess conditioner or oil. Then put your tack back together.

Doing these steps frequently will help lengthen the longevity for your tack!

We offer a tack cleaning service to help take care of all your tack. Our go to leather products is made by Sterling Essentials. All natural and using essential oils to have a deep down clean! Contact us to keep your tack in the best condition!

📸off the internet


Prevention and Treatment of Equine Cannon Keratosis.        Unfortunately there is no way to prevent this skin condition...

Prevention and Treatment of Equine Cannon Keratosis.

Unfortunately there is no way to prevent this skin condition from stopping completely but there are ways to ensure it doesn’t get severe.
If you notice your horse is prone to getting it, regular grooming will make sure you always inspect and pay attention to the areas and if they need extra attention or not. Also periodically bathing with keratolytic shampoos (dandruff shampoos) will be helpful. Ensure you never scrub hard as it could damage the skin and cause a secondary infection.
Treating the crud just has a couple more steps then prevention. After using a good shampoo, dry the legs with a clean towel and once dry apply a topical. I personally like the Myst Equine Anti itch and anti fungal serum.
You might have to wash it a couple days in a row in order to get rid of the crud and allow the skin to breathe. Then just keep using the topical in your daily grooming routine to ensure it stays away.
There is no cure for this skin condition. But with daily grooming, proper nutrition and treatment as needed should ensure that it doesn’t get bad.
Always remember if the area worsens or doesn’t respond to treatment, please contact your vet. It could have a secondary infection that will need a vets help.
Our grooming and bathing service has everything on hand to help fight the crud! Contact us to help you manage this condition or whatever horse needs you might have!

Equine Cannon Keratosis     Otherwise known as cannon crud, cannon dermatitis, stud crud or leg funk. Equine cannon derm...

Equine Cannon Keratosis

Otherwise known as cannon crud, cannon dermatitis, stud crud or leg funk. Equine cannon dermatitis is a skin condition that affects the front and sometimes inside of the cannons on both rear legs.
It looks like dark oily or scaley dandruff spots that will vary in size. Most commonly seen in Thoroughbreds, Arabians and the crosses but it can happen to any horse.
Cannon Keratosis is cause by the over production of normal skin secretions. If a horse is groomed regularly it shouldn’t cause an issue. But if let untreated it could lead to a secondary infection/bacterial infection that will require more hand on treatment.
It was previously thought to be caused by the splashing of ruined on the legs of geldings and stallions. However, it can be found on mares as well.
Our grooming service can help kick the crud to the curb! Although this skin condition is not contagious from horse to horse, we do clean our brushes after every grooming service to insure there is no cross contamination between horses. We have multiple sets of brushes to allow multiple grooming a day!

📸 are off the internet

How to properly brush a mane and tail. 1. Never brush a horses hair without applying a detangler first. Doing so will re...

How to properly brush a mane and tail.

1. Never brush a horses hair without applying a detangler first. Doing so will result in breaking the hairs.

2. Try avoiding products that contain alcohol and solvents. I personally like Manely Long polisher/protector.

3. Start from the bottom and work your way up. If you reach a knot try to work it out with your fingers prior to the brush.

4. Trust the process. It might take longer but your horses hair will thank you and grow healthier and longer!

📸 from the internet

“Don’t Scratch Scratches”       Treating scratched for minor cases can be very straight forward but can become very seve...

“Don’t Scratch Scratches”

Treating scratched for minor cases can be very straight forward but can become very severe causing lameness , swelling and you could even see infection in form of puss coming from the scabs.

Early stages can be fairly easy to treat as long as you are consistent. Horses with excessive leg hair may benefit from having the hair clipped from around the affected area to ensure no more moisture can be trapped during the healing process.

Step 1: Wash you horses leg with an anti bacterial/anti fungal shampoo. Gently massaging it into the the affected area. Allow the shampoo to sit for 10 mins. The scabs can be massaged gently to get them off. Never pick or pull at them.

Step 2: With a clean/dry towel, pat the area dry. To not rub as that can cause further irritation.

Step 3: Apply a topical to help keep the bacteria from getting worse. I personally like the Myst Equine fungal serum/salve.

If you don’t have any progress in the scratched healing, contact your vet. They might have to prescribe an ointment or antibiotics to help get rid of them. The primary defense is keeping them in a clean dry area. So if your paddocks are too wet the horses might have to stay in until conditions change.

Our bathing service has all the supplies on hand to help you kick scratches to the curb! Contact us to have us help you and your horse!

📸 from the internet

The down-low on Pastern DermatitisOther names for Pastern Dermatitis are:-Scratches-Mud Fever-Dew Poisoning-Greasy Heel-...

The down-low on Pastern Dermatitis

Other names for Pastern Dermatitis are:
-Mud Fever
-Dew Poisoning
-Greasy Heel
-Cracked Heel

Pastern Dermatitis is a skin condition that can be a major pain. The conditions you normally see it develop and thrive in is an excessively moist or dirty environment. Also repeated wetting and drying of the skin. For example muddy paddocks or wet stalls.

Any horse can get it but it is more commonly seen in horses with feather or long fetlock hairs. The long hair traps in the moisture and takes longer to dry. Horses with white on their legs are more prone due to the lack melanin and having more chance of developing other skin issues such as sun burn that allows the bacteria to sink into the skin.

Prevention is the way to go as it is in any skin condition. Some ways to prevent it is:
-Keeping the stall and turnout area clean and dry
-Drying your horses legs prior to putting them in their stall or turning them out.
-If possible, avoid turning out early in the morning when there is heavy dew or frost.
-Groom your horse daily. Early detection will help in the long run.

We have our grooming and stall cleaning services to keep both your horses and their stalls clean and dry!

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What to have on hand to fight the midge!-Fly Spray is always a good start. As part of preventing the flies from biting. ...

What to have on hand to fight the midge!

-Fly Spray is always a good start. As part of preventing the flies from biting. I personally like Ultrashield EX.

-Fly Gear! A fly mask with ears and fly sheet with neck attachment/belly band will always be your best options. They will cover the areas that are most commonly affected.

-Anti itch products. I love the Myst products because they are all natural and work wonders!

-Last is your vets #. Some horses need a little help from the vet in either shots or prescription meds.

Contact us for a one on one session with you and your horse on ways to make your horse more comfortable!

📸 are off the internet

The dreaded Midge Allergy!    Some names are seasonal equine dermatitis, culicoides hypes sensitivity, summer dermatitis...

The dreaded Midge Allergy!

Some names are seasonal equine dermatitis, culicoides hypes sensitivity, summer dermatitis or most commonly known as Sweet itch.

So what is it exactly? Basically biting midges or gnats, named Culicoides (also known as no see-ums’), can trigger an allergic reaction when they bite a horse. It is not the puncture of the skin that causes it but, rather, the insects saliva that causes the allergic reaction. Like how some people develop an itchy rash when they come in contact with some allergens. Some horses aren’t bothered while others become abnormally sensitive. It is the most common sensitivity in horses.

The midges are weak flying so they tend to feed at night and live near water. Unfortunately for us in Florida, we have 20 different species of midges.

They affected areas might include:
-center of the belly (ventral midline)
-combo of any listed above

Unfortunately there is no cure. Just prevention/treating the side affects of the allergy.

Our grooming services uses products to help aid in battling the midges and itchiness!

📸 are off google

Do you like bath bombs, an all in one magic spray and extra protection from itchiness/fungal issues for your horse? Myst...

Do you like bath bombs, an all in one magic spray and extra protection from itchiness/fungal issues for your horse?

Myst Equine created a bath bomb for your horse! But instead of a bubble bath they made it into a liniment bomb! It is a game changer. Like the shampoo bar you no longer have to worry about lugging bottles in your trailer/tack trunk and having to worry about them spilling. Just drop the liniment bomb in a bucket of water, let it dissolve and then apply to your horse! No pouring or anything. It even has their anti itch herbal mix in it to help fight the funk/itch.

Yes I said magic spray! Myst Equine Dry shampoo is just that. Use it to clean your horse before a ride, use it after your ride in the sweaty areas if it’s too cold to rinse or even use it as a last min shine spray before entering the ring. Like all their other products it has their anti itch/fungal properties in it. I’ve used this daily and have even noticed my personal horses coats get darker even with being in the sun all day!

Myst has also created a more concentrated version of the anti itch/fungal mixture to apply on wounds and fungal spots. It comes in two forms. One being the Salve which I like to apply to scrape and cuts. Helps keep the flies away and easy to apply with the product being in a larger chapstick container. Then the fungal serum I use on thing like cannon crud, scratches, hot spots and rain rot. The spray makes it easier to apply to larger areas.

I have all these products in my Arsenal to help you horses skin/coat stay in top condition!

📸 from Myst Equine

Ok so what is a coat elixir and did you know they make shampoo bars for horses?!The Myst Coat Elixir is simply a game ch...

Ok so what is a coat elixir and did you know they make shampoo bars for horses?!

The Myst Coat Elixir is simply a game changer! It promotes a healthy shine and fights the grunge we all battle here in florida.
Super easy to apply as well. Just dilute 1-2 oz in a bucket of water and then sponge on your horse. I personally like to let it sit for a minute or two and then sweat scrape the excess off. Afterwards let them dry and then viola! It can’t get any easier then that! You can even mix it with your favorite liniment.
Now you heard me correctly in my first sentence. Shampoo bars for horses exist! They are perfect because no longer do you have to worry about product spilling in your truck or trailer!
It’s the Myst Equine Revitalizing Shampoo bar. All natural ingredients so it will not strip the horses natural oils from their coat, but rather enhance them and promote a healthy, shiny coat. It’s even safe for your most sensitive horses!
You get 25+ washes per bar, an exfoliating glove and resealable pouch to store it in. They even made a whitening shampoo bar as well for those greys and the chrome!

We use both products in our services. Your horse will get the total unicorn treatment!

Top reasons why I is  in most of my equine services.1. All their products contain their signature anti-itch herbal infus...

Top reasons why I is in most of my equine services.

1. All their products contain their signature anti-itch herbal infusion blend. It helps soothe the coat/skin, protect the coat/hair from the sun and helps fight the spread of fungus/bacteria. Which if you live in Florida you know we have a lot of sun and a lot of issues with bacteria/fungus due to the humidity/rain.

2. Even though their products contain a lot of oils, they do NOT make your horse greasy. It absorbs into the hair/skin. Which means unlike show sheen and other products that contain silicone, it will not make your saddle slip.

3.They are USEF and ARCI (Racing Commissioners International) compliant. Which means you don’t have to worry about anything in their products being illegal to use.

4. My biggest reason is I love supporting local brands. Especially ones that I have seen results on my own personal horses that have had issues with being itchy and needing an extra boost in their routine. They are based out of central Florida.

We have all of their products in my grooming supplies to use on your horses! Message us with any questions you might have or if you want to book some of our services.

How to prevent and treat Rain Rot.Prevention is always the better option in any situation! Here are some of the main way...

How to prevent and treat Rain Rot.

Prevention is always the better option in any situation! Here are some of the main ways to prevent rain rot:
-allow your horse to dry throughly
-If your horse has a long coat during the hot/humid season, look into body clipping
-if possible make sure your horse has access to shelter all the time even in turnout
-make sure you keep your tack clean
-groom with clean brushes and don’t share with other horses if they have rain rot
-apply fly spray regularly
-mud management in your pastures
-good nutrition to help promote proper skin vitality and health


Treatment will vary on the severity of rain rot your horse has. In most cases it’s just a minor case where washing with an anti fungal shampoo and then applying a topical like mtg or myst products will get rid of it in no time.

The more severe cases where there are open wounds, you will have to get your vet involved to prescribe antibiotics to help your horse from the inside out. Then you would also treat as you would a minor case with the anti fungal shampoo and topical.

*I am not affiliated with Any of the brands I list they are just products I use and love*

In my Arsenal I have for my grooming/bathing/exercising services I have the following That help treat/prevent rain rot:
-myst equine coat elixir
-myst equine dry shampoo
-myst equine anti itch wound and fungal serum/salve
-tigers tongue
-E3 antibacterial/ anti fungal shampoo

Contact us to help your horse stay happy and healthy year round!

Have you heard of rain rot? Do you know what causes it?Rain Rot is also known as Rain Scald or Dermatophilosis. It is a ...

Have you heard of rain rot? Do you know what causes it?

Rain Rot is also known as Rain Scald or Dermatophilosis. It is a skin infection caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus Congolensis. The bacterium lives on the horses skin and is mostly dormant. But under wet conditions, like what we are currently experiencing in Florida, the bacterium can cause an inflammatory infection causing lesions on your horses skin.
Rain rot is highly contagious and could be painful I. Some cases. Minor cases appear as dry skin and loose hair. Whereas acute cases are presented as large matted clumps of hair/scabs that are then see to the touch and difficult to remove. They are often found on the horses back, rump, flanks, shoulders,back of the hocks and face.

Daily grooming is a way to be proactive on preventing Rain Rot.

Our grooming service has products we apply that have anti fungal properties in them. Reach out to us to we can help keep your horse comfortable during the wet season and make sure you don’t loose any saddle time!

📸 are from the internet and the last photo is a personal photo from a young c**t I rescued

Why is picking your horses hooves important?-check for discomfort, lameness or infection -make sure the shoes are on cor...

Why is picking your horses hooves important?

-check for discomfort, lameness or infection
-make sure the shoes are on correctly and haven’t shifted
-check to make sure there is no dirt, debris, rocks or sharp object trapped around the frog

Picking hooves and applying hoof dressing/thrush prevention is included in our grooming service.

Basic grooming tools to have in your grooming kit.-Curry Comb-Stiff Brush-Soft Brush-Face Brush-Mane/tail brush-Hoof pic...

Basic grooming tools to have in your grooming kit.

-Curry Comb
-Stiff Brush
-Soft Brush
-Face Brush
-Mane/tail brush
-Hoof pick
-Hoof dressing
-Thrush treatment
-Fly spray
-Treats ❤️

We offer all the above in our Grooming Service plus more!

$30 per horse/$20 per horse for groups of 4 or more


I have some openings! Reach out to me for any help with you horses you might need!

-stalls/barn work
-body clipping
-truck/trailer cleaning


I have openings in some mornings and evenings open for some work. Everything from grooming, stall cleaning and body clipping.

Message me for any questions or services you might need to help keep your horses comfortable and in shape!


16613 Bearle Road, Orlando
Bithlo, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 7am - 7pm
Tuesday 7am - 7pm
Wednesday 7am - 7pm
Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 7pm
Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 7am - 7pm



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