Hi guys for those of you that are not subscribed to my youtube channel here is the link to it. I will have longer videos there in the near future. I do have some videos there and they are easier to locate the one you are looking for. Come by and subscribe, it is free to you, and it helps my channel out. feel free to share videos that you think your friends and family would love to see. I will also be doing a give a way there when I reach 2000 subscribers. I will give all that information in the next 30 days. come on over it is free. I would love to have you comment you saw this post and subscribed because of this post. I will give you a shout out on my channel and if you have a Youtube channel, let me know and I will give your channel a plug. Thank you so much for all of the support. here is the link.
Hi I am making a Vlog Tracking our family's journey to Homesteading. We currently do not have any land that we can garden on or have animals, but where there...