I love using client horses on the job! It really shows how far they’ve come and where they’re at. This was the first loop I threw of this big dude, he handled it like a veteran!
#spadebquarterhorses #ropehorse #movingcows #bigbayhorse #ranchhorse #ropehorse #horseeducation #coltstarting #calfroping #originalaudio
Got a first saddling done on Rooster, a big 2 year old we are starting for a client! He was a little humped up but he thought through it and made the choices I was looking for. He’s a big boy but is taking things well!#spadebquarterhorses #horsetraining #horsetrainer #coltstarting #coltstarter #coltstart #hancock #bluevalentine #leohancockhayes #bigbay #horselifestyle
Oh how I love this life!
#spadebquarterhorses #horselife #horselifestyle #horseranch #horsetraining #horsetrainer #horsetrainer #ranching #ranchinglife #ranchinglifestyle #idaho #mountainlife
Keep your nose on the grindstone. Keep hustling, keep grinding, don’t throw in the white towel, keep standing up when you get knocked down. Keep giving it your all!
#mondaymotivation #spadebquarterhorses #horselife #horselifestyle #horsetraining #horsetrainer #horsetrainerlife #motivation #motivational #motivationmonday #keepgrinding #keephustling
Training Tip Tuesday!
Today’s tip is all about ground driving. Ground driving is a great way to introduce many, many things to a horse. It can teach them directions, start them packing a bridle, get them backing up, and also get them used to things around their legs and sides. It’s a great tool!
Our focus today is on the directions and bridle. We start ground driving as soon as we can with them in a halter, packing the snaffle bit. Then, when they get used to that, we transition to just the snaffle. Doing it this way teaches them cues and directions in a way they already understand by being halter broke. We just take those and build on them for the snaffle.
Now, this is all assuming we will be starting them in a snaffle, those we start in a hackamore get started on directions a little differently. Butttt we are going to leave that for another post!
#spadebquarterhorses #horselife #horselifestyle #horsetraining #horsetrainer #horsetrainerlife #horsetrainers #horsetrainingtips #trainingtiptuesday #horsemanship #coltstarting #coltstarter
Getting those young colts outside is it’s own little paradise!
Getting this 3 year old filly ready to go home in two weeks. She had some things that needed worked through but she is coming along now and looking good!
Been a little MIA the last little bit and here’s the reason why - Ranger and I qualified for the Mountain States Stockdog Association’s National Finals in Afton, Wyoming. We’ve been here all week running against some of the best dogs and handlers in the nation and we have made it back to the final round tomorrow!
Fingers crossed all goes well🤞 then back to working horses and dogs when we get home again.
Soooo we got a drone to play with now! Be looking for some sweet content coming out! 👌
Driving a young horse works on multiple things at once. Directions, backing, saddle, stirrups moving, ropes and things down by their legs. It’s a great tool to use on young horses and a good reminder for those farther along!
Getting a little breather after a good ride 👌
Jerry is getting some driving in to help prepare him for the first ride. He is coming along really nicely and is just a big lug, always wants to be with you and get loved on! He is a fun one to work with for sure!