Virginia law prohibits leaving pets outside for too long when the temperature is consistently below 32°F or above 85°F.
This includes:
Leaving dogs chained or tethered outside
Leaving pets outside during severe weather warnings, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, tropical storms, or winter storms.
Here are some other things to know about cold weather animal laws in Virginia:
Virginia law requires that pets have access to adequate shelter, which includes protection from the adverse effects of cold or heat. If you have an outdoor pet, you can add insulation to their shelter with straw or other bedding.
Food and water
Pets need more calories to stay warm in extreme cold, so you should check with your veterinarian about a proper diet. You should also check outside water sources frequently because they freeze quickly.
Tether length;
Tethers must be at least 15 feet long, or four times the length of the animal, whichever is greater.
If you violate these laws, the owner could be arrested and face up to a year in jail.
If you see an animal that is being tethered outside in violation of these laws, you can contact animal control (276)223-3300 or 911 for an animal in distress 24/7.
A general rule of thumb is that if it's too cold for you, it's probably too cold for your pets