These are our 5 most recent residents. Addi, Lad, Rickey, Woody and Wiley. All had issues or problems. Some were on medication to try to change behavior. As of today none are on medication and we have not had any problems with them. As I always say, though, is that this isn't because we are better than where they were before, rather it is because we have two things others don't have: time and space. We allow the dogs to do their own thing on their own time. After 25 years it has worked out ok!
New doggie Addi's day #5 at GBARK.
Short video of newbie Addi. He has been here since Thursday night. Terrified and shaking at first! He already made big strides inside, but I didn't expect to see him go outside on his own and have so much fun!
The dogs ar GBARK checking out the first snow!
Year end fundraising. Every cent helps.
This time of year is always the most difficult in which to raise money. Probably because so many orgs are asking and the expense of the holidays. Every year this time we are behind. We haven't had many emergency expenses this year, except for $2400 in vet bills and a shortfall on donated dog food. With pledges counted, we are behind about $8,000 for the year. Donations through Papal, ( Venmo (@g-b-a-r-k) and CashAp ($gbark1) get to us immediately, Month donations through gets to us the following month. EVERY donation means so much. This time of year is always the most difficult in which to raise money. Probably because so many orgs are asking and the expense of the holidays. Every year this time we are behind. We haven't had many emergency expenses this year, except for $2400 in vet bills and a shortfall on donated dog food. With pledges counted, we are behind about $8,000 for the year. Donations through Papal, ( Venmo (@g-b-a-r-k) and CashAp ($gbark1) get to us immediately, Month donations through gets to us the following month. EVERY donation means so much. (Hymn, "Morning has Broken," Featuring Armand Kitto, Baritone & Conductor, Margaret Kitto, piano-1977)