North keeps her head warm in Olaf’s butt fluff 😂
#freerangechickens #freerange #chicken #chooks #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #chooksofinstagram #mypetchicken #mypetchickenofficial #ilovechickens #cooplife #mychickencoop #fowlplay #backyardchickens #backyardpoultrymag #poultry #poultryofinstagram #poultryofig #backyardpoultry #poultryfarming #poultrypose #poultryfarm #poultrylife #poultrylove
Pretzel is just a little…different 😂
#pretzel #pigeon #pigeonsofinstagram
Burniece was very grumpy yesterday and not afraid to tell everyone too 😂
#burniece #orpington #orpingtonchicken #orpingtonsofinstagram #hen #hensofinstagram #hens #grumpy #vocal #freerangechickens #freerange #chicken #chooks #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #chooksofinstagram #mypetchicken #mypetchickenofficial #ilovechickens #cooplife #mychickencoop #fowlplay #backyardchickens #backyardpoultrymag #poultry #poultryofinstagram #poultryofig #backyardpoultry #poultryfarming #poultrypose #poultryfarm #poultrylife #poultrylove
Poor North is getting squished amongst all that fluff 😂
#north #squished #serama #seramachicken #seramasofinstagram #bantam #bantamchicken #bantamsofinstagram #freerangechickens #freerange #chicken #chooks #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #chooksofinstagram #mypetchicken #mypetchickenofficial #ilovechickens #cooplife #mychickencoop #fowlplay #backyardchickens #backyardpoultrymag #poultry #poultryofinstagram #poultryofig #backyardpoultry #poultryfarming #poultrypose
Look at this little stinker 😊😊😂
#peter #mandarin #mandarinduck #drake #exotic #exoticwaterfowl #duck #ducks #ducksofinstagram #ducksnclucks #ducksofig #ducksmakegreatpets #duckstagram #ducksofinsta #duckcoop #waterfowl #waterfowlofinstagram #fowlplay #poultry #poultryofinstagram #poultryofig #backyardpoultry #poultryfarming #poultrypose #poultryfarm #poultrylife #poultrylove #backyardpoultrymag
I saved this brat from certain death when he was a squab and this is how he treats me. Ungrateful.🙄😒😂
#letchme #housebird #housepigeon #rescued #squab #pigeon #pigeonsofinstagram #pigeons #pigeonlove #mean #meanpigeon #pigeonlife #racingpigeons #homingpigeons #racinghomers
#cochin #cochinchickens #frizzle #frizzlechicken #frizzlecochin #cochinbantam #bantam #bantamchicken #bantamsofinstagram #chicks #chicksofinstagram #freerangechickens #freerange #chicken #chooks #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #chooksofinstagram #mypetchicken tfI#mypetchickenofficial #ilovechickens #cooplife #mychickencoop #fowlplay #backyardchickens #backyardpoultrymag
I am in love 🥰😍
Aren’t they just the sweetest little things? ❤️
#chicks #chicksofinstagram #cochin #bantamcochin #frizzle #frizzlechicken #frizzlecochin #cochinchickens #bantam #bantamchicken #bantamsofinstagram #freerangechickens #freerange #chicken #chooks #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #chooksofinstagram #mypetchicken tfI#mypetchickenofficial #ilovechickens #cooplife #mychickencoop #fowlplay #backyardchickens #backyardpoultrymag
Little serama family🥰
#serama #seramachicken #seramasofinstagram #bantam #bantamchicken #bantamsofinstagram #freerangechickens #freerange #chicken #chooks #chickensofinstagram #chickensofig #chooksofinstagram #mypetchicken tfI#mypetchickenofficial #ilovechickens #cooplife #mychickencoop #fowlplay #backyardchickens #backyardpoultrymag
A little update on Bruce:
He is rested up and can stand now. The mucus in his throat has gotten worse and the sound you hear in the video is the gurgling you hear when he breathes. He sounds terrible. We’re going to call and attempt to get him a vet appointment first thing in the morning. I think he needs some antibiotics.
At the moment, I am crafting him a coat out of a dog jacket that I had bought for Tipque as a chicken saddle. The only problem is he is a bit too big to fit in it so we have to make some adjustments 😂 As soon as he has a coat that fits him, I am going to reintroduce him to his girls. I am afraid to take him back down to the coop with him having a bare back and it being so cold right now. He’s not eating or drinking in the “chicken hospital” because I think he is scared and missing his family.
Thank you to everyone who commented and sent my Brucey boy happy thoughts❤️
This bird never stops spinning 😂
#letchme #pigeon #pigeons #pigeonsofinstagram #birdum #thebird #spin #spinning
I’m a mama again 😂 These two proved to be too much for miss Humphrey to handle alone. So, I took them in and I am raising them myself now. They loved all the extra attention and food they are receiving 😂🥰
#aysija #yndea #babies #squabs #pigeons #pigeon #pigeonsofinstagram #cuties