The Ranch Cat Rescue

The Ranch Cat Rescue The Ranch Cat Rescue in Bloomington Indiana provides a safe environment to foundling kittens and cats looking for loving forever families.

What a busy vet week! We had five lucky kitties in for spay/neuter, so much bloodwork, urinary scares (look at all them ...

What a busy vet week! We had five lucky kitties in for spay/neuter, so much bloodwork, urinary scares (look at all them shiny crystals), and routine checks. We’ve racked up quite the bill - $1400! And that doesn’t include all the prescriptions we need to order and rechecks that will happen next week. Ugh!

We haven’t done a $5 Friday call out in a minute, but we could REALLY use your help this week. To make a donation to our vet fund visit (link through bio) for all the ways to give. I can provide direct care all day, but y’all are the ones who keep this machine funded and to me that’s really where the magic comes from. $5 to $50, every penny saves cats!

Quick medical update on our FIP friends - Bunny is at the start of her observation period and bloodwork says she’s doing amazing. She was our first kitty on the new compound drug and is a testament to science! Harrison, our new neuro case is improving every day. I’ll post a video update this weekend, but he zooms around the house with coordinated use of his body and I’m cautiously optimistic in saying he’s gonna be just fine.

Harrison is feeling SO much better you guys! 🥹😭❤️‍🩹His balance is improving, he's keeping his legs pulled up under him (...

Harrison is feeling SO much better you guys! 🥹😭❤️‍🩹

His balance is improving, he's keeping his legs pulled up under him (instead of splooted out), and he's even coordinated enough to go back to gouging at his ears. I worried about his cone affecting his impaired mobility, so we compromised with a pedicure. So far the nail caps are doing the trick! And he looks fabulous.

We're keeping up with all his meds and he's not out of the woods yet. But for the first time, I'm optimistic he's gonna make it.

This feels weird to say as a nonprofit who relies on your donations to function, but if folks could please NOT send any ...

This feels weird to say as a nonprofit who relies on your donations to function, but if folks could please NOT send any packages for the next week that would be a big help! Our driveway is still snowed in and more is coming down. My car made it down once, but not back up. Drivers are not able to make deliveries and I’m trekking necessities uphill. It’s giving Little House on The Prairie meets Miss Havisham-gets-a-sh*t-ton-of-cats. I’m fine, but it’s not cute.

If you’re thinking, oh the poor stranded things, I’ll send them money, please know we would rather you give those funds to the displaced animals and their humans affected by the LA fires.

One of The Ranch’s own needs our help! Mercedes, our amazing Pantry Coordinator, is recovering from a gruesome injury. H...

One of The Ranch’s own needs our help! Mercedes, our amazing Pantry Coordinator, is recovering from a gruesome injury. Her arm was basically shredded when a dog she was fostering launched after her cat. We’re grateful they are both okay, but we need to get them through this scary experience. She HATES asking for help and begrudgingly let me make her this fundraiser. Please, if you can help donate to her recovery it would be greatly appreciated!

On December 26th, Mercedes experienced a terrifying accident while protect… Alison Zook needs your support for Rally for Mercedes: Cover Her Recovery Expenses

Time is running out to get signed up for our Holiday Donation Drive tomorrow! If you live in Bloomington/Monroe County a...

Time is running out to get signed up for our Holiday Donation Drive tomorrow!

If you live in Bloomington/Monroe County and have new/gently used items to donate, sign up this morning! We’ll be turning off the form soon so we can get everyone organized for our team to pickup.

It’s also $5 Friday, so if you’re not able to participate in the donation drive, consider donating to Spider’s paper towel fund!

Meet Bunny, our newest FIP Warrior! Bun Bun joined us in October from our friends at Animal Care Services. At just a few...

Meet Bunny, our newest FIP Warrior! Bun Bun joined us in October from our friends at Animal Care Services. At just a few months old, her abdomen was so swollen with fluid that her waist measured 17”, it looked like she swallowed a whole cantaloupe! It was honestly a little terrifying.

We immediately started her on black-market injections due to the severity of her case, we needed to prevent more fluid from compressing her tiny organs. Thankfully, after just a few days, we were able to transition her to a legal(ish) compound medication. Watching this version of the treatment work was incredible! Within a week, the fluid started to disappear. By the second, Bunny was a svelte and sassy kitten.

For those who might not know, FIP treatment has been a huge challenge in the states. Until recently, we’ve had to rely on expensive and sometimes sketchy unregulated meds. But now, thanks to some much-needed changes, compound veterinary pharmacies can make GS-441524 available. It’s still not technically FDA-approved, but they basically said, “We won’t stop you,” and that’s been a total game-changer.

Here’s why this matters so much: veterinarians can now openly support treatment so owners don’t have to navigate this scary process on facebook. The cost has also dropped dramatically, from around $13 a dose to just $2. And the best part? It spares cats from painful, caustic daily injections. Severe cases like Bunny’s might still need a few initial shots, but the days of forcing cats through 84 days of pain, skin lesions, and the worst part—seeing them run away from you because they associate you with pain—are finally over.

We’re incredibly thankful for modern medicine and science, thrilled for Bunny and her new lease on life, and so grateful to all of you. Your support makes it possible for us to save cats like Bunny.

Poseidon got really excited when he heard some of you were donating toys to our Holiday Donation Drive this Saturday! If...

Poseidon got really excited when he heard some of you were donating toys to our Holiday Donation Drive this Saturday! If it was up to him that’s all we’d ask for, but I told him we need cleaning supplies too.

To take part, head over to and fill out the local pickup form. From there, just set your goodies outside Saturday morning and we’ll come scoop em up!

Bloomington and Monroe County folks! Mark your calendars, our Holiday Donation Drive is taking place on 12/21! If you ha...

Bloomington and Monroe County folks! Mark your calendars, our Holiday Donation Drive is taking place on 12/21! If you have gently used or new pet items you want to donate to the ranch cats simply fill out our donation form (link in bio/comments), set your goodies outside, and we’ll come scoop em up.

Our biggest need at the moment is blankets and towels. If it’s time to clean out your linen closet, we’d love to take what you no longer use. See the full list on the pickup form for a full list of items. Holler if you have any questions and help us spread the word!

We've had 17 cats spayed and neutered in the last two weeks! And the award for best actress in a dramatic role goes to P...

We've had 17 cats spayed and neutered in the last two weeks! And the award for best actress in a dramatic role goes to Pumpkin. Who screamed her head off if she wasn't riding shotgun while I held her paw. Bless her little orange heart! 🏆🧡🎃

Okay, now that our formal sponsor thank you is said… that I *definitely* wrote because I have enough decorum for profess...

Okay, now that our formal sponsor thank you is said… that I *definitely* wrote because I have enough decorum for professional posts, ahem.

These bi***es. These bi***es right here plus SO many more who screamed ‘don’t put my picture online’ made this happen. I won’t name names, but Mercedes Helena Francois, I would give you my first born if I wasn’t a Childless Cat Lady. The donation sourcing, the freight logistics, the lifting, the lugging, the laughing - y’all made this a dream. I love my team. I’m so for each and every one of them who puts up with my antics. Like me demanding to build the boxes into a throne for an impromptu photoshoot in my newest tiara. Someday I’ll post that, behind a paywall.

And of course all of our amazing donors who made this happen! We’ve raised all but $100.00 of the total needed to cover this life changing donation. If you want to be a part of a year's worth of food for The Ranch and our rescue partners head on over to and give via PayPal or Venmo. But thank you, everyone. I’m so overwhelmed by this bounty. So grateful. So covered in bruises. ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks to the amazing folks at Champion pet food (makers of  and  ), we were able to receive this massive donation that ...

Thanks to the amazing folks at Champion pet food (makers of and ), we were able to receive this massive donation that will stock our pantry for months, AND allow us to share the love with some of our official community partners who are fighting the good fight for animal welfare in our community! 

Please join us in sending a massive thank you to Champion for being such awesome advocates and supporters of rescues like us around the country.

OMG, IT'S BEGUN!! The first truck arrived today with 14 pallets of dry cat food - nearly 15,000 pounds! My mind is absol...

OMG, IT'S BEGUN!! The first truck arrived today with 14 pallets of dry cat food - nearly 15,000 pounds! My mind is absolutely blown. Tomorrow the second truck will be here with ANOTHER 14 pallets and I’m pretty sure I’ll cease to exist. 🤯🙀👻

While all this food has been generously donated (more on the awesome company soon!) we still need to pay freight and rental charges totalling around $1600. You’ve helped us raise half of that already and we are so grateful! If anyone out there hasn’t donated in a while please consider giving at and help be a part of this game changing gift!

Y’all. I can’t even believe it. Our Pantry Coordinator just scored us a donation of TWENTY SEVEN PALLETS OF FOOD!! The w...

Y’all. I can’t even believe it. Our Pantry Coordinator just scored us a donation of TWENTY SEVEN PALLETS OF FOOD!! The words don’t feel real… but come early next week nearly 9 tons of cat food is gonna be sitting in our driveway. 🤯

While all this food may be free, getting it here is not. Between the two trucks hauling it from Kentucky and rental of a pallet jack to move it, we’re looking at around $1600. Which seems like a lot up front, but did I mention NINE TONS OF FOOD?! Life. Changing. OMG.

Please, we need your help covering costs! Visit to give online, or you can mail a check to us at PO Box 3423 Bloomington, IN 47402

Spread the word and help us get this windfall covered!


I've shared this trick before, but it's one of my favs! Have your cat's sisal scratching posts seen better days? Give em a little trim with clippers! Works great and is super satisfying to do.

It's also $5 Friday and if this tip just saved you hundreds on cat tree purchases, consider making a donation at

Hi, Internet. It’s been a while. I missed you. I picked you some flowers. Nothing fancy, just what’s blooming in the fie...

Hi, Internet. It’s been a while. I missed you. I picked you some flowers. Nothing fancy, just what’s blooming in the fields and forests of Indiana right now. But I hope you like them.

Let’s catch up from the last few weeks. If y’all don’t know, I don’t work outside The Ranch. Full time Childless Cat Lady over here! It’s mainly because the rescue takes about eleventy-billion hours a week, but also because I nose dived from burnout a while back. How I’d been operating was literally killing me and I had to take that break down and build myself back up in a way that was healthy and sustainable for me. It was hard, but damn I did it!

The one event I do outside of my cat life is herding volunteers for our local Pride festival, which in the college town where I live happens in the fall, and was this last weekend. I’ve been involved with the organization in various ways for nine years now and it’s one of my favorite things. The committee folks, volunteers, and everyone who attends the festival are just the best! But it’s a ton of work making it happen and keeping my balance with that and the cats is always razor thin.

This year tested me extra special. The four neonatal kittens I was caring for slipped away one by one over their short two weeks of life. It was devastating to bear witness to. Especially my favorite little guy with the cleft lip. He ended up suffering from Flat Chested Kitten Syndrome, which was both mine and my vet’s first case. Pouring so much care and time into fragile babes like that only to have them die in your hands while you’re double down exhausted is a lot. So thank you, friends, as I take little breaks from posting to reset my sanity.

I promise it’s not all work and sad though. Big, exciting things are happening. I can’t wait to share more with you soon. Now back to your regularly scheduled cat content.


I want to take a second and talk about how some of our smallest donations have the biggest impact. I get notes like this...

I want to take a second and talk about how some of our smallest donations have the biggest impact. I get notes like this a lot, with people saying they wish they could do more. And I need you to know that you ARE doing more.

These are my favorite paper towels for potting neonatal kittens. In the evening I'll sit and tear them into sheets so when I get up to do a feeding at 4 o'clock in the morning I don't have to wrestle with rolls of toilet paper or wet wipes that are constantly stuck together. So while you think you may only be sending a $3.48 pack of paper towels, the impact that has on making my life easier is huge. And I can't thank you enough for that.

The food/water placement is giving Fear and Loathing in CatVegas vibes. And the delirium is pretty on brand. 😵‍💫🦇😅Today'...

The food/water placement is giving Fear and Loathing in CatVegas vibes. And the delirium is pretty on brand. 😵‍💫🦇😅

Today's $5 Friday donations go to the purchase of kitten food. We'll stock up with every dollar you send or you're welcome to purchase items from our Chewy and Amazon wish lists!

A couple of weeks ago we took in three cats whose colony was being poisoned. It was super sad, but I was glad we could h...

A couple of weeks ago we took in three cats whose colony was being poisoned. It was super sad, but I was glad we could help. Last week I tried to get the only unspayed female of the group fixed but she is so feral and fought being caught to a point that wasn’t safe for either of us so I had to leave her be. Well, last night I went out to do rounds in the cat barn and little CC DiVille had a surprise for me. Four kittens that she’d birthed in various areas and levels of her condo. All hanging out unattended. I had no idea she was even pregnant! And by the looks of the scene she didn’t either.

I immediately got everyone transferred to a calmer space hoping that mom would feel more comfortable and reclaim care of the babies. One kitten I did not reunite. He has a pretty severe cleft lip so I’ll be handling his feedings via tube and I didn’t want to p**s mom off by pulling him every two hours. I can’t tell if he has a cleft in his palate yet, his mouth is very smol and he is incredibly squirmy. When I got up to do one of his feedings I checked the cam I had on mom and saw that in addition to neglecting her remaining kids all night she’d repeatedly tried to bury them in her bedding. So. They joined their brother in the easy bake oven and later today I’ll be pulling out the big incubator and they’ll move into that. I’ll let CC settle in a bit more and will try to reunite everyone again later, though I’m not especially hopeful here. Ugh! Spay and neuter your pets, y’all! This kitten season has been exhausting!!


Bloomington, IN


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Check us out at for up to date info and adoptable cats!