Make way! Charlie has arrived for his appointment!
Tucker is a 50-50 mix of two surprisingly different breeds. Give us your best guesses! Answer will be revealed tomorrow! Hint: he’s 100% adorable.
We had an incredible Open House event last weekend, and Warrior Dog Rescue was on site with adoptable dogs and their fearless leader, Diana. Thank you to all who donated to Warrior Dog and Kitty Revolution! They truly save lives and we are beyond proud to work with them.
Surly twirling into Monday in style! (Sound on). 😁🐾💜🐾 #novavetclinic #spinning #adorabledog #veterinarymedicine #mondayfunday #twirlingfortreats #surlydog #sillypup #dogsarefamily #weloveourjobs
Silly Bentley has his own way of “sitting” 😂💜🐾 #novavetclinic #bentleyboy #petsarefamily #veterinarymedicine #sillysitting #dogsaregoofy #tricks #dachshund #allinadayswork #weloveourjob #handsomepup
Charlie's Treat Dance
Charlie's cute little treat dance!
#novavetclinic #treatsplease🐶 #happyveterinarypatient #preventativecare #veterinarian #veterinarytechnician #springerspaniel #springerspanielsofinstagram #cutepup
Sarang Being Playful
Bonus video of little Sarang Joy playing in her new home! (see previous post for her back story)
Live Ear Mite
Eek! Ear mites! We found this little guy in the ear of a kitten today and just looking at him makes us itchy.
Ear mites are relatively common, infectious organisms resembling microscopic ticks. We find them especially often in outdoor or stray animals. The mite lives on the surface of the ear canal skin, though sometimes migrates out onto the face and head of its host and is readily transmitted from host to host by physical contact. Although these signs are not specific to ear mite infestations, symptoms can include scratching the ears, head shaking, discharge and odor from the ears. Because they are highly contagious (between dogs and cats) and can generate very irritating ear infections ear mites should always be treated.
If your pet is exhibiting any of the above clinical signs it's important to bring them in for an exam to rule out an ear infection and/or the presence of mites. We can treat them and discuss how to prevent future infections as well.
(see for more information)
Curious about what could happen when your pup chews on a too hard toy too many times? If your fingernail can't make a dent in it, experts say it's too tough for your dogs teeth!