K-9 Nosework is the fun search and scenting activity for virtually all dog-handler teams. This easy to learn activity builds confidence and focus in many dogs, and provides a safe way to keep dogs fit and healthy through mental and physical exercise. Even elderly dogs, dog reactive dogs, shy dogs, and dogs lacking obedience skills necessary for other sports can do Nosework.
K-9 Nose Work starts with getting your dog excited about using his nose to seek out a hidden scent, and then alerting you to it.
Info & enroll here:
20% OFF nutrisource super stars and soft & tender treats!! While supplies last!!
What a fun eclectic group in daycare for hump day! :-)
#dogdaycare #positivedogsolutions #M4MD #lovedogs
Snow corgi.
Sometimes the problem with letting them out is that they don't want to come back in! :-) ❄️🌨️ anyone else having this issue???
Come get some Christmas goodies for your doggo!!! Open today till 2 on Christmas Eve!!
CLOSED Christmas Day.
Come get some new Canophera tugs along with a wood chew! These guys have approved them with flying colors!
Training tip: Ellie is a BIG TIME jumper when she's excited, and as a Golden retriever puppy that's most of the time! When I say "drill your dog" this is what I mean ... Over and over and over. Ask for a better behavior, do it in different locations and with different people! Use treats and toys for high energy dogs for reinforcement, toss the toy and they'll go after that for fun instead of all over your body! :-)
Jump Stop! Workshop is @ posted every 4-6 weeks if you wanna do more work with your doggo! #m4md #positivedogsolutions #positivedogtraining #forcefreedogtraining
Training tip: Ellie is a BIG TIME jumper when she's excited, and as a Golden retriever puppy that's most of the time! When I say "drill your dog" this is what I mean ... Over and over and over. Ask for a better behavior, do it in different locations and with different people! Use treats and toys for high energy dogs for reinforcement, toss the toy and they'll go after that for fun instead of all over your body! :-)
Jump Stop! Workshop is posted every 4-6 weeks if you wanna do more work with your doggo!
Training Tip: Add Structure to Play
Tyrion is all worked up and excited, one might call him frantically playing like a goofball. But you'll notice I ask for a SIT while he's motivated to get the toy, it helps him learn to respond when he's in an aroused state, as well as maintain some more controlled play that could easily get out of control and crazy. Training & play can be combined every time!
Fun afternoon crew today for daycare! This weather is incredible.
#doggydaycarelife #m4mddaycare #positivedogsolutions #doggiedaycare #M4MD
The dogs got some good romping time in yesterday before the wet weekend!!
#doggiedaycare #positivedogsolutions #M4MD #m4mddaycare