The Pipsqueakery

The Pipsqueakery The Pipsqueakery is a 501c3 animal rescue and sanctuary located in Bloomington, Indiana. EIN: 81-1655640

We care for a wide variety of animals, including native wildlife, exotic pets, rodents, farm animals and rabbits with a special focus on medically complex cases. The Pipsqueakery is a 501(c)3 nonprofit small animal rescue and sanctuary. We provide care for medically and behaviorally needy rodents and rabbits, educate the public on their care, and find forever homes and rescue placement for healthy

adoptable animals. The Pipsqueakery focuses on the care of animals with medical conditions including paralysis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, amputations, and dental disease. Our goal is to advance veterinary care and develop individual plans that prioritize accommodating the special needs of each animal to allow them to live a fulfilling life as independently as possible.

Good morning!  Gracie, here.  I was adopted from The Pipsqueakery and now I enjoy a very spoiled life.  In return, I jus...

Good morning! Gracie, here. I was adopted from The Pipsqueakery and now I enjoy a very spoiled life. In return, I just have to put up with my mom's nonsense like wearing a Halloween costume this fall. (But don't I make the cutest wizard?)

If you're interested in adopting and spoiling rats like me, please know that it will be weeks before the new rats are available for adoption. When they are, the majority will be adopted out through other rescues like EExotic Animal Rescue & Pet Sanctuary (EARPS, Inc.) If you are in Central Indiana (or willing to drive there), you can apply now through EARPS for preapproval.

We may not need fosters for the new rats because EARPs has ample space available. However, if things change, we will let potential fosters know.

p.s. Scammers are already showing up on platforms like Venmo. If you'd like to donate to us, please double check the numbers and spelling for our donation accounts. How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website:
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:
❤️ Paypal GivingFund:
❤️ Patreon:
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :
❤️ Chewy Wishlist:
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403

There is obviously quite a lot going on. Hopefully this picture of Melvin the (totally not a house goat) goat being a si...

There is obviously quite a lot going on. Hopefully this picture of Melvin the (totally not a house goat) goat being a silly man will bring some smiles.

The link below will take you to the Shelter Challenge, where it would be awesome if you could vote for us. As per usual, technically the vote is for Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary, but we're partnering with them so that's exactly who you should be voting for!

As always, y'all are amazing. Thank you so much for the support and encouragement. We'll keep doing what we do, and hope you'll continue to join us on the ride.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:

❤️ Paypal GivingFund:

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403


One of the reasons we started a rescue 12 years ago was because I was burning out from helping people with domestic viol...

One of the reasons we started a rescue 12 years ago was because I was burning out from helping people with domestic violence protective orders. When there are people involved all you can really do is offer help. Ultimately you can't force them to take that help no matter how obvious it is to the rest of the world.

That's where we are here. This is now a case for law enforcement and social services. I cannot force the human involved here to take the help offered even though there are animals being abused and neglected. All I can do is let the system work, offer my help to the agencies with power, and then be there to pick up the pieces for the animals when it is over. It's sad because there will undoubtedly be more births and deaths. Usually ending up in the criminal justice system isn't rehabilitative for people and in the end having criminal convictions leads to a lot of struggle in the system we live in. I can't make decisions for other people though.

However, let's be clear. I'm not giving up and we are absolutely waiting in the wings to help however we can. We will absolutely assist any agencies that are working on this hoarding situation, but for this exact moment it's time to focus on the 85 lives that can be saved.

This is Freyalise. She's got a heck of a respiratory infection, is blind in both eyes, and is missing a lot of fur. She's scared but she is sweet. She won't accept treats but she will accept love. She really liked the soft rug on her feet. And she has a chance to heal.

Thank you all for helping us give her that chance and for helping us see the good in the world even when there is so much suffering.

How to support what we do but your presence and kindness is truly enough:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Paypal: [email protected]

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403


I was checking over this rat's wounds today and we made it much less stressful with some peanut butter. And no, the dumb faces at the end aren't choking. He got peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth but he thinks it's totally worth it. Everyone is still alive. No one is ravenous. Everyone seems much more comfortable.

Now, let's take a second to talk about donations with all the new people! Not because I'm asking you to donate more, but because I am asking you to consider your own comfort, safety, and needs before donating. We are a 501c3 which means in the U.S. donations are tax deductible. You can look us up on the IRS website using our name or EIN which is 81-1655640.

First, let me be very clear that every single donation makes a difference whether it's $1 or $100 it is a worthwhile donation and you should be proud of that. No apologies for small donations are permitted. We love small pipsqueaky things here.

Second, do not donate to us if you can't comfortably do so. I'm serious. If you aren't taking care of your own needs and at least some of your wants first then you shouldn't be worrying about us. Unless part of your self-care is donating to save animals then it gets more complicated but at least see point 1 and consider donating like $2 and feeling proud of it.

Now, I'm gonna go through our ways to donate and talk about the positives and negatives to each method of donation.

❤️ Paypal GivingFund at is probably the most secure way to donate to us online without any fees and without worrying about scammers. The thing that worries people most here is there's some fine print about the GivingFund not necessarily sending funds where you intend. However that's mostly so they have a way to deal with funds donated to charities who lose their IRS 501c3 status before the money is paid out. The only real negative here is that this pays out once a month on the 22nd so funds aren't instantly accessible but if that's ever an issue I would let you all know. Overall 9.5/10 on ways to donate

❤️ Donating on Facebook or Instagram through our donate buttons is another very secure way to donate online. PayPal GivingFund also processes these donations so you can be sure your donation is going where you intend it to go. It's also very convenient for donors to click a couple of buttons on our posts which means it brings in a lot of donations. There is a processing fee of 1.99% + $0.49 which is a little uncool and donors can opt to cover with their donation but overall it's a very effective way for us donate. It has the same minor downside of Paypal GivingFund in that it only pays out once a month but overall the convenience to donors and the security makes me give this a 8/10 on ways to donate.

❤️ Venmo (), CashApp ($ThePipsqueakery), and Zelle (574-993-2235) are three ways to give that donors find convenient if they already use the apps and have zero fees for us. The lack of fees and the fact that we have instant access to the funds are the big positives to Venmo, CashApp and Zelle. However, at least Venmo and CashApp have a lot of scammers and you have to be really careful that you're giving to the right account by carefully checking the spelling of our usernames. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about the scammers besides report them which is mostly ineffective, warn you to be careful, and give you the last 4 digits of our phone number (2235) to try to stop scammers. Overall the ease of use, the lack of fees, and the instant access to funds make this a 8.5/10 for me.

❤️ You can also use a credit card on our website to donate. This is pretty secure as long as you make sure you're on the correct site (if haven't seen any dupes but who knows what will come up). Stripe is our payment processor there and they charge non-profits 2.7% + $0.05 which is a really reasonable fee. We get payouts from them within about 3 days from when the donation was made so it's nearly instant. I'd give this one a 9/10 on ways to donate.

❤️ Using Paypal directly by sending funds to [email protected] or is a good way to donate that is secure and we have access to the funds instantly. It does charge us a 1.99% + $0.49 transaction fee which is pretty reasonable for the instant access. It's not wildly more convenient for most people than using PayPal GivingFund though so I'd typically suggest using that first. However this does support international payments and it's something a lot of people are comfortable using. This gets an 8/10 on ways to donate for me.

❤️ For recurring donations one of the best places to donate is our Patreon at to get you all sorts of benefits. It does have higher fees than the rest which I believe comes out to about 5% but it also has a lot of functionality for us like allowing us to give you content, send you gifts, and so much more. It's one of the things that we can rely on every month to budget from and for me (Alex) the best part is that Katie runs it so I never think about it. It also only pays out once a month but again that's a very minor downside. 9/10 from me!

❤️ For those of you who like to shop we also have an Amazon Wishlist at and a Chewy Wishlist at which are great ways to donate. The main downside to this is that for some things on our wishlist Amazon has been glitching if it's a 3rd party seller and can't get the address sharing right (and yes, I have all the right settings checked). The fix to that is to just manually add our mailing address which is The Pipsqueakery 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403 and send what you want to us. Overall wishlists are a great way to make sure your money is being spend the way you want it to be spent. 9.5/10 from me.

❤️ If you want to go low tech you can always mail a check made out to The Pipsqueakery to 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403. This is a great way to donate because it has no fees except, I guess, a stamp. The main downside here is mostly that I'm historically bad at cashing checks in a timely manner but I have gotten way way better at it in the past year. If you send a check and I take too long to deposit it, feel free to message me and tell me to get my s**t together. Positives are definitely the security of not using the internet, no fees, and knowing it's going to the right place. Downsides are having to write and mail a check but I'm guessing those of you who right checks don't mind this. This gets a 9.5/10 from me.

❤️ Finally, you can support The Pipsqueakery financially by interacting with our posts on Facebook and TikTok. Both of those platforms pay us for interactions which are free for you! So when you like (other reactions such as love seem to count for more), comment (at least 4 words), and share our posts it results in tangible financial support for us. If you say nice things it also boosts our morale. If you start fights and cause drama it gets even more interaction. Choose wisely. This one gets a 10/10 from me because it costs you nothing.

Super quick update: Things are still happening with the rat situation in Ohio. I've been in and out of sleep since 10 am...

Super quick update: Things are still happening with the rat situation in Ohio. I've been in and out of sleep since 10 am (remember I didn't go to bed until like 6:30 AM) taking phone calls and answering messages.

Adoptions and fosters aren't on the radar yet. Feel free to send messages about it but don't expect a response right now.

Anyway, I ordered food so shortly Jason, the groundhogs and I will eat some stuff and then get up to do more care. Don't worry, other staff has animal care covered and I can see Agnes looking at me due to being late to her bath.

Here's Delilah bogarting Agnes' princess pillow.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:

❤️ Paypal GivingFund:

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403

Opal is doing fantastic after her spay last week. Seriously. She's been the model of post-surgery perfection. She doesn'...

Opal is doing fantastic after her spay last week. Seriously. She's been the model of post-surgery perfection. She doesn't try to run around, doesn't try to get to her incision, and mostly wakes up for some scritches, her meds, and of course delicious eggs. Normally the sound of someone chewing food, loudly with the mouth open, sends me into an irrational eye-twitching rage. But there's something endearing about it when opossums do it. Probably someone should do a study on it. I nominate Opal as lead researcher. She'd probably be game for it, so long as it included more eggs (or bananas!).

This is also your daily reminder to click the below link to vote for us in the Shelter Challenge! As noted previously, this link takes you to Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary, and THEY are who you should be casting a vote for, because we're partnering with them for this challenge! Please DO NOT search for the Pipsqueakery.

And because I know people are going to ask -- which I totally understand and totally get! -- I do not at this time have an update on the rats we were able to get out last night, or the others still in Ohio. Those who were on-sight to receive them were up very, very late getting them triaged and set up in enclosures, and those folk are now getting some much-deserved rest.

Updates will come. Please be patient with us while we focus on animal care and on the various moving parts of this situation. We are still dedicated to getting out ALL of the rats, but this situation is complicated and will likely take time to resolve. As we know more and can share, we will.

Y'all are the best. Thank you for supporting us through this and all that we do.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:

❤️ Paypal GivingFund:

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403


Ultimately we got 87 rats out of the Ohio situation but there are still hundreds there. Out of this first batch we have ...

Ultimately we got 87 rats out of the Ohio situation but there are still hundreds there. Out of this first batch we have one who was dead on arrival, one who had to be euthanized on arrival due to herniated intestines, 4 who have bladders so full of pus that it actually pours out, one with a foot so infected I'm worried it will be to the bone, lots of missing eyes, crushed toes, abscesses, wounds, respiratory infections, dehydration, and more.

Everyone has been fed, watered, given subcutaneous fluids as needed, given topical antiparasitics, and tucked into clean cages. It's 4:40 AM and they're all hungry and thirsty so we're all going to rest for a few hours before starting antibiotics for the many infections and doing wound care.

We have no intention of leaving the rest behind but are glad that for tonight 85 are safe and two are now resting peacefully.

Please consider donating if you are able because this is going to take a lot of resources:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Paypal: [email protected]

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403

Agnes is giving you all a look because I'm over here telling her all about how excuses and explanations aren't at all th...

Agnes is giving you all a look because I'm over here telling her all about how excuses and explanations aren't at all the same thing. And handling something with all the compassion I can muster doesn't mean not handling it. We're badass diva beavers over here. Of course we're handling it.

Anyway, explanations and excuses are not the same thing. Explanations inform HOW we deal with situations but should not stop those situations from being dealt with. The solution to stopping someone who abuses animals for fun vs someone who abuses animals due to mental illness certainly starts with removing the animals in both cases. However, after that the person who thinks cruelty is fun and the person who is so mentally unwell they are also living in in a dirty unsafe environment should probably have those situations remedied in different ways don't you think?

Animals must be removed. People must be stopped from repeatedly harming animals. But like some people need meds, social support, and resources rather than being locked up and having the key thrown away. I guess we could agree to disagree on this particular thing but literally the only thing that I believe in is that all humans are at least *capable* of doing good.

If I stop believing in that and stop giving compassion and empathy to people then I will be a much less effective animal rescuer. Every single animal in rescue has a person with a story attached and trying to pretend animal rescue isn't incredibly peopley just leads to frustration and burn out.

Anyway, I am cranky and Agnes doesn't want me to keep trying to explain this to her so I'm gonna take a nap because more is still happening tonight.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Paypal: [email protected]

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403

These are the images from the house in Ohio that are already circulating on social media. We didn't take them. We didn't...

These are the images from the house in Ohio that are already circulating on social media. We didn't take them. We didn't originally share them. They were taken and posted by the homeowner. This case is complicated and involves a lot of mental health issues, domestic violence, and so much more. It's also not resolved yet.

We made arrangements last night with the homeowner to help remove the rats and get them all the extensive medical help they needed. Unfortunately that didn't pan out today for reasons very much beyond our control.

We did send transport 5.5 hours away but besides that expensive trip and a few incidentals with preparations I want to reassure you all that this isn't harming the rescue or taking undue resources.

There are now additional authorities involved and we do still believe that in the coming days we will be able to extract every animal safely. We had hoped to accomplish this with cooperation from the homeowner but have come to understand that they aren't currently in a state where they can help us accomplish that goal.

We are committed to the safety of the animals in this situation and hope that the people involved will also end up getting the help they need. We expect to be headed back to Ohio in the coming days but don't really have additional information at this point. While we welcome your support for this and other rescue situations we are currently working on donations will not be a factor in our willingness to help where we are most needed. We also can't make any promises about what will happen here because this next bit is out of our hands. I do promise to do everything I can to get the animals out of this situation but we're all going to have to put a little faith in our fellow humans to do the right thing here.

How to support what we do but please don't feel you have any obligation to support us for this case. Now I'm gonna go find something for this headache, feed a baby squirrel, and groom Agnes:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Paypal: [email protected]

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403

I swear I went in yesterday fully intending to get some amazing pictures to share with everyone! But then I got distract...

I swear I went in yesterday fully intending to get some amazing pictures to share with everyone! But then I got distracted by, y'know, animal care. But hey! I think this little dude -- who is in the middle of eagerly shoving a piece of yellow squash into his pouch -- is pretty dang adorable!

So it is with this cute little hammie that I come to you to remind you to please cast a vote for us (using the below link) in the Shelter Challenge! Astute followers will notice that the link takes you to Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary, and that is 100% by design. We're partnering with them for this, so please do not search for the Pipsqueakery!!

Anyway! Lots to do to prepare for hopefully getting in a bunch of rats today. So I'll be heading into the rescue earlier than usual. We'll be sure to keep everyone updated as that situation progresses.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:

❤️ Paypal GivingFund:

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403



How do you think Agnes feels about us getting ready to pick up a bunch of rats tomorrow? I think she's rolling her eyes and sighing at me.

I should have updates on that situation for you tomorrow afternoon. Right now the only expense I know for sure is transport tomorrow but until the rats are actually in the vehicle I'm not going to even hazard a guess on numbers or conditions or what sort of expenses we are looking at. Things can go sideways until the very last moment so everyone just keep your fingers crossed and your comments kind.

I'm sure you all know that situations like this don't happen in a vacuum and in this situation there's both domestic violence and mental illness. We have an address, a time, and we can take whatever this situation throws at us so we would ask that you give us a little grace on maybe not answering every question completely so we can make sure things go smoothly. We don't leave animals behind without a plan and this isn't even our first big Ohio intake this year (it's kinda our 3rd, what's going on over there Ohio?). It's also definitely not our first big rat intake and unless there's like 500 rats hidden from the pictures it probably also won't be our biggest. We've got this because we know we have all of you supporting us.

Agnes, however, is less sure about having less of the spotlight. Please say nice things for me to read to Agnes.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:

❤️ Paypal GivingFund:

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403

Update: I am in contact with Billyjack Durow and we will be getting all the rats out tomorrow.  Please continue to be ki...

Update: I am in contact with Billyjack Durow and we will be getting all the rats out tomorrow. Please continue to be kind. This is a very emotionally difficult domestic violence situation and we believe victims here and offer them the help they need.

If anyone is in contact with the original poster Billyjack Durow please direct him to contact The Pipsqueakery immediately as we will take every single rat. This is a situation where the animals urgently need help and we will get someone there today to get them all out so they can be vetted, altered, and sent to other rescues for adoptions. Please ask him to reach out either by message or by phone to 574-993-2235 if you know him.

Please no judgment in the comments. Save it for later if you have something to say. Right now we just need him to reach out so we can get everyone safe.

So please comment and share so we can boost the signal but please be kind in your comments because right now is the time to help.

Syd had a sorta rough night last night. He had two seizures presumably from brain damage from the high temperature. He's...

Syd had a sorta rough night last night. He had two seizures presumably from brain damage from the high temperature. He's tired and out of it. His coordination is poor so I'm exclusively syringe feeding him. However, he's getting much much better at eating in general so I think he will eventually be able to feed himself.

People don't really think about how complicated eating is usually but it takes an impressive amount of coordination of muscles to do it successfully. First you have to get the food into the mouth, then you have to bite it into smaller pieces with the incisors, then the tongue helps move the small pieces back to the molars where the molars have to chew the food without chewing the tongue, then the tongue has to move food back to the back of the throat, and then swallowing has to work. That's a lot of steps when your muscles are tired and your brain has been fried at 108.3 °F.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised on my last post about Syd that everyone commented about malignant hyperthermia. Malignant hyperthermia is a reaction to inhaled anesthetics that causes the body temperature to rise out of control. The main treatment for that is physical cooling and a drug called dantrolene which isn't really something I've ever even considered keeping on hand because malignant hyperthermia is super rare even in humans. Malignant hyperthermia is also genetic so I wouldn't be wildly surprised if it has some relation to the gene that made him and his sister bald and grow curly whiskers.

Anyway, at this point Syd just needs a lot of 24/7 supportive care and I'm not even mildly exaggerating about the 24 hours a day. Last night he slept on my chest so I could keep track of his body temperature and respond to and track seizure activity. He will be starting on the same medication protocol as Delilah and just needs a lot of love.

I still haven't told his sister. I'm pretty sure she's going to bite me for breaking Syd.

How to support what we do:

❤️ Venmo: (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)

❤️ Credit card on our Website:

❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235

❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery

❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season:

❤️ Paypal GivingFund:

❤️ Patreon:

❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) :

❤️ Chewy Wishlist:

❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403


Bloomington, IN


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Send a message to The Pipsqueakery:

