I was checking over this rat's wounds today and we made it much less stressful with some peanut butter. And no, the dumb faces at the end aren't choking. He got peanut butter stuck to the roof of his mouth but he thinks it's totally worth it. Everyone is still alive. No one is ravenous. Everyone seems much more comfortable.
Now, let's take a second to talk about donations with all the new people! Not because I'm asking you to donate more, but because I am asking you to consider your own comfort, safety, and needs before donating. We are a 501c3 which means in the U.S. donations are tax deductible. You can look us up on the IRS website using our name or EIN which is 81-1655640.
First, let me be very clear that every single donation makes a difference whether it's $1 or $100 it is a worthwhile donation and you should be proud of that. No apologies for small donations are permitted. We love small pipsqueaky things here.
Second, do not donate to us if you can't comfortably do so. I'm serious. If you aren't taking care of your own needs and at least some of your wants first then you shouldn't be worrying about us. Unless part of your self-care is donating to save animals then it gets more complicated but at least see point 1 and consider donating like $2 and feeling proud of it.
Now, I'm gonna go through our ways to donate and talk about the positives and negatives to each method of donation.
❤️ Paypal GivingFund at https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1464955 is probably the most secure way to donate to us online without any fees and without worrying about scammers. The thing that worries people most here is there's some fine print about the GivingFund not necessarily sending funds where you intend. However that's mostly so they have a way to deal with funds donated to charities who lose their IRS 501c3 status before the money is paid out. The only real negative here is that this pays out once a month on the 22nd so funds aren't instantly accessible but
How do you think Agnes feels about us getting ready to pick up a bunch of rats tomorrow? I think she's rolling her eyes and sighing at me.
I should have updates on that situation for you tomorrow afternoon. Right now the only expense I know for sure is transport tomorrow but until the rats are actually in the vehicle I'm not going to even hazard a guess on numbers or conditions or what sort of expenses we are looking at. Things can go sideways until the very last moment so everyone just keep your fingers crossed and your comments kind.
I'm sure you all know that situations like this don't happen in a vacuum and in this situation there's both domestic violence and mental illness. We have an address, a time, and we can take whatever this situation throws at us so we would ask that you give us a little grace on maybe not answering every question completely so we can make sure things go smoothly. We don't leave animals behind without a plan and this isn't even our first big Ohio intake this year (it's kinda our 3rd, what's going on over there Ohio?). It's also definitely not our first big rat intake and unless there's like 500 rats hidden from the pictures it probably also won't be our biggest. We've got this because we know we have all of you supporting us.
Agnes, however, is less sure about having less of the spotlight. Please say nice things for me to read to Agnes.
How to support what we do:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season: https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/babies-atthepipsqueakery-march-2025-bloomington/GD4VSX1O6Y3J
❤️ Paypal GivingFund: http://paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1464955
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send s
Since last fall Ben has developed a bad case of cage aggression which basically means if someone sticks their hands in his cage he attacks. We talked about reconsidering his non-releasable status but he has zero fear of humans and very little common sense so he just wasn't a good candidate.
However, it just wasn't safe for anyone to take care of him except for me so I moved him up into the office. Of course, no one who had interacted with him downstairs believed he still liked any humans so I just had to rub it in that he still loves me. See, as long as I'm not messing around with his bedroom (i.e. his cage) he's very happy to groom me, get pets, and take treats.
How to support what we do:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) : http://a.co/fEKocKc
❤️ Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy.com/g/the-pipsqueakery-inc_b69832307
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403
I'm having an anxiety filled day over having to make hard decisions about animals here.
Like do I try to save the squirrel with the back injury that has already infected puncture wounds, urine scald, and an incredibly distended bladder? (We opted for euthanizing given the likelihood of kidney damage and the infected wounds)
Is this flying squirrel a northern flyer? If she is does that mean she's a dumped pet? (I'm not 100% sure on my answer here)
How do we keep Theodora from messing with her amputation site when taping a cone to her isn't even reliably working? Doesn't she know that if she causes too much damage we will have no choice but to euthanize her? (I guess more tape? Stronger tape?)
What do I do with this incredibly friendly grey squirrel that someone kept as an illegal pet? (I have to ask this question way way too often. But I'm kinda in my emotions about this one because he's an incredibly good squirrel)
Do I try to save this baby grey squirrel that was caught by a cat? At what point do I make the call because it would be cruel to keep trying? (The punctures aren't terrible but the abdominal bruising doesn't make me feel great)
And, of course, as I said in the video what if Agnes someday wakes up and decides she would rather be wild again? (I think this is incredibly unlikely, but I'm being anxious, not rational)
Anyway, say nice things and say a lot of them so I can be distracted with comments instead of thinking thoughts.
How to support what we do because I'm sure anxiety over something financial is lurking. I'm anxious about everything else, so why not that too?:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with add
Agnes was not really into being a model for the camera today. Luckily you all love her even when she is just wolfing down snacks from my hand. It was a chaotic day at The Pipsqueakery but luckily most of the chaos could be handled from the couch. Agnes was pretty pleased with how today went but I have a feeling she's going to be frustrated with me as we get further into rehab season because other animals need my attention too!
Maybe I should just pawn off all the rehab cases that aren't beavers and groundhogs on someone else so I can give Agnes and Delilah more attention.
How to support what we do:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) : http://a.co/fEKocKc
❤️ Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy.com/g/the-pipsqueakery-inc_b69832307
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403
This is one of the first time Bunce has cached his food!
When we think of animals that cache, we commonly think of squirrels, crows, and woodpeckers. Squirrels will cache up to 3,000 nuts while preparing for winter and the part of their brain responsible for spatial memory will actually expand to retain info on as many locations as possible. Crows also commonly cache, and these intelligent animals will even pretend to cache a tasty snack if a food rival is watching! And some folks might be familiar with acorn woodpeckers, which form groups that store acorns in communal ‘pantries’, oak trees that they poke holes into and have a guard woodpecker monitoring their storage.
Foxes will also cache their food. This time of year caching will increase as foxes prepare to raise babies. Our fur farm foxes wolfed down their food until recently and they would also immediately swallow high value items. Either because of spring hormones or because they’re finally realizing that food isn’t scarce anymore, they’re now caching their favorite items. In their previous situation, wire mesh in a fur farm that were welded without doors because they weren’t supposed to leave the cages alive, there wasn’t room to cache. There wasn’t dirt or soft ground for their paws to bury into. There wasn’t tasty snacks like treats and hard boiled eggs. Thank you all for your support for these sweet boys and girls ❤️ As you can tell in the video, they’ve settled in and seem much more comfortable and happy.
If you’d like to support the foxes and all of the other animals in care, please check out the below!
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble
Did you know that one of the best ways to help The Pipsqueakery doesn't cost a thing? The more followers we reach on social media the more animals we can help.
Will you help us get the word out about The Pipsqueakery with just 3 clicks?
Just go to the top of our page click the three dots (…) on the right. It’s beside the donate button. Once in there, click “invite friends”. Then click “select all”. Thats It!
Let us know in the comments if you can help more people support animals like Flicka the flying squirrel!
#Throwback to Grumpy Bun being very angry that Jason was stealing her poops. #bunny #rabbit #grumpy
So on Wednesday I was feeding baby squirrels and had left Agnes alone on the couch. She had a bath. She had snacks. She was sleeping comfortably. Or so I thought. About 30 minutes into making formula, cleaning up, and feeding I heard a crash, then another crash. Jason went running I couldn't because a baby squirrel was in the middle of eating.
When I got there Agnes had knocked all my stuff off the couch, knocked all of her stuff off the box beside the couch, knocked over the trash can, pulled one empty hamster cage off a box, and was about to grab an entire stack of hamster cages to throw on the floor.
Luckily Jason had scooped her up and she agreed to stop her reign of terror if he held her and rubbed her belly.
Anyway... I've got about half the hamsters moved downstairs now and will be moving most of the rest this week.
How to support what we do because I'm not allowed to do anything except cater to a bougie beaver:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) : http://a.co/fEKocKc
❤️ Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy.com/g/the-pipsqueakery-inc_b69832307
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403
I made a little jar of butternut squash puree and nutri-cal to feed Theodora the pitiful skunk. Because she's wearing a cone-of-shame collar. Because she was chomping her surgery site...
Anyway, Agnes wanted to try a bit, so I let her have some and she got a little obsessed. Though part of the way through the video, I think she realized butternut squash may count as a vegetable. Too bad, lady! You ate something healthy! #beaver #wildliferehab #butternut
How to support what we do:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) : http://a.co/fEKocKc
❤️ Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy.com/g/the-pipsqueakery-inc_b69832307
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403
Agnes is worn out today. Going on trips to teach people is exhausting. Despite her exhaustion she is still supervising my work. Facebook went and decided to monetize Facebook stories, at least temporarily. So Agnes has been making me post all of my random poor quality pictures to Facebook Stories so that when you watch them and interact with them she will get more funds. I'm unsure what she needs more funds for but I'm sure whatever it is will create more work for me and Jason.
Anyway, that means when you like, comment on, share, and watch our videos, pictures, reels and stories you help raise funds for the rescue. Or for Agnes' vanity projects. Either way.
How to support what we do which is apparently 90% catering to the whims of a beaver:
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Registry for Baby Season: https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/babies-atthepipsqueakery-march-2025-bloomington/GD4VSX1O6Y3J
❤️ Paypal GivingFund: http://paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1464955
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) : http://a.co/fEKocKc
❤️ Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy.com/g/the-pipsqueakery-inc_b69832307
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403
Dear Diary,
It’s me Agnes. Yesterday I blessed everyone with my beautiful presence at an annual meeting with the Indiana DNR’s Reclamation department. Alex rudely abandoned me for a whole three hours (she was assisting our vet with 10 neuters for adoptable animals, six spays, and one mass removal, which obviously isn’t nearly as important as me) and Jason wasn’t quick enough with my needed snacks. However, when I expressed my disapproval, he was quick to correct this. We were up front for a bit before strolling through the tables and meeting everyone. Jason talked about the benefits of beavers and the positive impact my species has on the environment. I did amazingly as always but do want to put in a request for a smoother ride.
Another animal came along with us, the opossum named Opal. She seemed to do well. Notably, she isn’t me, so back onto more important topics.
After my round of applause, we made our way back home, where I then spent the rest of the day recuperating on the couch. I got my usual handfed dinner and rested after a job well done.
Bougie Beaver
Inspired by Melissa Philbrook and David and Mollie Lawsons comments. Thank you all for everything, and if you’d like to support Agnes and all of the other animals in care, check out the below!
❤️ Venmo: @ThePipsqueakery (please make sure you confirm it is our account, last 4 digits of the phone number are 2235)
❤️ Credit card on our Website: thepipsqueakery.org
❤️ Zelle: 574-993-2235
❤️ Cashapp: $ThePipsqueakery
❤️ Paypal: [email protected]
❤️ Patreon: patreon.com/thepipsqueakery
❤️ Amazon Wishlist (if you have trouble with addresses or you want to send something not on the wishlist you can just send to 8491 S Rockport rd Bloomington, IN 47403) : http://a.co/fEKocKc
❤️ Chewy Wishlist: https://www.chewy.com/g/the-pipsqueakery-inc_b69832307
❤️ Mail a check: 8491 S Rockport Rd Bloomington, IN 47403