Let the games begin! For the third year in a row, Team Cubby’s is participating in the annual Dog Daycare Games, put on by the Dog Gurus, one of our industry training providers. The games go for three weeks and cover three different activities that we do with the dogs: Recalls, Group Sits and Boundary exercises. We’re going to head to head with over 100 dog day cares across the nation.
This year is especially exciting for the team, as I have promised them big prizes if we improve on our ranking from last year.
This week was all about the recalls and the team and the dogs did a great job! Can’t wait to see how many medals we won this week!!!
Cubby's Canines reigned Supreme in our Superbowl I. We all had tons of fun and I'm sure the pups rested well on Friday night. We hope you enjoy the other game that's on today. GO BIRDS!!
Check out some of the game time action. We had 3 different play yards competing for the most points scored. Stay tuned to see the winning play.
Resting up before our big game today. Stay tuned.
Want help strengthening your dog's Sit-Stay and Down-Stay? This week we worked on Stays in our Enrichment and Training programs. Check out these quick tips for help at home.
*keep your sessions SHORT (1-2 min)
*rewards (rate of reinforcement) should be frequent initially and happen in the STAY position
*have a release word (take a break, free, release, ok) indicating your dog may get up and move out of position
*if your dog breaks position often, use it as information to adjust your training. You may be building duration too quickly or moving too far away from them. Go back a step or two and build from there.
Want additional support for working Stays, reach out to our training department: [email protected]
#cubbyscaninecastle #dogtraining #nationaldogtrainingmonth #stays #sitstay #downstay
Wish my dog could do this
Incessant barking or pawing at you while your attention is busy with something else? Teaching a default SETTLE can help curb your dogs attention seeking behaviors. Dogs should know how to calm their minds and settle their body when we can't actively engage with them. Our training department teaches this to all our daytrain dogs. Need to reinforce this behavior and others? Sign up for our manners maintenance minutes during our January special for $15 for 15 minutes during daycare. Call the office at 610-272-0300 to reserve your spot.
The Cubby's Canines were having a fabulously fun time as we kicked off our National Train your dog Enrichment month yesterday! Your pups are eager and excited to start brushing up on those CGC (Canine Good Citizenship) skills. Registration is still open for this round, so run on over and get signed up!!
Use the form here to enroll your dog: https://form.jotform.com/242884559100156
Sessions are $12 each and available Tuesdays through Fridays from now through January 31st.
#cubbyscaninecastle #dogtraining #enrichmentfordogs #cgc #caninegoodcitizenintraining #enrichment #fungames #confidencebuilding
We wanted to wish everyone in the Cubby's Community a Happy New Year! And thank you for a fabulous 2024. We had an amazingly fun year with your dogs! Here's a little recap to enjoy....
Sydney and Artie were having a great time playing together in the outdoor yard. The dogs slept well that night I bet.
Havapoo meets Cockapoo..... This morning, I had the pleasure of checking in dogs for daycare. Jack Place (10 month old Red Cockapoo) and Bentley Sheakespeare (1 year old Havapoo) happened to be getting dropped of at the same time. Their moms told me they were daycare besties. Their moms were NOT exaggerating!!! I could not even get these boys into the building before they started playing together like crazy! Always fun to see new friendships made at the Castle:)