Hen & Hare Microfarm

Hen & Hare Microfarm Hen and Hare is a locally owned and operated microfarm in South Boise.

A microfarm in Boise, Idaho dedicated to raising sustainable food, connecting community, and helping the environment.

Sometimes, I get so into production mode that I forget I can just make a regular, small batch of something for us. And t...

Sometimes, I get so into production mode that I forget I can just make a regular, small batch of something for us. And that we're only a family of two, so seven jars of pickles is JUST FINE. Does anyone else tend to go a little hard on food prep?

The plum tree was good to us this year! That late frost had me nervous, but this year was one of our best harvests yet.I...

The plum tree was good to us this year! That late frost had me nervous, but this year was one of our best harvests yet.

I use golden plum jam as an ingredient - as a glaze on salmon or blended up in a salad dressing. Drizzled in ice cream? Perfect.

Pick up a jar at the this weekend!

Berry season is lasting for.ev.er. At some point, I give up and let the birds and wasps finish the harvest, but I'm not ...

Berry season is lasting for.ev.er. At some point, I give up and let the birds and wasps finish the harvest, but I'm not quite there yet. Gotta get these frozen for jam makin' season.

Turkeys are a bird without so many of the terrible bird qualities. They have a much more easy-going spirit than chickens...

Turkeys are a bird without so many of the terrible bird qualities. They have a much more easy-going spirit than chickens, and it really helps with flexible management.

In the first round of turkeys, not everyone was up to the necessary weight for processing, so we held most of the hens back. But with a new batch in the barn ready for pasture, we had to take a chance on integrating both sets of birds.

Our biggest problem was the one leftover rooster that actively stalked the poults through the pasture. He was caught and processed.

Then, the few remaining toms were mostly all show, putting on bravado and taking the occasional swipe. For the most part, though, they go about their business.

And of course, the hens couldn't care less about the new kids in the field.

These two little rams look just like Samael and Ammon when we brought them home four years ago. Derpy horns and weird li...

These two little rams look just like Samael and Ammon when we brought them home four years ago. Derpy horns and weird little clown smiles.

When I got home from Montana last night, the first place I headed to was the garden. Roses are in a new flush, and some ...

When I got home from Montana last night, the first place I headed to was the garden. Roses are in a new flush, and some of our annuals are really stepping into their prime. Flowers for this weekend's bouquet subscriptions are looking fiiiine.

A contractor bailed at the last minute. The ram got out. Again.Our spruce fell over onto a good portion of my garden.But...

A contractor bailed at the last minute.
The ram got out. Again.
Our spruce fell over onto a good portion of my garden.


We still managed to find a replacement for this week.
He meandered back in on his own.
Now I can plant a s**t ton more roses.

So many little things have gone wrong this week, but I am really trying to look on the bright side. I get bogged down in the negatives, but we're still doing okay. Although, I'm not excited to figure out this tree removal situation.

Who else is stoked for tomorrow's warm-yet-reasonable market tomorrow?! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈβ˜€οΈP.S. - If you haven't pre-ordered your tur...

Who else is stoked for tomorrow's warm-yet-reasonable market tomorrow?! πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈβ˜€οΈ

P.S. - If you haven't pre-ordered your turkey yet, you can do it in person! We are already 20% sold out this first week.

Turkey pre-orders are now available! And a full schedule of turkey processing classes, too. Don't wait to reserve your b...

Turkey pre-orders are now available! And a full schedule of turkey processing classes, too. Don't wait to reserve your bird - they're already going fast.


No matter how well we plan, there's always some hiccup with our birds. We're halfway through our turkey season, but this...

No matter how well we plan, there's always some hiccup with our birds. We're halfway through our turkey season, but this week, only half of batch one is heading to the processor. A lot of the birds are still small, so they'll have an extra month on pasture. That means an extra trip and figuring out where to keep some extra birds for a while..

For those who have been checking in, turkey pre-orders open up this week. (Maybe today, if all goes well!) You'll place your deposit, which goes towards the cost of your bird. This year, we've already scheduled pick-up dates, so don't forget to put them on your calendar!

My neighbors watch me take a lot of photos of insects. πŸͺ²πŸ•·πŸžπŸ

My neighbors watch me take a lot of photos of insects. πŸͺ²πŸ•·πŸžπŸ

I'm tired of the quick, cheap solution being acceptable when it causes so much harm to the environment. Wool is burned i...

I'm tired of the quick, cheap solution being acceptable when it causes so much harm to the environment. Wool is burned instead of processed - and then we wear and insulate and mulch with plastic. There's a lot done for the sake of "progress" that doesn't feel like progress at all. It feels like we have lost the value of nature and believe industrially-produced solutions are superior.

This spring, I watched birds pick up bits of discarded wool from shearing. I enjoyed the unique beauty of a handwoven wool blanket raised from my sheep. I mulched with wool scraps. I learned how to crochet to make a one-of-a-kind scarf.

And the beauty of all of this is that one day, it will be able to rot back into the earth with no residual waste.

I want well-made. I want long-lasting. I want unique and local and small-batch. Anyone else?

This has been a stunning year for flowers, y'all.And foxtail, but whatever.What are you loving in your garden right now?

This has been a stunning year for flowers, y'all.
And foxtail, but whatever.

What are you loving in your garden right now?

We picked up 60 more turkey poults this week! This little, extra-cuddly stage is always my favorite. Just two seconds af...

We picked up 60 more turkey poults this week! This little, extra-cuddly stage is always my favorite. Just two seconds after this photo was taken, one of them fell asleep.

On my grandparents' farm in Star, there was an old barn, and I remember my grandpa bringing me out to look at the barn o...

On my grandparents' farm in Star, there was an old barn, and I remember my grandpa bringing me out to look at the barn owl that was nesting inside. We don't have a beautiful old barn, but we did put up an owl box four years ago to try to entice one.

Over the past few years, it has been inhabited by wood ducks during nesting season. That was to be expected, since when it was installed, they told us it was unlikely owls would like our proximity to busy roads and lots of lights.

However, Ammon caught the pair hanging out on the barn window one night during chores last week. Our first clue was the beheaded vole underneath the owl box a few weeks ago, but I attributed it to a cat to not get my hopes up that we finally had the owls we were hoping for.

We’re excited to have a nesting pair on the farm - especially to help us with our ever-present mouse population.

"If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing anything." -DadTwelve years ago, I had just graduated college and found...

"If you're not making mistakes, you're not doing anything." -Dad

Twelve years ago, I had just graduated college and found out the restaurant I was working at was closing down. A friend who owned a private wildland fire company offered me a job for the summer.

I was afraid to take it - that it would be a delay in finding a job that I "should" have using the degree I had just struggled through (the unstructured chaos that is college killed me). I was also afraid I couldn't cut it - I was in shape, but I also didn't feel exceptionally strong.

So I was talking it out with my parents, hoping to get some kind of permission to go try out this completely new direction for my life. Being the always supportive types, I didn't get it. But this advice from Dad was exactly what I needed to hear. Not permission to take the job, but permission to mess up.

It ended up being one of the best jobs I've ever had - and I can trace the path to exactly where I am today because of it. Not only for the timing, but the confidence. I've made other career changes because looking back at this one leap has frequently given me courage to know that the Big Scary Decision can turn out really well. It doesn't have to be your forever choice, either. But it can get you to where you are meant to be.

This year, we cut back our rabbits by two thirds - but we are still breeding every few months. They are an important liv...

This year, we cut back our rabbits by two thirds - but we are still breeding every few months. They are an important livestock for our microfarm, helping with soil nutrition and w**d management. We also love bringing a different protein to the market since it is such a sustainable resource.

Some areas of business are hard for me to move out of, especially ones I'm so emotionally invested in. But it was important for me to let go of trying to do everything at full capacity. Having a less-full barn has felt like a relief, though.

From April to June, our driveway has a constant rotation of plants waiting to be added to gardens. Hopefully, everything...

From April to June, our driveway has a constant rotation of plants waiting to be added to gardens. Hopefully, everything will be out by next week, including yesterday's most recent influx. 🌿

I might have mentioned months ago that I hadn't pruned the blackberries yet. Well, it's still on the list with a hundred...

I might have mentioned months ago that I hadn't pruned the blackberries yet. Well, it's still on the list with a hundred other little spring things. They are coming along just fine, though.

Last week, we got a whole pallet of jars in for jams so we'll be focusing on getting restocked. It will clear out our freezer space just in time for fresh summer fruits πŸ“

The storage on my phone is full again, but I don't know how I'm supposed to delete any of my 8,000 farm sunset photos. O...

The storage on my phone is full again, but I don't know how I'm supposed to delete any of my 8,000 farm sunset photos. Or 800 videos of lambs.

Sometimes, I miss the excitement you'd get from the call from Walgreens that your pictures were ready to pick up. Buuuuut they also never turned out as nice as this.

Growing up, we had a big white rooster named Gentle, who let us pick him up and carry him around. There was also a terri...

Growing up, we had a big white rooster named Gentle, who let us pick him up and carry him around. There was also a terrifying Rhode Island red hen that was always in the nesting boxes when it was time to collect eggs, and she'd peck at you while fished them out from under her.

I love watching chickens develop personalities. Our new hens are still on the timid side, but this little buff orpington is sweet. They have a calmer and broodier tendency than most, and they're always my favorite in a flock.

Phoebe has been... helping. Luckily, these lisianthus starts are durable and flat. More starts arrive this week. They'll...

Phoebe has been... helping. Luckily, these lisianthus starts are durable and flat.

More starts arrive this week. They'll get planted out by the weekend, and then the animals can transition from laying on them in pots to laying on them when they're in the ground. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Just patiently waiting for peony season to start... and with it, our flower subscription! πŸ’June flowers are available to...

Just patiently waiting for peony season to start... and with it, our flower subscription! πŸ’

June flowers are available to pre-order for an easy Boise Farmers Market pick-up.

Every day, I feel so grateful for all of the supportive farmers in our community. Since Hecate lambed earlier this week,...

Every day, I feel so grateful for all of the supportive farmers in our community. Since Hecate lambed earlier this week, Tim from has answered so many worried questions from me and given me sound advice, especially with this damp weather.

Today, I pulled the new little ram for a warming session with the heat lamp. He napped with our dejected ewe before heading out refreshed to be with Hecate again. I imagine there will be more warming sessions over the next few days if Hecate keeps ignoring the rain shelter Ammon built. Here's hoping the rest of our girls hold off for the sunny weather next week.

What a week it's been... and it's barely Wednesday.Monday started with spring cleaning house chores, then removal of a f...

What a week it's been... and it's barely Wednesday.

Monday started with spring cleaning house chores, then removal of a few moles, which felt like enough of a thing.

But then I realized how poorly I planned my week - Ammon left for a conference for half the week, and suddenly, I have weight and movement limitations because of stitches. Needless to say, chores have been a little half-assed.

And yesterday, Hecate finally went into labor. Overall, her lambing was easy. I did pull the last lamb to be safe since it was well over a few hours into her labor and growing dark. After coming in at 9:30, I discovered Phoebe had maliciously peed on Ammon's side of the bed for being neglected for the evening.

Now, we have one little bottle baby lamb. This morning I discovered she had been rejected by Hecate. She's taking great care of the others, but the last little ewe was trying to nurse on the other sheep and getting butted around. It's thrown off my plan for the day, playing single mom and bottle feeding, but she's pretty good company.

I'm so glad Ammon will be back tonight. πŸ˜…

Alright, everyone, we're officially on baby watch. Three ewes are definitely pregnant, and our newest girl might lamb la...

Alright, everyone, we're officially on baby watch. Three ewes are definitely pregnant, and our newest girl might lamb later this summer. I think this season we'll have twins from Hecate again - she is looking extra pregnant.

This is little Hex, who was our first lamb born on the farm two years ago to Hecate.

PC: .jr

Age doesn't slow this   down. She's been out on farm dates, monitoring the caretaking of the new chicks, and tromping th...

Age doesn't slow this down. She's been out on farm dates, monitoring the caretaking of the new chicks, and tromping through the barn muck. At least she's easy to wrangle into a tub.

Pssst.... don't forget, we're not out of the woods yet with snow and chilly temps. This is your permission to enjoy the ...

Pssst.... don't forget, we're not out of the woods yet with snow and chilly temps. This is your permission to enjoy the sunshine with a book or a drink. Skip the heavy-duty cleanup for now! Those overwintering insects still need a leaf blanket over the soil.

This grass is from last year's Treasure Valley Pollinator Project that focused on beetles. I can't wait to add in more native flowers to this berm. Do you want to hear more about our pollinator spaces this year? We have some fun plans in the works!

We celebrated our anniversary early this week with a farm date. It's been 7 years since we eloped in a park and closed o...

We celebrated our anniversary early this week with a farm date. It's been 7 years since we eloped in a park and closed on the microfarm all in a whirlwind week.

Last night, we planted fruit trees and spring vegetables, watched the sheep, and I made a mental to-do list of everything to work on this spring. (There's always the one partner that can't shut work off in their brain, you know)

I'm excited for all of the spring projects and plantings, and so grateful to have Ammon along with me for all of it.

When we moved to Sand Hollow, my dad also moved a giant chicken coop onto the property next to the orchard. My sister an...

When we moved to Sand Hollow, my dad also moved a giant chicken coop onto the property next to the orchard. My sister and I would drag out chairs from the patio and watch the chickens for hours. There was maybe 20 or 30 of them. We gave them all names and dramatic backstories, much like we did our barbies. That coop was also a fort and a pretend house, and the perfect place to spend a summer outside. πŸ“


Boise, ID


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