There's a lot of things Ammon and I raise just for us - like the rest of the chickens Ammon will be putting in the freezer this weekend. We don't have the space for more sheep or meat birds. Or more rows of vegetables or a full orchard. And certainly not the fridge space and time. Or really? The desire.
When we first bought the farm, I regretted not getting a bigger piece of land. I wanted more livestock and more gardens. Prices had skyrocketed, though, and we were locked in here.
But looking at our place now, I'm grateful. We can raise most of our own meat, have a kitchen garden, and enjoy as much fruit as we want when it's in season. Honestly, I'm not much of a vegetable farmer, and I don't want to manage a large herd. Those can stay in the hobby farm realm.
We don't need to do everything on a marketable scale. It's not sustainable at our level, and there are so many other wonderful farms who raise all of those things for market. Having limited space has really helped me focus on our niche in the community and fine-tune what I want to offer.