Give Warsaw Vet and Feed a call with any of your feed needs this winter!
Winter is officially here! Busting ice, feeding hay, and thawing out hoses and hydrant season yippie! Hay and stockpiled grass are significantly lacking in nutrients present in growing grass so your livestock likely need a little supplement to keep those rumen bug digesting properly. Like us most are a little busy for one reason or another and may not be able to feed every day or every other day so we have a selection of tubs to help with challenging schedules! We have big blocks and tubs for cows, tubs for calves, sheep, goats and horses! All our tubs and blocks have mineral baked right in so you don’t have to feed mineral if you don’t want to(however mineral can help decrease tub/block consumption). Performance sheep block(125 #) pictured below! Give Josh a call at (660) 723-5070 or give us a call at the clinic at (660)438-7333 for pricing and to see what or selection looks like! If we don’t have what you’re looking for we can likely get it!