Merry Christmas, everyone! May the Lord’s love and light be with you this holiday season and into the coming year.
The classic Christmas movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, leaves the audience with the final message of, “No man is a failure who has friends.” So thank you all for making me, in the words of Harry Bailey speaking of his brother George, “the richest man in town.” I truly am, thanks to each and every one of you who have been a part of this brand this year!
"There is no greater love than this— that a man may lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13. Today is a day to honor those who have laid down their life that we may live in freedom and safety. A day to remember those who lost the battle in service to their country, whether to our enemies or to their own demons. A day that serves as a reminder that we stand upon the shoulders of their sacrifice, and that we should never forget that such heroes have lived.
Going to be another warm day— make sure to stay cool! Stop by our full service horse wash complete with blow dry. 🤪
Great day working with Chase Perkins and Dakota at the Cultivating Hope Farms arena! Can’t wait to host some lessons and clinics this summer. Look like something that could help you and your horse out? Join us back at this arena for an advancing horsemanship clinic on April 27th!
If you want to keep your pride, don’t buy a mare. If you want a horse who will hang on your every word, don’t buy a mare. If you want a horse who will trip over herself following your every command, don’t buy a mare. But on the flip side… If you want to be challenged every day to be the best horseman you can be, buy a mare. If you want to grow into a worthy partner who earns the respect of their horse, buy a mare. She’ll teach you everything you need to know, if you’re ready to listen.
I was thankful for rain the beginning of this week, and now I’m thankful to be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine! What are you thankful for today?
To my students— I promise I love you. I won’t enjoy this at all whatsoever… well… I’ll enjoy it a little bit. But only because it will improve you as a rider! Purely professional. 😛😂
Horses: if it isn’t pushing you out of your comfort zone, you aren’t doing it right! Outside of your comfort zone is the only place where real growth takes place— even when that growth is perseverance in the face of failure. #doublebarc #motivationdaily #ranchhorse
Even on cold, snowy days, thankful for the One who has set great things in motion!
The 2024 show season will be in full swing before we know it! What’s your top goal for this year? #doublebarc #spring #goals
It may be dreary outside, but it’s warm and fun inside the cattle barn at the Iowa Horse Fair 2024! Come inside to dry off and hang out with Milo and Maude the mini donkeys at Cultivating Hope Farms’ interactive booth!