Letti Aus Der Asche aka “Herja” BH/VT, ASCTI Explosives Detection K9, CGC
Cak od Turoveckých rybníků x Goldy vom Haus Westland
Co-Owned with Karin Wagemann
Nine Realms Working Line German Shepherds
Nine Realms Canine Training
Bred by Michelle Kilpatrick Aus der Asche German Shepherds
Big thanks as always to the excellent Helper, Eric Costa! Permission to post from his lovely wife, Brooke.
#workingdog #igp #germanshepherd #gsdlife #schutzhund #igpdogsport #dogsport
Exercise isn't the only side of this equation. Dogs need exercise yes, but they also need real genetic fulfillment as dogs. They need opportunities to not only fulfill their breed-specific needs, but also to fulfill their needs as predators. They need to hunt, stalk, chase, catch, and consume and it's up to us to help provide those things in their life. This goes further than giving them enrichment toys and lick mats. Some ways to help fulfill predation in our dogs include chuck it, flirt pole (this is a big one), and some raw feeding practices too. And a lot of dogs experience great benefits from tracking and detection as it fulfills their drive to hunt. Get creative!
"A closed mind is a dying mind." -Edna Ferber
The dog training world is a very harsh place with some very closed-minded people in it and I think we need to do better as a community to change that. Just because another trainer solves issues differently doesn't make them wrong, there might be a reason they problem solve in that way with that particular dog. I highly recommend taking other trainers in your area out to coffee and having a friendly and respectful conversation about training theory. You'd be surprised how much you can learn just by keeping an open mind.
K9 Lobo
Sometimes I think that the only thing Lobo really cares about in life is tracking. The thought of “what if someone had adopted him and he never got a chance to discoverer how much he loves tracking?” makes me so happy I have him. Fingers crossed this boy ends up somewhere where he can track as a career. ....#workingdog #k9 #dogtraining #policek9 #germanshepherd #k9unit #sheriffk9 #workingdogs #germanshepherdpuppy #rescuedog #k9training #shelterdog #malinoismix #shepinois #trackingdog #trackingk9
K9 Badger got to have a little fun yesterday. Thank you to Taylor Lenhartzen for your decoy skills!
#workingdog #k9 #dogtraining #knpvdogs #policek9 #k9unit #sheriffk9 #workingdogs #rescuedog #k9training #apprehensionk9
#k9training #k9dogs
Aya was the dog that taught me about reactive dogs. She’s the most difficult dog I’ve ever personally owned and while I’ve rehabbed much harder dogs in the past, it’s so rewarding to see that the last four years of trial and error have brought us here. #rescuedog #dogtraining #trainer #dogsofinstagram #doglovers #reactivedog #rottiemix #rottweiler #pitbull #mixeddogs #reactivedogsofinstagram #ecollartechnologies #dogtrainersofig #dogtrainer #caninerehabilitation
Reliable recall is not only arguably the most lifesaving skill for your dog to know, but it should also be one of the most fun games your dog knows how to play.
#dogtraining #dogtraininglife #recalltraining #ecollartraining #ecollartrainingdoneright
Its fun to have fun #tiktoktrending #sportdogsoftiktok #schutzhund #igp
#igpdogshavemorefun #focusedheel
Day in the life of the Katka K9 Pack
In this video: Xerxes, Lobo, Herja, Zuko, Lieke
#workingdog #k9 #germanshepherd #policek9 #k9unit #dogtraining #workingdogs #schutzhund #rescuedog
#trackingdog #k9workingdogs #policek9 #k9unit #germanshepherd #sheriffk9 #dogtraining #workingdogs #dickstaalmethod #trackingk9
Heel work has been so fun to train with miss Herja.