5 month old Nova is doing very good with her owner. More to go though.
Another video of Nova again at Lowes
Ok here is Nova 4 month Cocoapoo who has an enormous amount of energy and just 2 weeks ago was jumping up on the owners coat growling and showing her teeth!! Little bastard lol. Anyways here she is now and the sweetest little girl. Still has her energy and the tail doesn’t stop wagging (😃), but now under control. We got another 3, 4 weeks to go!!
Unfortunately they make me post one video at a time. This is Part 2 of below video.
Great job from Moony and Angie his owner working on the Recall. Good Job!
Part 1
While you watch these videos you might be saying to yourself, I don’t care about all that I just want my dog to stop jumping on me or I want my dog to stop having anxiety and the list goes on. Well unfortunately you have to go from the beginning to the end in order for these bad habits to disappear. All this gives both you and your dog structure.
My grandson said to me why do I need to learn about a certain subject in school I’m not gonna use it in life. I said well you are because each time you learn something you exercise your brain which your going to need in life. Training is the same.
If you need dog training or know of someone who is looking for training send them my way and get it right the first time. Enjoy another video from tonight of Moony.
Ok all this is Moony (male) 2 years old on his 5th week with his owner. I don’t teach stages and charge each stage, i teach from the beginning to advance for one price. He also accomplished a 3 minute stay tonight.
Bella has too much to say!
Andy the Boston Terrier is doing great with his owner during a training lesson today. Good job!!
Peanut continues! almost completed!
Peanut working very good at Home Depot
Brody is doing so well! Now he’s doing a sit from a down. Watch till end.
Brody just learning the Recall on a 6’ leash then he’ll graduate to a 25’ leash.
12 year old doing very good training his dog Brody.
Heal and auto sit with the owner. They are doing very good!
Peanut is doing very good!