-- WARNING ;; Use of Extenda-lead ; Explination at end --
Flash back #2 This boy had some moves! He learned so fast and was so eager to do anything asked. He really has to this day every bit it takes to be the perfect Service dog!
(October 2018 - 5 mo old)
In this video warren shows his understanding of direction change (Ha meaning left) stoping, returning to heel (Fuss), waiting for a heavy door to be opened, alerting and waiting to go down stairs, opening and then closing the door when asked. At the end he “pounces” on the handler (Angelica) this later was actually him telling her to sit down, as just after finishing this video the handler got very dizzy and had to sit down. He continued to be persistent with his alert “pounce” until the handler settled to the floor with warren who settled her with Deep pressure therapy.
Extenda leash ; I understand all the dangers behind the use of such leash. At the time of which I trained this dog I had already had my own run ins with issues with this leash. But, I also understand how benifitial I can be when working with dogs myself. Because I fully understand the issues with it I am very careful when using this type of leash. I do not recommend anyone using this leash without proper understanding of the damages it can do, but I an not a trainer whom is 100% against it either. I believe, just like any tool, not every tool is meant for every team, but some tools that one team cannot use, another team can use very sucessfully. [Such as any tool ; Prongs, E-Collars, Slip Collars, Flay Collars, Head halters, Etc]