Walking Paws Rehab

Walking Paws Rehab We are speciality practice that focuses on injuries and mobility ailments.

At Walking Paws Rehab we strive to help pets through physical therapy and pain management. We diagnose and treat many conditions including neurologic, orthopedic, and soft tissue injuries.

Remember Kiwi the foster pup posted this past winter?Our clinic and Miss Kiwi was featured in a recent article in the AK...

Remember Kiwi the foster pup posted this past winter?

Our clinic and Miss Kiwi was featured in a recent article in the AKC Family Dog Magazine!

Check the article out copied in our bio and learn more on how to safely teach and use a wheelchair for your pet!

Our doctors are dedicated to continuing education in advancing their skills for your pet. This weekend Dr. Courtney trav...

Our doctors are dedicated to continuing education in advancing their skills for your pet.

This weekend Dr. Courtney travelled to Springfield, Missouri to the Canine Rehabilitation headquarters to advance her skills in Myofascial techniques.

She cannot wait to bring her skills back to Boulder to further help your pet!

We are hiring! With more doctors on the way and extended hours in our future we need more help! Email info@walkingpawsre...

We are hiring! With more doctors on the way and extended hours in our future we need more help! Email [email protected] if you are interested in making a difference in pet’s lives.


Reggie is currently being treated for suspected intervertebral disc disease which is causing him weakness in the hind limbs and back pain. 🐾

At Walking Paws Rehab, the first thing we focus on when a patient with IVDD comes in is decreasing pain and swelling around the site of injury. We then focus on relaxing the muscles surrounding the spine. Rehab techniques are focused on bringing back sensation and proprioception. Once proprioception is improved we work on stability. We start with positional balance exercises and then progress into dynamic movements. We focus on retraining transitions and taking appropriate steps. Lastly, we focus on rebuilding the stabilizers in the spine to prevent future injuries. We can also help make recommendations for assistive devices for your pet, such as booties or carts based on their needs.

If your patient has intervertebral disc disease we have many therapies and supportive devices that can help. At Walking Paws Rehab we have helped thousands of patients with back pain. We have successfully helped many patients go from being paralyzed to walking again. Visit https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to schedule an appointment today! 📲

Wheelchair: Walkin' Pets


Our stretching program will help your patient's muscles feel better! We are skilled at finding trigger points in muscles, determining which muscles are tight, and how to safely stretch each muscle.🐾

At Walking Paws Rehab, we will also teach the patient's owners how to perform these stretches at home.

Help your patient get back to their favorite activities! Visit https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to schedule an appointment and get them moving again.📲

Maggie before and after her massage! 💤Our skilled certified massage therapists will help your pet with any sore areas! W...

Maggie before and after her massage! 💤

Our skilled certified massage therapists will help your pet with any sore areas! We guarantee you will be impressed with the level of care your pet will receive in their massage session.

Schedule an appointment for your pet at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ 📲


Our patients are real athletes! 🐕

We have many different types of rehab equipment that we have our patients use, and Fell is showing you how it is done!

By asking a pet to perform a certain exercise, we help them build a specific muscle, improve their range of motion to a joint, improve their balance, or retrain them to walk! 🐾

Do you have a patient who would benefit from physical therapy? Visit https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to schedule an appointment today!📲



We get that sometimes things seem much easier when you have a friend by your side🦮🐕‍🦺

From moral support to a workout buddy, we have a strong belief that best friends who rehab together stay together! 🐾

2 things you should know about our patient Cheese: 1. He loves treats and snacks2. When Dr. Allison performed hanging sp...

2 things you should know about our patient Cheese:

1. He loves treats and snacks
2. When Dr. Allison performed hanging spinal traction on him, he loved it immediately!

Hanging spinal traction is a great way to stretch out each vertebrae in the spine. It’s also a great way to stretch the hip flexors. Not meant for all injuries, but perfect for Cheese!

Walking Paws Rehab is a unique practice that offers many advanced therapies to help your pet. Our consults are all-inclusive. Every appointment is different and tailored to what your pet needs that day, allowing us to advance your pet towards moving comfortably again.🐾

Visit https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to schedule an appointment with us today! 📲


Oscar has lumbosacral disease and elbow arthritis, and part of his treatment plan includes walking backward on the underwater treadmill. 💧

Oscar LOVES treats. ✨

In fact, he learned that he can still get treats if he walks backward-- even if the Walking Paws team has turned off the treadmill and is draining the water. 🐾

"Work smarter, not harder" is his motto! 😅

Dr. Allison is helping Gidget practice her step stretch!This movement is an active stretch for the hip flexors (sartoriu...

Dr. Allison is helping Gidget practice her step stretch!

This movement is an active stretch for the hip flexors (sartorius and quadriceps). Step stretch is great for pets with luxating patellas. Often the hip flexors get very taught secondary to a luxating patella. Taut sartorius and quadriceps can lead to worsening of patella luxations. So it’s very important to keep those muscles relaxed in order for the patellas to stay in place. 🐾

Gidget came into Walking Paws Rehab because she has a medial luxating patella on her right side, has surgery scheduled for a medial luxating patella on her left side, and has hip dysplasia on her left side as well. This stretch is great for all 3 conditions.

Do you have a patient who is showing signs of medial luxating patella or hip dysplasia? Walking Paws Rehab can help create a treatment plan for your patient, whether that involves surgery or not. Visit the link in our bio to schedule an appointment! 📲



Kyleigh wanted you to join her for her day at Walking Paws Rehab! ✨

She originally came to us with bilateral elbow dysplasia, but she currently is pain-free! Her physical therapy now is to make sure the pain doesn't return through a maintenance program. 🐾

She started this particular day with a stone massage and ended it with mobility training.

Do you have a patient with muscle or joint pain? Schedule an appointment with us by visiting https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/! 📲

Walking Paws Rehab is seeing double! 👯‍♀️Yes! We hired identical twin doctors! Dr. Amelia and Dr. Shelby both joined the...

Walking Paws Rehab is seeing double! 👯‍♀️

Yes! We hired identical twin doctors! Dr. Amelia and Dr. Shelby both joined the Walking Paws team earlier this year. When we discovered Dr. Amelia had a twin who was a veterinarian in rehab too we jumped at the opportunity to recruit her onto our team. We love them both! Both worked in rehab for many years. Both are extremely caring, dedicated, and spend a lot of time learning. ✨

They motivate each other and share their knowledge freely. It’s been amazing seeing how they support each other to become the best doctors they can be! 🐾


Walking Paws Rehab celebrated a very special 15th birthday for one of our patients, Louis, last week! 🎉

We are so happy he decided to spend part of his day with us and we just had to share how handsome he looked in his crown! 👑

Thank you Kristi and Louis for your kind words! ⭐We love working with Louis and if we are being honest, we don't want hi...

Thank you Kristi and Louis for your kind words! ⭐

We love working with Louis and if we are being honest, we don't want him to leave at the end of his sessions either!🤩


Ruffian is recovering from Medial Epicondylitis which gives him joint pain.

One of the methods we use to help relieve the pain is acupuncture! Ruffian has learned that acupuncture time also means snack time, so he does not mind it! He also likes his ear muffs to calm him. 🤩

Do you have a patient suffering from back disorders, neuropathies, muscle tightness, urinary incontinence, and f***l incontinence? Acupuncture can help! Schedule an appointment today at thttps://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ 🐾

Sometimes you just need a little support from your family 💖Bailey has the best little support system cheering her on in ...

Sometimes you just need a little support from your family 💖

Bailey has the best little support system cheering her on in the underwater treadmill! Bailey has been coming to see us since we first opened our doors. She has a treatment room dedicated to her with her name on it and a giant portrait on the wall. We love seeing her role change from baby in the family to big sister! 🐾

Does your pet need help getting moving again? Schedule an appointment with us at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/


Walking Paws Rehab offers spa services for pets that are so good your pet might just fall asleep! 💤

Our skilled certified massage therapists can tailor a massage session to your pet’s sore areas.

Massage benefits include:
- Reduced pain and dysfunction
- Reduced tension of muscles and fascia
- Improved mobility
- Increased circulation
- Physical and emotional relaxation
- Comfort with physical touch
- Reduced risk of injury
- Improved skin and coat quality

Schedule a massage for your pet at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ 🐾

Join us for lunch or dinner for a training session on techniques, home programs, and exercises for common injuries! 🐾Sch...

Join us for lunch or dinner for a training session on techniques, home programs, and exercises for common injuries! 🐾

Schedule a 1-hour training for your clinic by emailing [email protected]


At Walking Paws Rehab we treat a wide range of conditions and injuries.

Sierra came in with an unstable ankle. We diagnosed a lateral collateral ligament tear that would cause her ankle to collapse outward. You can see her confidence and ability to move improve when we utilized an Orthopets Tarsal wrapped joined with custom built stays that we molded on her injured ankle! 🐾

If you notice that your patient has been limping, has an unstable joint, is getting weaker, slowing down, or exhibiting pain we can help you narrow down what is going on and what to do about it. Schedule an appointment today at the link in our bio📲

OrthoPets: Orthotics and Prosthetics for Animals

Thank you, Katee and George, for your kind words! 🐾Our team of specialists works closely with your veterinarian to ensur...

Thank you, Katee and George, for your kind words! 🐾

Our team of specialists works closely with your veterinarian to ensure the best care for your loved one. We pride ourselves in a team approach amongst all caregivers, including you, in deciding what's best for your pet. Our goal is to help you reach your goal for your pet.

Schedule an appointment at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/


Wheelchairs can be incredibly helpful for pets with amputations, paralysis, or paresis (weakness).🦽

At Walking Paws Rehab we can assist you with picking out the best custom wheelchair for your pet. Our team of specialists will measure for the right size and work closely with the manufacturer to design an appropriate fitting wheelchair! Once we are sure it's a perfect fit, we will help your pet adjust to their new wheels! 🐾

Schedule an appointment at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to see if your patient could benefit from using a wheelchair! 📲

Walkin' Pets Eddie's Wheels for Pets


Have you ever heard of ✨Barkour✨? It's like parkour but for dogs!

Here are some of our patients showing you how it's done! They are making their exercises look like a walk in the park. 🐾

If you have a patient who needs rehabilitative care, schedule an appointment at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/📲

OrthoPets: Orthotics and Prosthetics for Animals & FitPaws


Louie came to us with Hip Dysplasia.🐾

Hip dysplasia is an abnormal development of the hip joint that usually occurs bilaterally. It is most commonly seen in large and medium-breed dogs.

While we treat pets with Hip Dysplasia, we know the importance of keeping their back legs strong and powerful! Here, Louie is showing us just how strong his back legs are with the promise of peanut butter for doing fast sit to stands.

Does your patient have hip dysplasia? Schedule an appointment at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ today! ✨

We want to introduce our newest team member, Dr. Amelia! 🐾Before pursuing her veterinary degree she worked at a canine p...

We want to introduce our newest team member, Dr. Amelia! 🐾

Before pursuing her veterinary degree she worked at a canine physical therapy clinic and fell in love with the positive and healing energy that it provided to her patients. She then continued with veterinary school with the aim of becoming a specialty rehab veterinarian.✨

Dr. Amelia was recruited onto the Walking Paws Rehab team from California and has been such a joy to work alongside! She is an amazing listener and will take the time to understand everything that is going on with your pet. 💖

Welcome, Dr. Amelia! 🎉


Katie's journey began with a sudden, life-altering event—she was struck by a bullet, leaving her paralyzed, and her mobility completely compromised. As she arrived at our clinic from the Boulder Humane Society, her left front leg had no function.

Determined to rewrite Katie's story, we knew we could help her, offering our expertise pro bono. We jumped into her case, leaving no stone unturned on her road to recovery.

Three months have passed, and the transformation is nothing short of miraculous. Katie now defies limitations with progress that blows us away! We are so proud of the remarkable strides she's made!

If you have a patient with similar injuries, schedule an appointment with us at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/. We would love to help! 🐾


Look at Ellie go! She was so eager that we had to add a bumper! 👏

Walking in the underwater treadmill is utilized to promote strength building without having to load an injured limb or sore joint. 🐾

This service is great for patients with arthritis, hip or elbow dysplasia, cruciate ligament injuries, and many other conditions!

Don't hesitate to schedule an appointment for any of your patients that you believe may benefit from the underwater treadmill or other rehabilitation services! Visit https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to schedule an appointment. ✨

Chasqui is being treated for multifocal severe arthritis and has been making incredible strides! 🐾After she walked in th...

Chasqui is being treated for multifocal severe arthritis and has been making incredible strides! 🐾

After she walked in the underwater treadmill, Dr. Courtney gave her the most incredible massage, and it just might put her to sleep! 💤

If you have a patient who needs treatment, Walking Paws Rehab is the place. Not only are we great at what we do, but we really, really care about our patients and will use unique solutions for your patient's injury in a compassionate way.

Schedule an appointment with us today at https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/


You know we love sharing photos of our patient's Doggles! But, do you know why we use them? 🥽

We use them to protect our patient's eyes during Laser Therapy, which can effectively treat injuries and conditions such as tissue injuries (including strains and sprains) and arthritis.

Do you have a patient that would benefit from Laser Therapy? Schedule an appointment by visiting https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/! 🐾


It may look like Ruffian is surfing, but he is actually hard at work.🐱

Here, Dr.Kerry is moving him back and forth to work on his balance, weight shifting, and firing of all his muscles around his elbow! 🐾

If you have a patient who may benefit from rehabilitation from our Walking Paws team, please visit https://www.walkingpawsrehab.com/ to schedule an appointment! 📲


649 South Broadway
Boulder, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm
Sunday 8am - 6pm




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