Strong Bond Dog Training

Strong Bond Dog Training ๐Ÿพ Relationship and Trust-based Dog Training. We help YOU become the LEADER your dog DESERVES.

Start your journey today by texting us at 720-515-7505 to learn more about our leadership and dog training programs. Our dog training programs are focused on building trust and connection, so that you and your dog can both live the life of your dreams. If you want to accomplish this while treating your dog with dignity, love, and respect, then this training program is for you!


Dogs help us live in the present moment.

They have a lot to teach us about slowing down, enjoying things fully, and never passing up a moment to soak in the sunshine.


Lumps will risk it for the biscuit. ๐Ÿฟโšก๏ธ


Everything your dog does communicates how they are experiencing life.

The more you see your dogโ€™s behavior as honest feedback, the more their decisions (good and bad) will transform into valuable information.

When you become a student of your dog, their authentic expression will help you course correct quickly and without frustration.

The Practice: Treat Everything Like an Experiment

Every dog is a puzzle. By making creative and conscious changes in your dogโ€™s life, then paying attention to how they adapt, you will start to get a sense for how your dog learns and what they need to be fulfilled.

Another way of saying this is, if what youโ€™re doing isnโ€™t working, try something different. If that doesnโ€™t work, keep experimenting until you discover something that does work.

Your dog has all the answers. Itโ€™s up to you to ask the right questions and listen to how they respond.




The secret to effective and easy dog training...? Is to always start by Looking to Yourself. ๐Ÿ‘€

You control everything in your dogโ€™s life.

Where your dog lives, what they eat, who their friends are (dog and human), the amount of exercise they get, and what learning opportunities they have, are all determined by you. When things are going well and when things are going poorly, the likelihood that your choices play a role in these outcomes is very high.

The Goal: Meet your dog's needs.

Since dogs have a wide variety of physical, mental, and social needs, if the life you are creating for them is not meeting these needs, your dog will begin to suffer and struggle. If you want to earn a leadership role in your pack, it is your job to create a fulfilling life for them.

The more your dog sees you as the source (rather than an obstacle) to what they need, the more they will want to be in a cooperative state with you.



"Contrafreeloading" is an observed behavior in which an organism, when offered a choice between provided food or food that requires effort to obtain, prefers the food that requires effort.

This means your dog will actually enjoy their food MORE if you make them "work" for it.

This could include asking them to do tricks before a meal, investing in a puzzle feeder, or playing "go find your food" before meal times.

Remember to have fun with it! ๐Ÿถ

Follow us for more relationship-based dog training. ๐Ÿ•


The 1st principle we teach people when they come to work with us is that a good leader LEADS BY BEING.

This is different than lead by example. That motto stays too surface level. It's only about your actions.

LEAD BY BEING is about who you are as a person. It goes a level deeper, which means it affects all of the decisions you make.

This matters to your dog because you are the source of everything in their life. Not only their food, their shelter, and basic needs. But you're their example of how to be in the world.

Can you be calm, patient, and listen well? If you can't... how can you expect your dog to be that way?

Are you brave, open minded, and generous? Not until you can embody these things can you expect your dog to even know what it looks like to be that way.

Want an awesome dog? Start with you. ๐Ÿ‘
Follow us for more relationship-based dog training.


Paws In Challenge โค๏ธ

Lumps will never not be "in". ๐Ÿ˜‚


Leadership is the process of earning your packโ€™s permission to influence their decisions.

Read that again.

The role of leader is given to those who make daily decisions which prove to their pack that they are capable and caring. True influence is only ever the consequence of demonstrating that you have your packโ€™s best interest at heart.

There is no finish line to leadership. It is an ongoing way of showing up in relationship to your pack that creates mutual trust and respect. If you are skipping this step and simply trying to gain influence with control, you arenโ€™t leading. Youโ€™re managing, and no person or dog wakes up in the morning looking forward to being managed.



Success is not about crossing an imaginary finish line. Nor is it solely about winning.

To become "success-full" means to have a life filled with a succession of attempts, both effective and ineffective, made in the direction of goals that matter to you.

This is why forming strong, healthy habits is so important. Goals are simply benchmarks that help us measure our progress and keep us moving forward.

Whether we achieve, or fail to achieve, a goal is an outcome based on a process. If I have a goal of losing weight but a habit of eating ice cream and pizza at every meal, no amount of goal setting will fix the problem. Even if someone manages to meet the goal of losing weight, but does not make a habitual change to their lifestyle, achieving this goal will not lead to sustainable improvements in their health.

When we say leadership is a process, this is what we're referring to. Taking one step forward, paying attention to how our pack changes as a consequence of that step, and making the proper adjustments based on what weโ€™ve learned.

Clients often ask us, โ€œHow long do I have to do the things youโ€™re teaching me?โ€ Our answer is always the same, โ€œFor as long as you care.โ€

Relationships donโ€™t ever reach a place where we can simply coast on the investments we made before. They are living, breathing experiences that require attention and effort in order to remain meaningful.


๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome to Strong Bond - an unconventional approach to dog training.๐Ÿ• OUR PHILOSOPHY- dogs should be treated with the ...

๐Ÿ‘‹ Welcome to Strong Bond - an unconventional approach to dog training.

- dogs should be treated with the same dignity, love, and respect as you would a child
- when people take responsibility for their decisions, that gives them the power to create a better life for their pack

- when you become aware of your beliefs, you then have the power to change them
- stop being a victim to your dog and instead step into your role as a confident leader

- we use gentle course corrections and positive reinforcement
- we are looking for the simplest and gentlest path to helping your dog understand its environment
- learn how to build trust and a strong bond with your dog

Everything we do is to help you grow into your role as leader of your pack. When you change and grow first, your dog is sure to follow your lead.

๐Ÿ™Œ Follow us for more trust and relationship-based dog training! - Alex, Christine, & Lumps

Beliefs can be a touchy subject for a lot of people. And a confusing one at first.But we believe (ha) that beliefs are a...

Beliefs can be a touchy subject for a lot of people. And a confusing one at first.

But we believe (ha) that beliefs are always playing a role in our lives, especially when it comes to our dogs.

What you BELIEVE about your dog and their behavior will determine how you RESPOND to those things.

So, wouldn't it make sense to start solving your problems at the root?

Still confused? Check out our latest blog post, "How Can You Change the Way You Think About and Relate to Your Dog?"

"When we begin to examine our pack challenges with the Relational Map, we can see that it is not our dogs' behavior that makes us respond the way we do, but our beliefs. When we begin to work on improving our beliefs we automatically begin to improve our relationship with our dogs."

โ€œWhen you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.โ€ - Max PlanckOver the course of the past two decades, while running a dog pack leadership program, and training countless therapy and psychiatric service dogs, I have encountered an endless variety of people, all with th...


Who else is obsessed with their fur baby? ๐Ÿ˜

It's such a blessing to see Lumps as a member of our family. To learn from her every single day.

She has so much forgiveness, passion, and love to give. Every day that we get to spend with her, we try to be more and more like her.

Follow us for more relationship-based dog training. ๐Ÿพ


Follow us for more relationship-based dog training advice and insights. ๐Ÿถ

Training is going to be most effective with your dog if you break it down into small steps.

"Look" is an essential part of our training curriculum and daily life with our dog, but we teach it a little differently!


Follow us for more relationship based dog training! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿถ

Timeouts aren't the best way to teach your dog (or your kid).

It threatens their secure attachment to you, and since they are dependent creatures, that can lead to more problems than the one it temporarily "solves".


What do you think about this guy? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Needless to say, we don't agree with him.

Dogs obviously have language. They communicate with each other, with us, and us with them every day.

And "this isn't helping"? What does that even mean? This video got over 19,000 likes...

We believe that dogs have feelings and truly do have a unique bond with humans.

It's a dream team 15,000 years in the making. Cue the sappy music. ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿพ


Be careful of the story you tell yourself about your dog.

If you believe your dog is not friendly, then you will probably only manifest more unfriendliness in them.

You should still take precautions if your dog is struggling, lets say, with dog aggression. We don't ever want to push our dogs into something they're not ready for or something that won't end up being a good experience for them.

BUT, if we realize our dog is struggling (like being confused about the threat of other dogs) yet believe there is more to them than that, like deep down really wanting some doggie friends, then there is something positive for your pack to move towards.

You give your dog the opportunity to change and grow, rather than being stuck in a story about who they are.

What unexamined stories do you tell about your dog? ๐Ÿค”


Dogs can feel jealousy. ๐Ÿ˜ก

This is because they are dependent social creatures.

However... if they feel secure about their place in your family, then you probably don't have anything to worry about if they smell another dog on you!

If you are meeting their needs and spending time with them, they are probably feeling confident as your #1 canine companion.

Do you think your dog acts jealous at times?

Take a moment and check in: have you been busy? have you spent less time with your dog this week? not gone on as many walks?

Your dog will tell you if they need more from you! You just have to listen.

๐Ÿ‘ Like, follow and comment questions below if you want more relationship based dog training.


What's your dog's favorite sport? โšฝ๏ธ

When you find the thing your dog loves, make time to do that thing!

Not only will it provide them with a sense of fulfillment, but hopefully, you also have fun with them in the process.

Lumps loves seeing her Kong ball come out, and she always tears it up out there!

She's probably a better soccer player than both of us. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Need a ball like this for your pup? Shop through our link in bio.


How would your dog do at the zoo? ๐Ÿ˜‚

We brought Lumps with us because dogs need novelty. Just like humans do.

Don't go on the same walk every day. Don't feed your dog the same food every day.

Mix things up. Do something really special every once in a while.

You'll have a happier dog because of it.


Believe it or not, but squirrel chasing can be made manageable!

If your dog has a high prey drive, then there's a 100% chance they want to chase tiny prey animals.

Most of the time, this desire is met with frustration, discouragement, and scolding.
But what if you flipped the script, where "chasing" was encouraged and even requested?

Teaching your dog to chase in a SAFE way is completely doable.

Yes, it requires a series of steps, but training that part is easy.

The significant part is realizing this is a need your dog has that isn't being met and you're capable of CHANGING that.

Once you and your dog go on regular, safe chase missions, it is way easier to ask them to NOT chase when it's not appropriate for them to do so.

Want to learn how to get started? Read our book on dog training leadership. Link in bio.

(No squirrels were harmed in the making of this video. ๐Ÿฟ)


Your dog deserves to eat real food. At least every once in a while...

We were spending about $100/month on a high-end, grain-free dog kibble.

Making this new REAL food blend has been about $120/month.

If spending $20 more a month means Lumps will feel better, go to the vet less, and live longer... we think it's worth it!

Where are some opportunities you could feed your dog some nutritious real food?

Even if it's as simple as adding bone broth to their kibble as a topper, it will make a difference!


Your dog needs their teeth brushed just like you do!

Whether it's through bones, chews, or actually toothbrush brushing, they will need you to provide this for them. (Unless they've already taken it upon themselves by chewing your furniture. ๐Ÿ˜‚)

This is an excellent and easy chance to practice doing something of service for your dog.

Lumps will actually request for her teeth to be brushed at times! It probably helps that we found a toothpaste she enjoys.
Check out the link in bio to see our preferred toothbrush and paste.


Never use fear or pain when training or guiding your dog.

You will only sacrifice the trust they have in you to maybe stop a behavior on the surface.

This doesn't mean your dog is now not scared of the thing. Now they are scared of you, too.

Who wants to see more positive dog training in the world?! ๐Ÿ‘‹


If you're a business owner, you NEED to read the book Made to Stick.

It's the best book we've ever read about clear communication, and it's inspiring us to go back through all of our messaging and do it again!

The work is never over when you own your own business. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Link in bio.


Baby it's cold outside... so put on warmer clothes! ๐Ÿฅถ

Even when it's cold and snowy, your dog needs to go on missions outside. How can you make this easier for yourself?

PUT ON WARMER CLOTHES. On you and your dog (if they need it).

We love Lumps' Ruffwear jacket. Link in bio.

Habit One is Look to Yourself. Figure out a way to make the cold more enjoyable so you can keep showing up for your dog. ๐Ÿ‘


Have you ever tried hiding treats for your dog around the house? Do it! Your dog will love it.

Mental stimulation + snack = โค๏ธ

YOUR DOG IS YOUR GURU. "Before you can be a great teacher, you must be a great student. As much guidance as you may have...


"Before you can be a great teacher, you must be a great student.

As much guidance as you may have to give to your dog, it is nothing compared to all the ways they can guide you.

This might seem counterintuitive, but here's the simple truth: you are the one with the big brain.

Your capacity to learn, grow, and adapt far exceeds your dogs'.

When you learn more from your dog than they learn from you, your life together will get a whole lot easier."

- The Hidden Habits of Highly Successful Pack Leaders

(book link in bio!)

JOIN US FOR THE CANINE CLASSIC FUN RUN!!! ๐Ÿ‘Ÿ๐ŸพThis year we will be representing at the MESA Fun Run & Walk in Boulder on S...


This year we will be representing at the MESA Fun Run & Walk in Boulder on Saturday April 28th.

It's for a great cause (all proceeds benefit MESA - Moving to End Sexual Assault) and there will be lots of cute pups!

If your dog does well with others, we encourage you to bring them along to support the cause.

After your race, swing by our table to say hi and grab a treat. ๐Ÿฆด

RESERVE YOUR SPOT FOR SPRING TRAINING!!!We currently have openings for our Leadership Foundations Program. This includes...


We currently have openings for our Leadership Foundations Program.

This includes the first 6 sessions on the ABC's of trust and communication.

Know someone else who could use this? Direct them to for more details!


Boulder, CO


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