I want to thank each and everyone of my friends, and I call you friends because you were all way more to me than a client. I want you all to know how much I have enjoyed working on your horses and seeing each of you, and how much I appreciate you all trusting me enough to work on your ponies. I have learned so much over the years and educated myself to be able to treat so may different issues in your horses from EPM to nerve damage or just suppling the muscles for them run harder. It has been a great 7 years of massaging and something that I am truly passionate about. I hope that I have also taught you all a thing or two about your riding partner. With all this being said, and as many of you know I have lupus. I am not going to be able to continue working on these beautiful creatures anymore. It is taking a toll on my body. Most people do not realize it, but massaging horses takes a lot out of you. And my body just isn’t hanging like it used too. This breaks my heart, but I have to take care of myself first. I will refer all my clients out to two very nice ladies that I know, Caitlyn Colley and Melissa Simmons. Also please reach out to my dear friend Susie Luschar with Bemer. I can not tell you all enough how amazing it is. I love each and everyone of y’all and thank you again for the many years of your support.