Sweet Gallie had her babies this past weekend with 4 healthy puppies born! 2 males and 2 females. Gallie worked hard and was supported by the best team (Joe and Tanya Lair) who were with her through this big first-time experience for her. She didn’t need surgical intervention (thankfully!) and is already taking such good care of her babies; feeding, cleaning, snuggling and loving them.
We look forward to watching these sweet four as they grow and develop .☺️
It looks like all these babies will be spoken for 🩷💙
#grizzlygoldens #goldengirlsadventures #bozemanmontana #bozemangoldens #europeangoldens #tinypaws
Merry, the magnificent mama!! She’s a much beloved girl that lives with our Bozeman branch family, Joe and Tanya Lair and where the babies were born (on Thanksgiving ) and are currently living.💗💙 We couldn’t all be prouder of her in how incredible she’s doing with being a new mother. She’s a natural and is nurturing and proud of her babies. From what the vet said at ultrasound appointment, we were expecting a smaller litter only to be surprised with the standard Golden Retriever litter size of 10 beautiful and healthy babies. 4 pretty girls and 6 handsome boys. These babies should be a nice apricot-honey golden, not quite as dark as Merry or as blonde as the sire, Cartier who is a cream Golden with a Europe lineage. Now that we have a gender headcount, it looks like there will be a few spots for those interested in the possibility of this litter being a match. We expect very intuitive, responsive puppies with a balanced and confident demeanor and very sweet, affectionate natures that want to be your cuddle buddy but also love to swim, play fetch and hike. Puppies will be going home the end of January 2024. 💙 #grizzlygoldens #goldenretrieversofmontana #bozemangoldens #missoula #missoulagoldens #Bozeman #mom #bozemanmontana #missoula #missoulamontana #goldenretrievers #goldenpuppy #puppylove #health #healthandtemperment #field #fieldandshow #merryandcartier #happygirlsaretheprettiest
The Montana Rivers litter is the decided upon theme for our Mochi x Griz litter 🏞️ The boys: Yellowstone, Clark Fork, Boulder, Jefferson and Bighorn. The girls: Ruby, Madison, Kootenay, Gallatin, Missouri and Swan. These sweethearts have had a lot of new big experiences from 3-4 weeks. A few new things include; senior center visit, outside time in the yard, exploring new parts of the house, snuggle sessions with waiting families and learning to use a litter box in their space. We are so proud of how they are learning, growing and creating positive connections with these new experiences. They are so impressionable at this stage and we will greatly impact their future responses to new experiences based on how they’re introduced now. They are such beautiful babies.💙💗 only one female spot left in litter. If you want to see if this litter would be the right match, fill out our application (link in bio) and we’ll get connected.🤗••#grizzlygoldens #goldengirlsadventures #missoula #bozeman #goldenretrieverpuppies #healthandtemperamentfirst #thrivingnotsurviving #bigsteps #stepintofall
🦸♀️Spotlight moment for Brunnhilde and Black Widow from the Super Hero litter! They are picking up on manding (offering positive behaviors) and those treats and getting lovins are rewarding. Talitha and Jairus can’t get enough of being part of the process and the puppies learn to respond to smaller people too. We are so proud of these girls and how much they’ve already experienced and how quickly they’re continuing to learn. #8weeks #superheroes #missoulapuppies #montanagoldens #happygirlsaretheprettiest
New experiences and learning how to communicate! Master Night and Miss Day are stars of this show with Talitha being the mini trainer in the making. She so loves this! So proud of these cuties🤗
#5weeks #goldenretrieverpuppies #grizzlygoldens #missoulapups #montanagoldens
The Ice Cream Litter 🍨 🍦🍧 Yuki x Zev = 8 puppies, 6 females and 2 males. 💗💙
We are delighted to have a wonderful, dedicated and experienced family (👋Hello Joe and Tanya Lair )as part of our Grizzly Goldens branch family. With more hands and hearts on deck, all our puppies will have the exceptional upbringing that gives each puppy an enrichment-filled time before going to their new homes. From giving extra TLC to mama before birth and supporting her through whelping to introducing new sights, sounds, smells and objects to each puppy, we have a lifestyle that helps our pups be confident and well-adjusted before embarking on their new journeys. Because of having more experienced people joining us, we will have more litter options to offer at different times of the year without such a long waiting time. Be on the lookout for stunning Golden puppies from the top European bloodlines to both American field and show lines this summer and fall. We will continue to have the same high standards with health testing prior to breeding and a commitment to preserve and breed to the betterment of these incredible Goldens we all love. If you’re ready to start your Golden journey, fill out an application today! Link in profile.
#grizzlygoldens #goldengirlsadventures #missoula #bozeman #montana #goldenbreeders #ethicalbreeder #puppyculture #enrichment #goldenretriever #goldenretrieverpuppies #healthandtemperamentfirst #englishcreamgoldenretriever #europeangoldenretriever #healthtesteddogs #positivereinforcement #wellsocialisedpuppy
We give to you: Night and Day, our Maui x Yogi litter of two at two weeks of age. 🌚🌞(both reserved) contact Grizzly Goldens for info on other summer litters.
#grizzlygoldens #european #americanshow #fieldgoldenpuppy #goldenretrievers #retrievers #goldenretrieverpuppy #missoulamt #missoula #montana #montanagoldenretrievers #twoweeks
Our #Cupcakelitter 🧁 during week 5. They are a joy to so many, living up to the sweetness of their mama who would’ve been so proud of her beautiful babies!
We have enjoyed many visits from the lovely families who will be bringing home their babies soon! (All puppies have wonderful homes waiting for them)
#grizzlygoldens #goldenretriever #goldenretrieverpuppy #missoula #montana #goldensofmissoula
Our sweet and beautiful litter from Yogi x Cupcake are little fighters and at 2 1/2 weeks of age they are moving around a lot with eyes open and drinking all that milk like crazy. It’s like they must want mama’s memory to live on in them because these puppies are thriving and growing under the watchful care of surrogate mama Maria (the adult Golden pictured )and her wonderful human who has been bottle feeding these chunkers. Little butterballs I call them💙💗 We are so grateful to see bright futures ahead of each of these precious sweethearts!
Photo credits go to Lou💗
#grizzlygoldens #littlefighters #survivors #2weeks #missoula #montana #goldensofmissoula #iggoldens #lifeisbeautiful #preciouspuppy
Our precious Cupcake x Yogi litter arrived a week ago. There are 8 healthy, beautiful babies. This was a much anticipated litter for those of us excited about a Cupcake baby. She is the sweetest girl who has already been an exceptional mama before nurturing her babies so well. To need an emergency c-section at night (puppy stuck trying to come out wrong) to only lose her the next morning due to internal bleeding post surgery was the biggest shock and devastation to us all. It still feels like it couldn’t be possible. She was only 4, healthy, had a great pregnancy giving those big Golden smiles like she was so proud of being a mama again only to have this opportunity cut short for her. 😭We have been doing all we can to help these babies thrive and have had a kind and knowledgeable breeder friend who has decades of experience who is helping with the bottle feeding and who has the sweetest mama Golden who, although doesn’t have puppies, still loves to mother and clean babies not her own. This has given these babies that canine nurturing that is so beneficial and we’re already seeing weight gains doubling as these babies are thriving. We are so grateful for the puppies having this in their lives during the next couple weeks. I look forward to seeing our sweet Cupcake’s personality shine through in her babies as they grow and mature, I know I’ll be looking.💗
Introducing The Original 6 - (in Hockey teams ) It’s so fun to see what our puppy families suggest and vote on for each litter’s name theme. I would’ve never thought of such a fun unique theme!
(I’ll post their individual photos soon) -All puppies are spoken for-
I love when we start seeing those cute and clumsy interactions between littermates and their little selves beginning to explore in their surroundings. One of the boys really likes to curl up in empty food dishes too😂
#grizzlygoldens #goldenretrievers #goldensofmontana #goldenretrieverpuppies #mygoldenpuppy #goldenlove #puppylove #original6hockey #missoula #montana #montanalife #puppysnuggles #wobbles
Angel’s babies, 1 week and milk hogs.❤️😉 These 8 are definitely getting their fill.😅
(A bit late with sharing these photos here as they are 1.5 weeks now) So happy for everyone who is awaiting their puppy from this litter, they will be so special!
#grizzlygoldens #puppies #goldenretrievers #retrieverlove #nickandangel #europeangoldenretriever #healthandtemperment #missoula #montana