On January 23, Carol Allen rescued a turkey vulture who had taken refuge in a garbage can. It was cold and freezing that night so they had put blankets over the garbage can and trapped him in there so that we could get him easily. He had hit his face on something and was bleeding quite a bit out of his nose and we were able to get that all better and after a couple weeks in the flight cage, he is flying beautifully, and today was released Pretty close to where it was picked up. The birds that you see in the air in the video are his buddy's no doubt. #VultureRelease #RaptorCenterOfTampaBay #TurkeyVultureGoesFree.
Opossum goes free today in Lithia. After several months in rehabilitation, this little boy opossum went free with a soft release. What we mean by that is he will be provided with some supplemental food for the next few days maybe weeks while he learns the ropes of the wild. Good luck little buddy out there. #RaptorCenterOfTampaBay #wildliferescue #opossumrelease #misunderstoodmarsupial
Great Horned Owlet
We got a call from a good Samaritan yesterday that was at a park that an owl had fallen out of the nest onto the ground. The call came in as a barred owl and they were told by somebody that said they were a Ranger to leave the bird on the ground. It would get back up on the tree. Even though this bird looks big, it can't fly yet and although barred owls are great at climbing trees, great horned owls, not as much. We quickly called Moto Mike Who came right over. He had actually installed the platform several years ago
Sometimes when we have Owls that need to go back up, our Tree Climber team are busy. People try to encourage me to find someone else. Mike got tagged by the adult. Owl who actually grabbed him on the back a couple times. The reason we use Mike as he is very experienced, understands what can happen and doesn't flip out when it does! Our hats go off to Moto Mike and Heidi who are at our Beckond call all nesting season putting these babies back up. Using someone experienced is really critical, especially with these big owls. Their parents frequently attack during nesting and lets us know that they're defending their children and will teach them well!
If you like what we do, please send a donation the donation link is in the comments we are on PayPal, zeffy, Zelle, Cash app, Venmo, and of course good old-fashioned cash, and checks always works. Any donations made today will go directly to our tree climbers to help them through this season. Gas is expensive. Their time is expensive and it takes them away from working to make money. So if you like what Mike and Heidi do in the trees with the birds, please throw some cash our way, and we will intern be able to reimburse them. Any donations made today will go to reimburse our tree climbers for all of the time that they stop what they're doing and jump on the spur of the moment to help these babies. There will be a direct link in the comments, but you can donate through zeffy, Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, Cash app a
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Happy Thursday! Let's have some fun! Captions this! We'll go first!
#raptorcenteroftampabay #wildliferehab #animalrehab #captionthis
If you follow us regularly, you may remember the American Kestrel that was shot? She has made a full recovery and was released to the wild this afternoon by Becky Willis, who rescued her. #raptorcenteroftampatampabay #kestrelrelease #icansavetheplanet
Another red shoulder hawk went free today. This one in Valrico. Was picked up in September and had a broken wing. Fully healed and successfully flying, It was returned to the Wild today #RaptorCenterOfTampaBay #Donate #HawkRelease #BluePearlveterinary specialist
We received a call on December 5 from Mike in Lake Wales, who had rescued a bald eagle on his property. We then contacted Cathy and Lloyd Terry, who were at Bok Tower, and they were able to collect the bird and assist in its transportation to the Raptor Center of Tampa Bay. Following an initial examination, the bird was sent to the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey, where a fractured scapula was identified. After a period of rest and rehabilitation, the bird was released back into the wild today by Mike, who had initially rescued it. The release took place at Bok Tower. Have a great long life, buddy! The video was taken by Cheryl from the Audubon Center for Birds of Prey. #Auduboncenterforbirdsofprey #boktower #RaptorCenterOfTampaBay #EagleRelease
Today, Alondra Conseco, an animal control officer from Polk County, had the privilege of releasing a red-shouldered hawk. This hawk was admitted on September 30 in an unconscious state. Lloyd and Cathy provided initial assessment assistance, while Schulyer Long facilitated its transportation. We extend our gratitude to Cathy Terry and Lloyd for their role in facilitating the hawk's release back to its native area. he also give a big shout out to Kim Billy, and Suzy, our flight team. Cathy Terry Billy Young Photography Susan Buchanan
Update: thanks to Kat harnest the squirrel got a ride. Do you know that today is national squirrel appreciation day? What better thing to do, if you love squirrels, than to transport this little squirrel from Brandon to St Pete to another rehab. Hopefully the rain here locally will pass soon. If you can help, please text Nancy at 813-205-1851 #BabyNeedsARide #squirrelrescue #RaptorCenterOfTampaBayBay
Three barred owls were returned to the wild tonight. These are the last strugglers from last year that we had that were left. They have all been together since they came into captivity and were all released together tonight. Godspeed little buddies we know you can catch live prey well and fly well. We've done our best now it's up to you! Thank you Selena and your whole family for helping release them. #barredowlrelease #RaptorCenterTampaBay #WildlifeRescue.
This immature Bald Eagle from January 2 from Clearwater that was rescued by Birds In Helping Hands, assisted by Tampa Bay raptor rescue, treated and transported by the raptor center of Tampa Bay, and rehabilitated by the Audubon center for Birds Of Prey, who returned it to this area and it was released by our own Kat Harnest today in Balm. This video is from Cheryl at the Audubon center for Birds Of Prey. Enjoy! #AudubonCenterForBirdsOfPrey #RaptorOfTampaBay