Okay. Let's Cuddle. 🐾 I need someone to scoop this delightful boy up, and never let him go. You Wont regret it. Message me right now! #polarbear
This bunch is all settled in for the night. Maisy's delivery went off without a hitch!! And Robert and I are off to bed at last!! 🤗😍😴
Keeping Maisy comforted. It is time.... 😇
Six Little Reindeer.. and their Mamma(s). 🦌 (sorry for the background noise.. UPS is delivering a package- therefore the dogs are losing their minds, lol).
(Tiny) Dancer. 🦌 Petite and Quiet and Calm, (at least so far, haha). I'm waiting for her Velociraptor phase to begin. Her face is so round and Adorable.
Dasher. Male. Black as Night, save for his back toes, lol. Super inquisitive and brave already. Dasher The Explorer. 🦌
I tell Robert often that Copper Potato is my boyfriend. There's absolutely no sweeter boy on the planet.🥰😍😍
I graduated my Six tiny reindeer a week earlier than normal. Six Growing Littles in a small box, (although safe and snug and warm), can sometimes feel a little cramped as they start moving around a lot more. So I upped the warm amd toasty blankets, and they still have their heating pad and warming lamp nearby. They are sure to be EXTRA brave in half the time.. These little faces are all just absolutely precious.
Active little ones.. sleek as tiny seals.
New Things are Fun Things.
Look at (Tiny) Dancer. 🥰😍 They opened their eyes yesterday and the cute factor goes through the roof!
Polar is crying because his God Mamma, Winter Bliss (Mamma Bella's BFF), won't play with him right now.. lol. Poor Bug.