Cherry Time
Open Wednesday - Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM
๐1875 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA 94513
๐$4.00 per pound - Cash Only
๐Types of Cherries:
Rainier & Bing (Entrance B)
Lapins & Sweethearts start Saturday (Entrance A)
๐ No Entry Fees - Pay for what you pick.
๐No Animals or picnics
๐Entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.
More information on our website linked in the bio.
#brentwood #upickcherries #BetterInBrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #brentwoodcherrytime #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodca #upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #upickcapital
Cherry Time
Open Wednesday - Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM
๐1875 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA 94513
๐$4.00 per pound - Cash Only
๐Types of Cherries:
Rainier, Brooks, Bing & Corals (Entrance B)
Lapins (Entrance A)
๐White Peaches Entrance A Saturday & Sunday
๐ No Entry Fees - Pay for what you pick.
๐No Animals or picnics
๐Entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.
More information on our website linked in the bio.
#brentwood #upickcherries #BetterInBrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #brentwoodcherrytime #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodca #upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #upickcapital
Rainier Cherries are ready!
Cherry Time
Open Wednesday - Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM
๐1875 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA 94513
๐$4.00 per pound - Cash Only
๐Types of Cherries:
Rainiers & Corals (Entrance B)
Entrance A is currently picked out
and will reopen soon
๐ No Entry Fees - Pay for what you pick.
๐No Animals or picnics
๐Entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.
More information on our website linked in the bio.
#brentwood #upickcherries #BetterInBrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #brentwoodcherrytime #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodca #upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #upickcapital
Fun for the whole family!
Make memories under the cherry trees.
Easy picking for the everyone.
Cherry Time
Open Wednesday - Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM
๐1875 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA 94513
๐$4.00 per pound - Cash Only
๐Types of Cherries: Royal Tiogas and Corals
๐ No Entry Fees - Pay for what you pick.
๐No Animals or picnics
๐Entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.
More information on our website.
Link in bio.
#brentwood #upickcherries #BetterInBrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #brentwoodcherrytime #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodca #upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #upickcapital
Wednesday - Sunday
9 AM - 5 PM
๐1875 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA 94513
๐$4.00 per pound - Cash Only
๐Picking Royal Tiogas
๐No Entry Fees or reservations
๐Pay for what you pick.
๐No Animals or picnics
๐Entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.
More information on our website.
Link in bio.
#brentwood #upickcherries #BetterInBrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #brentwoodcherrytime #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodca #upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #upickcapital
๐Opening Weekend๐
Saturday, May 11th - Sunday, May 12th
9 AM - 5 PM
๐1875 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA 94513
๐$4.00 per pound - Cash Only
๐ No Entry Fees - Pay for what you pick.
๐No Animals or picnics
๐Entrance closes at 4:45 p.m.
More information on our website.
Link in bio.
#brentwood #upickcherries #BetterInBrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #brentwoodcherrytime #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodca #upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #upickcapital
All the baby cherries are now pink!! ๐
#upickfarm #cherrypicking #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #brentwoodca #eastbay #harvestforyou #CherryPicker #cherrytimebrentwood #brentwoodcherrypicking #upickcapital
Baby cherries ๐๐
Can't wait to watch them grow!
#upickcapital #brentwoodca #betterinbrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #cherries #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #cherrypicking #brentwoodcherrypicking #brentwoodcherrytime
Checking on the baby cherries. Had to stop and admire the beauty of Mt. Diablo and the orchard or royal tioga cherries.
#upickcapital #brentwoodca #betterinbrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #cherries #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #cherrypicking #brentwoodcherrypicking #brentwoodcherrytime
Hello April!!
This is the most important month at our cherry farm. Buds are out and steams will form.
How fast will they grow?
That depends on how much sun and warm weather we have.
We expect to open in May.
#upickcapital #brentwoodca #betterinbrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #cherries #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #upickfarm #cherrypicking #brentwoodcherrypicking #brentwoodcherrytime
Our royal tioga cherry blossoms are full of bees. Making the cherries sweet. Did you know we sell our fields honey at checkout and at our market place.
Opening in a few months away!
#upickcapital #brentwoodca #betterinbrentwood #brentwoodcalifornia #cherries #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #brentwoodca #eastbay #cherrytimebrentwood
Our trees are bud's are starting to form blooms. We are about two weeks before our early varieties start to bloom. ๐ธ๐ธ๐ธ
#harvestforyou #cherrytimebrentwood #upickcherryfarm #upickcherry #brentwoodca #eastbay #upickcapital