Dear Pet Parents,
Since I know you're all animal lovers and are always looking for an opportunity to help our wild neighbors, I wanted to share about a fun, local event to help a local organization that helps protect wildlife around the world!
🦒Laughs for Giraffes🦒 on Thursday, October 5th (Yep, that's this Thursday) is a night of improv comedy and storytelling at Third Coast Comedy Club at the Marathon Music Works. The ticket sales will go to benefit WIldlife Investigators Training Alliance (WITA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit based right here in Brentwood.
The co-founders of WITA, Steph & Shawn Karns, are lifelong, committed wildlife conservationists and pet parents who have relied on Brentwood Pet Sitters for years while they travel for WITA's training in Africa 🌍
WITA is an alliance of experienced, dedicated wildlife conservationists who train and equip Rangers and Investigators across the world to fight the illegal wildlife trade. Since WITA was founded in 2018, they've coordinated the donation of nearly $400,000 of equipment and supplies for Rangers and Investigators and trained nearly 2,500 women and men on the frontlines of the global fight against illegal wildlife trafficking. You can find out more info about WITA at www.witatrain.org or on Facebook or LinkedIn. 🐘🦏🐆🐅
Tickets are only $13-20 and there's no obligation to contribute anything else!
It will be a fun time to raise money for and learn about WITA and the good work they do.
🤣Third Coast Comedy Club is the only brick-and-mortar comedy club in Nashville dedicated to improv comedy with improv shows every week and has won awards from "The Best of Nashville", The Tennessean, and Trip Advisor.
The address is 1310 Clinton St., Ste 121, Nashville, TN 37203
Doors open at 6 pm and the show starts at 7 pm. If you're interested, you can find more information about the event and buy tickets at: https://www.thirdcoastcomedy.club/event/you-had-to-be-there-storytelling-and-improv-comedy-hour-8/third-coast-comedy-club/.
You can also reach out to Steph or Shawn for more info at 615-210-2642.
WITA attacks transnational wildlife crime with Value Chain Wildlife Investigations Training. Scenario-based trainings and reciprocal teaching methods boost comprehension and eventual implementation of best practices.