Please take the time prior to posting on our page to read and understand the Facebook policy.
Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. (BAISR, LLC x MRI) established a Facebook account on
Friday, 01st March 2024 for the purposes of forming a mechanism of communicating between BAISR, LLC x MRI and the public. This policy is intended to address issues associated with Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. and provide guidelines for the use of this site. As a communication tool, Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. utilises its Facebook account as a LIMITED public forum to raise awareness, provide updates on services and outreach, disseminate relevant information, and share messages, updates, and business/industry/community messages.
The intended purpose of the Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. social media sites is to serve as a reliable communication mechanism to better provide the public with company, community, and industry messages.
Before posting a comment, please note Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. will review all comments after posting. Because this page is public and visible to persons aged twenty-one (21) years and older, the expectations of the company for the participants are to show respect, civility and consideration to all.
Therefore, information, posts, and comments containing any of the following forms of content are prohibited:
a) Profane language or content
b) Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, marital status, familial status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, source of income, or other protected status under applicable law
c) Inappropriate sexual content or links to inappropriate sexual content
d) Solicitations of commerce
e) Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity
f) Threats or support of violence of any kind
g) Private and confidential information
h) Information that may compromise the safety and security of anyone and/or property
i) Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party
j) Comments in support of, or opposition to, political campaigns or ballot measures
k) Personal attacks against any member of the public or an employee of this business, incite violence or are deemed inappropriate
l) Defame, bully, intimidate, abuse, harass, stalk, or violate the legal rights of others
m) Are off-topic or repeatedly contain the same content
Posts found with any of the above-mentioned content violations shall be deleted or “hidden”, and if the problem persists, the sender/poster will be blocked.
Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. disclaims any and all responsibility and liability for any material or content that BAISR, LLC x MRI deems inappropriate for posting. BAISR, LLC x MRI shall make efforts to remove said material in an expeditious and timely manner but disclaims liability if circumstances exist that prevent or hinder efforts to remove said materials.
DISCLAIMER: Bear Arms Indoor Shooting Range, LLC x MAD Rescue, Inc. does not endorse or support any advertising that may be posted by the social media host (Facebook/Meta Platforms, Inc.) on BAISR, LLC x MRI website. BAISR, LLC x MRI does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or safety of any third-party links.
Updated: Friday, 01st March 2024