Final Update: June 5, 2024- He was brought back anonymous ♥️ Praise the lord!!!
Update: 6/4/24 We had a K9 tracker out and he led us down Winton’s path. Then came back to the road and sat. His answer was clear Winton was taken at that spot. Hopefully someone will come forward with him.
I am making this post because I know using Facebook we can find him and get him to his new family. Yesterday I met a friend that transported Winton from Texas to Missouri. Last night around 8 he escaped at his destination for the night and is now missing. He is in the Clarksdale, Missouri area. If you know of any lost pets sites for that area please pass this along to their sites or contact me so I can post it directly.
Winton is 7 months old, he knows his name. He slipped his harness so he doesn’t have a collar on. He is a black headed tri Pembroke Welsh Corgi. He is of stout build and is still intact. He is great with kids, cats and other animals. I am sure right now he is just scared. He is a big eater so I bet when he gets hungry he will come to the first person that will offer him something.
My heart and my families hearts are broken right now. He was like a part of our family as all the kids had grown very attached to him when we found the right transport for him to Iowa. I know also that his family in Iowa is broken hearted as they wait in the unknown. Please please please pass this along. We all want him safe.